I was able to listen to Martha’s show for about 15 minutes this morning. She did not disappoint. Yowsa.
In a discussion apparently revolving around the un-doing of the U.S. House Speaker yesterday, I heard Martha tell a caller, ( I think she framed it in a reference to Gov Kemp and his abandoned pledge on ending sanctuary cities in GA and creating a public database of criminal illegals and to “update Ga law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons” passing legislation to ) that “No politician ever keeps all of their promises. You have to look at their whole body of work.”

I winced at her obvious effort to convince her loyal and trusting listeners to ignore the fact that in addition to not keeping his word on illegal aliens in our state, Kemp is in violation of his oath office when he refuses to enforce the existing state laws on the above, one of which he passed out of his Senate Public safety Committee when he was chairman as a state senator in 2006 (SB 529).
A few minutes later I heard Martha end a conversation with a caller who was upset about broken promises by elected officials by saying “we gotta start keeping (maybe she said “making”) people accountable.”
In the next segment, I heard part of a segment in which Martha was interviewing GA Congressman Andrew Clyde, again pertaining to the Speaker issue in Washington. Clyde, a strong conservative, made it clear that in his mind (dealing Kevin McCarthy in the House) that “trust is a series of promises kept…” Unlike her own remarks made between guests, that quote is available in Zoller’s show clips. Clyde’s observation on promises is at 4:44 on the SoundCloud bar.