New Data Reveal Biden Administration’s Failure to Remove Over 99% of Released Illegal Aliens, Fueling Border Crisis Concerns
looking for a better life • news and pro-enforcement opinion
By D.A. King
By D.A. King
As someone who has dealt with the organized crime of illegal immigration every day for the last two decades, I never know how much information on the topic normal people see. So please forgive me if you have already seen any of this in “the news.” But I doubt it.
My friends at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington have posted an article that illustrates the fact that not all illegal aliens are entering the U.S. along the southern or northern border.
Over the past year, “more than 200,000 people from four countries” used a direct-flight parole program to enter the United States illegally, says Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Washington-based think tank devoted to researching immigration issues.
Those 221,456 illegal aliens are from Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. Bensman learned of the federal government’s “CBP One” mobile application parole program, which “permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether” through a Freedom of Information Request.
The Biden administration introduced the CBP One mobile app to illegal aliens as a way to schedule an appointment at a port of entry and be illegally paroled into the interior of the United States. (The acronym CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.) More at
The Biden Administration has directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to provide photo ID cards to illegal aliens it releases into the country. Leaked images show pictures of the proposed ID cards, which include a photo, identifying information, and security details.
The proposed IDs mock interior enforcement efforts and further normalize the existence of illegal aliens in the U.S. ICE launched the pilot program for these ID cards, called the Secure Docket Card Program, last year to provide illegal aliens with an ID card upon release into the U.S.A. See more at
Prediction: It’s only a matter of time before Democrats in state and local governments around the nation concoct justification for accepting the new “illegal ID” as valid for accessing public benefits – or maybe voter ID.
As of October 1, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services implemented expedited processing of Employment Authorization Documents (work permits) applications for inadmissible aliens that the Democrats running the White House illegally parole into the country using the CBP One app or through one of their new parole programs that are only available to nationals from certain countries. The agency will also begin issuing EADs with five-year validity periods instead congressionally approved two-year periods. More at
Republican stalwart and Gainesville radio show host Martha Zoller (WDUN- 9-11 AM weekdays) has repeatedly expressed her displeasure with yours truly for failing to forget Gov Brian Kemp’s many detailed 2018 promises on addressing “criminal illegals.” Zoller, a former Kemp staffer, also offers her audience an ‘expert’ explanation of why Kemp hasn’t moved on any of those promises; It’s because illegal immigration has increased so much since then. “He had to change his tactics” says Zoller who was appointed to the state school board by Kemp. She has promoted this idea more than once on the air and says discussing Kemp’s betrayal is “wasting time.”
Zoller is the Talker’s Magazine 2023 Woman of The Year. For those of us who remember Kemp’s campaign promises, she is advising her audience that Biden’s open borders have apparently made ending illegal sanctuary policies in Georgia, creating a public database of “criminal illegals” and sending legislation (“Brian Kemp’s Track and Deport Plan“) to the General Assembly to “update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons” an outdated, non-priority concept. Got it?
You read it here first – unless you have already seen my ‘Martha Zoller’ file at
By D.A. King
Gov. Brain Kemp announced the new “Georgia Match” program yesterday and various news outlets are busy reporting on the details of the new system for assuring high school students they have a college seat in the state’s public post secondary schools.
We hope they get it right when they tell people about the Hope Scholarship. And we hope all concerned note that somewhere north of 3000 illegal aliens graduate from Georgia’s high schools each year according to a now six-year-old stats from the New Yorker.
We assume that number is significantly higher now that Biden has invited 4-5 million illegals into the remains of the Republic.
Here is an example of our concern from reporter Jeff Amy at the Associated Press today in a story headlined “You’re admitted: Georgia to urge high school seniors to apply in streamlined process.”
At the end of Amy’s report is the following information on the Hope Scholarship:
“That’s where Georgia officials say the state’s HOPE Scholarship and HOPE Grant programs can help. The grant program pays for two years of technical college tuition for any high school graduate, as long as the student maintains a C average. There is also enhanced aid for students studying in career fields the state classifies as being in high demand.
The scholarship program pays for four years of college or university tuition for any student who graduates high school with a B average and maintains a B average in college (italics mine).
Amy and the left wing AP are telling people that Hope pays for “any high school graduate” and “any student.” I’ve seen similar wording in other reports
The Georgia Student Finance Commission has different “facts” on eligibility for the Hope scholarship. It’s first on the list of “basic requirements” – students must “meet U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizen requirements.”
What are those requirements?
“DACA recipients and undocumented students are ineligible for state and federal financial aid including the Pell Grant, loans and the Zell Miller & HOPE Scholarships” says the University of North Georgia resources page. We note the redundancy of their “DACA recipients and undocumented students.”
Shorter: Illegal aliens are not eligible for the Hope Scholarship. That includes the more than 3000 illegals graduate from Georgia high schools every year. Regardless of grades, not all high school graduates are eligible for Hope. Somebody his wrong here or we are missing something not at all obvious.
By D.A. King
I was able to listen to Martha’s show for about 15 minutes this morning. She did not disappoint. Yowsa.
In a discussion apparently revolving around the un-doing of the U.S. House Speaker yesterday, I heard Martha tell a caller, ( I think she framed it in a reference to Gov Kemp and his abandoned pledge on ending sanctuary cities in GA and creating a public database of criminal illegals and to “update Ga law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons” passing legislation to ) that “No politician ever keeps all of their promises. You have to look at their whole body of work.”
I winced at her obvious effort to convince her loyal and trusting listeners to ignore the fact that in addition to not keeping his word on illegal aliens in our state, Kemp is in violation of his oath office when he refuses to enforce the existing state laws on the above, one of which he passed out of his Senate Public safety Committee when he was chairman as a state senator in 2006 (SB 529).
A few minutes later I heard Martha end a conversation with a caller who was upset about broken promises by elected officials by saying “we gotta start keeping (maybe she said “making”) people accountable.”
In the next segment, I heard part of a segment in which Martha was interviewing GA Congressman Andrew Clyde, again pertaining to the Speaker issue in Washington. Clyde, a strong conservative, made it clear that in his mind (dealing Kevin McCarthy in the House) that “trust is a series of promises kept…” Unlike her own remarks made between guests, that quote is available in Zoller’s show clips. Clyde’s observation on promises is at 4:44 on the SoundCloud bar.
By D.A. King
“…he had to change his tactics…” (due to the massive increase of illegal immigration at the border).
Republican radio show host and former Kemp staffer Martha Zoller on why Gov. Brian Kemp has ignored his 2018 campaign promise on illegal immigration in Georgia and the “criminal illegals” he focussed on then. – On the air, 10:55 AM Monday, August 28, 2023
By D.A. King
About halfway through pecking out this post it occurred to me that Erick Erickson could well be on an appointed, long-term mission to set up acceptance of a “it’s not amnesty!” future senate floor vote or a pro-legalization plank in a 2026 GOP Senate campaign for Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. That’s how things are done here. If so, we suspect that the occasional, softer, less direct points from Kemp ally Martha Zoller on her Georgia radio show are part of the same plan.
Legalization for illegal aliens is amnesty for illegal aliens.
Original audio and transcript below.
In a September 28, 2023 (hour 2) broadcast (access entire show podcast here), Republican radio talker Erick Erickson broached the topic of legalization for illegal aliens and said he would support it. For experienced amnesty opponents who remember the 1986 debacle and the talking points from the many attempts at a repeat since then, there wasn’t much new in the Erick Erickson amnesty balloon.
Top of the list for Erickson amnesty are what the anti-enforcement mob has labeled “dreamers.” He put a “whose parents dragged them here 30 years ago…” qualification on it to get the sympathy ball rolling. We assume the “why not support amnesty for the children when many of the millions of illegal border crossers are bringing dreamer replacement children over the border literally every day now?” push will come after the 2026 Senate election.
Next in line for Erickson amnesty it’s (you may have seen this coming)…the parents. In Erickson’s amnesty balloon the eligibility period of avoiding enforcement of immigration law for consideration is 40 years.
Essentially, Erickson is promoting the now worn and ridiculous concept that there are somehow illegal aliens in the U.S. who have not violated any other American laws other than “existing” here. And that amnesty for the illegals who have easily managed to be “undocumented workers” for a long period of time a viable solution to the problem.
Erickson threw in the worn and ridiculous concept that amnesty-again would be a demonstration of “humanity” if the border was secured and somehow “the number of illegal crossings go down to zero” (which is impossible – note to Erickson: run, don’t walk to arrange a trip to the southern border with expert guidance). Again, the early eligibility period example in his amnesty float is for illegals who dodged enforcement for 40 years – and apparently who produced kids.
I suspect that Erickson promotes the idea of legalization without a path to citizenship being fully aware that about ten minutes after any such legalization legislation was signed into law the corporate-funded leftists would be back to screaming in the streets of the remains of the Republic carrying pre-printed placards demanding “citizenship for all!” yada-yada. But, omitting this idea does likely help serve to keep the fact that amnestied illegal aliens do not vote for Republicans and legalization does not produce many new GOP votes out of the equation for a while.
I would go on Erickson’s show and offer a fact-filled, pro-enforcement response but he has my phone number blocked and will not put me on the air when I do get through to his call screener using another number.
A few more pesky and very basic facts Erickson has so far kept from his easily-led Republican listeners – most of whom in Georgia are trusting and immigration-ignorant, “we’ll follow you anywhere” Kemp Republicans. Note to new readers, this is not a complimentary term.
Related: DHS Reports Record Number of Visa Overstays in 2022
Erickson’s amnesty balloon is aimed at the most willingly ignorant amongst the Republicans and is apparently the beginning of the beginning of what we suspect is the long-haul effort to have Republicans (especially Kemp Republicans in Georgia) warmed up for a future amnesty push.
Erick Erickson:
“… for those of you who take that position, you need at an intellectually honest level to say, “What about the kids whose parents dragged them here 30 years ago when they were one or two years old and now they’re in their thirties, do we deport them or do we find a way to keep them here?” That’s one of the big immigration arguments. And I’m… I’m all about… Look, if you’ve been in this country for 30 years, your parents brought you here, and your parents themselves have not broken the law since they’ve been here other than by existing here, I’m okay letting you stay if you’ve been contributing, but… I mean i-if you’re not a lawbreaker, but I don’t want to give you citizenship.
On… I… I think before we can have those conversations though, you got to build a very high wall with a very big moat and fill it with alligators and… and… and stop the rest of… of the… the… the wave of illegal immigrants from coming over. I… I… I… I think we’ve got to secure our border.
And I actually am one of the people, [inaudible 00:00:51] optimistic in humanity, but I am one of those people that does believe if you secure the border and the number of illegals crossing goes down to zero, I think a lot of the people who were very reticent about deporting everybody might actually say, “Okay, since nobody else can get in here, let’s… let’s talk about the people who’ve been here for 40 years illegally.” And I think they need to be treated [inaudible 00:01:20] the people who have been here for a year or two.
I… We… We have the ability to exercise some discretion. If you’ve been here for 40 years a-and you… y-you now have kids, some of whom were born here, they’re American citizens and you haven’t broken the law, maybe we don’t give you citizenship, but we just let you stay. But if you’re a criminal or you’ve only been here for the last five years or so, well, okay, you’ve got to go. Go home, get in line like everybody else, like the legal aliens who came here and took the time to do it, but…
By D.A. King
Endless effort to describe illegal aliens as “immigrants”
The leftist AJC put out a story this week on the retirement of Karen Bremer, president and CEO of the Georgia Restaurant Association and managed to omit an important component of Bremer’s agenda while misleading (yet again) readers on “immigrants” and immigration law. So..not much new here.
You can read it for yourself on the bottom but the part I refer to is midway through the piece in which the reporter, Yvonne Zusel and/or her editors describes Bremmer’s “restaurant advocacy” and “a federal worker visa program and a path to citizenship for immigrants who had been in the country for a long time.”
Here I need to interject my own knowledge of that advocacy. Karen Bremer led the business lobby’s anti-enforcement charge in 2011 against passage of HB 87 because of the obvious effects it would have on blackmarket labor that her industry uses.
I’ll stop here for any doubters and offer up a quote from the 2010 version of the New York Times with a quote from “a Manhattan chef and restaurateur who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he does not want to draw attention to his TriBeCa restaurant.
“Out of a total of about 12.7 million workers in the restaurant industry, an estimated 1.4 million both legal and illegal immigrants are foreign born, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to 2008 estimates from the Pew Hispanic Center, about 20 percent of the nearly 2.6 million chefs, head cooks and cooks are illegal immigrants. Among the 360,000 dishwashers, 28 percent are undocumented, according to the estimates.
Those numbers sounded low to a Manhattan chef and restaurateur who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he does not want to draw attention to his TriBeCa restaurant.
“We always, always hire the undocumented workers,” he said. “It’s not just me, it’s everybody in the industry. First, they are willing to do the work. Second, they are willing to learn. Third, they are not paid as well. It’s an economic decision. It’s less expensive to hire an undocumented person.”
You can read that entire NY Times report at “Immigration Crackdown Steps Into the Kitchen.”
Back to Bremer and the the subtle but constant misdirection in the AJC agenda. Bremmer was determined to stop HB 87, the”Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011” largely because of the E-Verify requirement for private employers component. Our goal was to make Georgia as inhospitable to illegal employenmtj as possible. The bill eventually passed with a mandate that private employers with more than ten employees must swear they are using E-Verify. That would be the no cost, online, federal database that verifies work eligibility of newly hired employees.
Bremer and her accomplices at the Georgia Chamber of Commerce concocted and distributed objections to the bill that included the goop that it would somehow cost E-Verify users $128.00 per employee to use.They sent out a letter to GRA members begging for action aimed at killing the bill – or at least removal of the E-Verify component. They failed. We archived that letter here.
But that is not what the AJC reported. According to the AJC editors, Bremer had “…dabbled in restaurant advocacy years earlier as part of the Georgia Hospitality and Travel Association, and also had worked in the early 2000s on pushing for a federal worker visa program and a path to citizenship for immigrants who had been in the country for a long time.”
On the “pushing for a federal visa program” point, the fact is that the U.S. has multiple guest worker visa programs in place.
On the latter reference the AJC makes it appear that “immigrants” don’t already have a path to citizenship. They do. The truth is that legal immigrants (green card holders -aka – LPRs) can become U.S. citizens after they have lived in the U.S. for five years. General eligibility points here from the feds. We suspect Bremer was pushing for one of the many failed congressional amnesty schemes ( my own absolute favorite here) that would have put millions of illegal aliens in a legalized condition that allowed them to have the same privilege.
Read it yourself:
The Atlanta Journal Constitution, September, 24, 2023
Retiring Georgia Restaurant Association chief optimistic about industry’s future – here.
By D.A. King
Sept. 24, 2023
Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs on Thursday backed former President Donald Trump’s calls to conduct a mass deportation of illegal immigrants over the age of 14.
Addressing supporters in Iowa at a recent rally, Trump vowed to invoke the Alien Enemies Act to enable the widespread deportation effort.
“[I]t’s actually gonna have to be necessary,” he said on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. “Because by the time Trump gets back in office, you will have had over 10 million, in my opinion, over 10 million illegal aliens cross our border and come into the country, under the Biden regime.”
More than 6 million people have illegally entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January of 2021. Immigration remains one of Biden’s worst issues in terms of public opinion, with 33.6% of Americans approving of his performance in the RealClearPolitics polling average. By contrast, 62.8% disapprove of his efforts. Should Trump win the 2024 presidential election, he would take office in January of 2025.
“And so when you start deporting people, and removing them from this country, what that does is that disincentivizes the tens of thousands of people who are coming,” he went on. “And by the way, everyday down in Darién Gap, which is in Panama… over 5,000 people a day… here.
By D.A. King
Chris Clark: “We have to differently about immigration, uh, and how we work with these other countries over the longterm to get the skilled talent, healthcare professionals that we’re gonna need.”
Transcript by
My cost: $12.00 and about 1.5 hours.
We note that the usual interview at Zoller’s show is 10 minutes. This one was the entire show hour.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
So, hey, we, we- Don’t get me wrong, we still have alphas that are in our schools, but, as I said, the schools are getting smaller, we have to think differently ’bout how we train the kids that are here. We have to (do?) differently about immigration, uh, and how we work with these other countries over the longterm to get the skilled talent, healthcare professionals that we’re gonna need.
radio show host Martha Zoller:
And, um, l- like what you said about we have to work differently about immigration, and I certainly think that, um, you know, we, we focus a lot on the illegal immigration. And I think rightfully so right now because there is a problem at our border right now because we have immigrated legally over the last three years about 1.1 million a year, but it looks like the number we know of is about 2.8 million coming across the border each year in the last three years. So that’s, like, 7% of the population in three years. It’s, it’s a lot to deal with.
But I think the answer to that is fixing our legal immigration system, which is a mess right now. Um, and they’re, you know, I liked the RAISE Act, okay? Uh, it didn’t go anywhere but I think it was focused on merit and it was focused on what we needed, and it was focused on clearly the backlog of people that were waiting in line the right way and getting people into skills. So what’s your vision on that?
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
Yeah, listen, I, I don’t disagree that you have to secure the border, but we also, a- and this maybe goes back to, to safe a little bit more, Martha, than anything else. You gotta stop demonizing those people that come from other countries that are different. Um, we’ve got to fix the federal system, and this was, you know, this was a two administration, Republican and Democrat’s, problem.
But the system during COVID, probably if you went back to 2014 or 15, you would bring through either Permanent Worker’s, Green Card Worker’s, Temporary Worker’s at about 3 million a year. They’ve skilled trades, our farmers needing them, our tech co- tech companies needing them, our, uh, hospitality, retail needing them. Uh, and here’s the statistics to keep in mind longterm f- for those of you that, that struggle with this – 24% of all nurses in America are immigrants. That’s your caregiver population that is so vitally needed right now.
So, yeah, uh, we need to have more judges to processes them. Uh, the Biden administration has drug their feet, they’ve been unwilling to hire, um, the judges and the additional staff that they need to process those men and women that are trying to get here legally. I- I’ll give you a great example. Um, there’s a hospital in south Georgia that has traditionally brought in foreign nurses on a temporary basis, rotating them in and out. Some stay, get their permanent legal residence. They, they found a couple, husband and wife from Central America that, uh, you know, have their master’s degree in nursing, they were fantastic. Uh, the hospital did all the recruitment, moved them up here, and then the w- the, the wife was able to get her documentation, everything she needed. She’s working in that hospital right now, providing incredible care, but the husband is still waiting for the federal government to process his paperwork.
radio show host Martha Zoller:
Oh, I- You know, we could-
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
If we started telling those stories, Chris, we’ll be here all day.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
I’ll tell you one. A girl that worked for me in a, as a intern about 10 years ago who was from Rwa- Rwanda. She finished her degree in, uh, at Cornell and got her master’s degree at Texas. She is a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda. It’s her and her sister, the only two people that are left. The rest of her family were killed, okay? Uh, her father made it through a little bit but has since died. But, but, you know, she went here, her sister has a Green Card and is living in Atlanta and s- at the e- after she got her master’s degree she got sent home and she has not been able to get back in.
When her u- You know, we talk about asylum seekers, this is a legitimate-
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
… Survivor of, (laughs) you know, of a genocide.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
And her only living relative is living and working as an accountant in Atlanta, and she has a master’s degree from a United States college and she can’t back into the country.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
So there, there are a million stories like that.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
And it gets frustrating for people who are trying to either bring workers in, or bring peop- or people coming in, like, on H-1B visas.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
radio show host Martha Zoller:
I mean, I had meetings all the time when I was at Senator Perdue’s office with these families that are in limbo because things are moving so slowly.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
Well, I didn’t- And, and when you were in that-
radio show host Martha Zoller:
Well, I’m sure you’d beat him too.
GA Chamber of Commerce leader Chris Clark:
That- We do and, and the other part of that is you still have farmers who have problems bringing the crops in from the fields, three years later now. Um, and so it, it does impact every section of the economy and it, and it will continue. I mean, right now we expect the immigrant workforce population in Georgia to be about 12.5% by 2028. That number should probably be 15 to 16%. Um, and, a we said before, longterm, 10, 20 years from now, it’s gonna need to be higher than that.
radio show host Martha Zoller:
Right. Right. We got a lot of work to do. Hey, we’re gonna take one final break and then we’re gonna wrap things up when we come back and just give- Uh, we’ll talk about what are the opportunities going forward and how we can take this information o-
By D.A. King
Original audio on the bottom
Top of the show:
Announcer: “…Talkers 2023 Woman of the Year, Martha Zoller, on North Georgia News Talk AM 550 FM 102.9, WDUN. Always here, always local.”
President Biden:
“Now, even as we evolve our institutions and drive creative new partnerships, let me be clear, certain principles of our international system are sanct- sacrosanct.”
Martha Zoller:
“It is the Martha Zoller Show, and that is President Biden at the UN. There’s supposed to be a Security Council meeting today. He’s gonna be in New York for three days, and you know what he’s not doing? He’s not meeting with Mayor Eric Adams and he’s not taking a look at any of these migrant facilities, and he’s not dealing with the problems that people are having. In Staten Island, which is a borough of New York, there is an old Catholic school that the city of New York had bought with the promise of turning it into a school. Uh, the nuns had sold it. It was an old Catholic school that had been around forever. Guess what it is now. It’s a migrant facility.
And so, the parents that go to the PS, they call their public schools PS, goes to the PS school in that neighborhood and then there’s another, uh, private school in that neighborhood, that because of all the migrants that are there, the parents have to take diverted routes to get to their school that is open, they have to get there a half an hour earlier and stay a half an hour later than what they typically have done because of all these closed roads because they don’t want people driving right by this migrant facility. It’s a mess.
You know, we had about, um, you know… We had a couple of months at the dead of the summer where the Biden administration was touting how low the numbers are. But I think that was just because of the heat of the summer because we’re about to break records again for this fiscal year and the people are coming by the tens of thousands at the Darien Gap at c-… In Costa… At the border of Costa Rica, at other places where trains are being filled with people, where they’re standing in the trains. It’s not a train like you and I would travel on. They’re like cargo. They… These people are being treated like cargo. And they are cargo for the cartels. And this is 21st century slavery, and outside of Houston, there is a subdivision, for lack of a better word, that they allow people to buy cash property at high interest rates. It’s all illegal immigrants that, quote, “Own it.” But the minute you miss a payment… It’s like the mob, okay? The minute you miss a payment, you lose all the money you put into it, you lose the property, and then they can turn around sell it to somebody else, and they are.
Chip Roy of Texas is trying to figure out what’s behind this because it’s in his district, but it looks like it’s drug cartels that are in this. Every way they can figure out how to break our laws, they are doing it. And people in this country who call themselves immigration activists, who are against illegal immigration, are wasting time criticizing governors like Governor Kemp because they didn’t do exactly what they thought, and that my defense of that was that things are very different than they were four years ago as far as immigration goes. It has gone from the problems that we have had for years here with our Hispanic population primarily, where there were illegal immigrants mixed in with illegal immigrants, there were mixed status families, there were DACA kids, there were things that we understood that were happening. I’m not justifying any of it, but it was there.
Below: 2018 Kemp campaign TV ad
We went through four years of Donald Trump and he got it pretty much under control where there was less than 500 people a day coming across the border illegally. Now it’s thousands of people a day. And we’re fighting with people that agree with us, and that’s why we’re not getting anything done. You know, we’ve got to look at the bigger picture here, and the bigger picture is that, uh, President Trump… I, I mean President Biden is not enforcing the laws of this country and he is not respecting the boundaries of this country, and for that, he should be impeached, okay? For that, he should be removed from office. Uh, but he’s not going to be, I don’t think. There aren’t enough votes in the Senate.
But I’ll go back to what I talked about yesterday. There are three things that could fix where we are right now and make life better for everybody. You open up every ability to produce oil. You open up more refinery space, build it if you have to, and that affects the prices of everything and it will do immediately because it is a commodity, it is a futures market, and if the futures look like they’re gonna have plenty of supply, the prices start to go down. And, you know, you Libs, you should love this because even though oil companies are in the middle of the pack as far as, as, um, uh, as far as profits go, they’ll have less profits if the prices go down, so you ought to be happy about that. And as a conservative, I’ll be happy that there’s more supply and the prices of everything will go down.
The second thing is we gotta go ou- all out on the border. We need to engage the Texas National Guard, the Arizona National Guard, th- the, uh, New Mexico National Guard, anybody else that wants to help, we engage them along with Border Patrol and we get this border secure and we get people… Drive people to come through the actual ports of entry and you turn people away if they haven’t followed the process appropriately. It’s very simple, and it doesn’t make us bad people, because as we- we’ve demonstrated over and over again, we immigrate more people legally than the rest of the world combined. We are not an anti-immigrant country.
And then we need to get on regular budget order. And if we do those three things, even though there’s a lot of other things we need to talk about…” (end of relevant talking points).
Contact info for the Georgia delegation in Washington DC here. Just click on their name.