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Producers of the video on ineligible voters in Georgia need adult supervision – with info on GALEO
Note: It looks like it’s “” and “@muckraker” on X. Correcti0ns welcomed.
There is a video from something called “” (“Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in Georgia“) going around that features Hispanic people apparently living in Gwinnett County GA. being asked if they are registered to vote or if they have already voted. Some of those asked say they are not U.S. citizens but have indeed already voted. Others say they are here illegally and are registered to vote. It seems easy enough to verify…
The @muckraker video has been sent here by numerous people – many of whom I haven’t heard from in a long time.
If you are looking for an example of the power created by corporate donations to radical, far-left, anti-enforcement groups here in Georgia that loudly boast about their decade-long push to register voters, see the GALEO Inc. concern founded by former MALDEF board member and former Democrat Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarippa. It has been run since its inception in 2003 by a former MALDEF lobbyist and Democrat fundraiser, Jerry Gonzalez, who is a determined and perpetually angry Marxist ethnic hustler.
- Bonus education on MALDEF: “…Co-founder Mario Obledo said in 1998: “California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.”
To get started on the GALEO voter registration caper, see here and here and here and here.
A long-time member of the GALEO Inc. Board of Directors, Dax Lopez, saw his Obama-sponsored nomination for a lifetime seat on the federal bench go down in flames when the GALEO ties were made public. This writer was happy to lead that fight and create the deciding online exposure that we shared with our U.S. Senators then.
“Unauthorized population” vs non-citizens
The video has some serious flaws in that is presents a table from the leftist Migration Policy Institute with an out-of-date estimate of the “Unauthorized Population” living in Georgia. “Unauthorized” is one of the many “don’t say illegal” words used by the anti-enforcement side to describe illegal aliens. We think MPI’s numbers are drastically low as they have been up long before the Democrats opened the southern border when the Biden/Harris administration took over the White House.
But that’s not the point: MPI is estimating illegal aliens living in Georgia. The narrative presented by the gang at @realmuckraker / actforamerica substack talks about “non-citizens” – foreigners living in Georgia – legally or not.
For clarity: A German Mercedes Benz executive here on a temporary work visa living with his family in Atlanta is a “non-citizen” – but not part of the “unauthorized population.” Nether are the members of his family, assuming they came on a visa (such as an H-4 visa).
The (dated and too low) info in the video from MPI is on “unauthorized population.” (illegal aliens). The video narrative presented says “non-citizens” – which includes foreigners here legally. It’s sloppy and unprofessional. Conflating illegals with foreign nationals here lawfully has a significant effect on the stats in the realmuckraker’s breathless conclusion that there may be “over forty-seven thousand non-citizens registered to vote” in Georgia. It’s a shame that so many people are getting an unfounded view of this issue.
That said – I have no idea if or how many ineligible voters have been registered by GALEO Inc. and the Democrats. But neither do the well-intentioned people who are sending me this whacky video. Because they aren’t paying attention.
Hooray! – At least one GA public university excludes illegal aliens from Gov. Brian Kemp’s Dual Enrollment program
It appears that at least one taxpayer-funded Georgia university excludes illegal aliens from accessing the no-cost college classes offered in Gov. Kemp’s Dual Enrollment program. The new information creates a lot of questions, which we will get to another time.
Former GOP candidate for Georgia Senate District 20, Tori Branum sent us a screen shot of the Dual Enrollment (DE) page from Middle Georgia State University (apparently also called Middle Georgia Academy or MGA) on which there is a link to the DE “Application Process” that includes “submit proof of lawful presence” in the “follow the application steps” pulldown box. Screen shot below:
As I write on July 29, (12:55 PM) the link to ‘lawful presence’ is dead. I sent a letter to various staffers at MGA alerting them to the broken link and asking if there was an error on the page or if in fact the school does indeed require proof of lawful status for D.E. applicants. A timely response from Dual Enrollment Recruiter Ms. Holly Spires informs me that yes, Middle Georgia State University does require proof of lawful presence for DE applicants. Hooray!
8:28 AM July 29, 2024
Good morning, Mr. King:
Thank you for reaching out with your questions. I am happy to help.
Middle Georgia State University does require submission of Proof of Lawful Presence when applying for dual enrollment.
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and I will my best to assist you.
Holly Spires
Dual Enrollment RecruiterAcademic Services Building
MGA Warner Robins Campus
Suite 124 Office 128
100 University Blvd, Warner Robins, GA 31093
C: 478-342-6015
Thank you for the terrific news, Ms. Spires!
- Contrast that fact with the knowledge that the Georgia Student Finance Commission and other schools we have checked on make it clear that there are zero exclusions for “the undocumented” who can and do get free college classes from Georgia taxpayers under the DE program (much more information on DE here).
For an example, see the statement on the “Resources for DACA and Undocumented Students” from the University of North Georgia website here (click “show all”) and below.
Europe: Replacement reality – stats from July, 2024 (Audio, 2 minutes)
More of Martha Zoller protecting Gov. Brian Kemp on the radio
The occasion was Martha Zoller responding to me accurately and repeatedly pointing out that Brian Kemp abandoned not only his campaign promises on “criminal illegals” sometime in January or February 2024 – a Thursday, according to my notes. I noted the remark then but only just found it today. I failed to date it.
Republican radio show host Martha Zoller:
“No politician ever keeps all of their promises. You have to look at the whole body of work.” 10:42 AM.
Later on the same day while discussing a different politician: “We gotta start keeping people accountable.”
Amnesty for illegals? Former state Senator Mike Dugan would not get my vote for GA03 Rep in congress
Updated 5:38 PM June 15: I think I repaired the typos. I inserted a few more links to educate the reader. dak
Immigration “reform” and a “path to citizenship” would be the largest single addition to Democrat voter roles in history.
When asked about his “…priority immigration legislation for the country” if elected to congress in the June 9, 2024 GA 03 candidate debate in Atlanta, Mike Dugan replied with an immediate reference to immigration “reform.”
Q: “Senator, while you were working in the State House, you worked on several Georgia-specific ways to regulate immigration. If elected into Congress, the picture gets much bigger in what you could do. What would be your priority immigration legislation for the country?
Mike Dugan: “I think I would… It’s a two-part deal. Uh, first, before we do any immigration reform, we have to shut down the border. The- the border situation right now, it’s a- it’s a local public safety issue, it’s a humanitarian issue, it’s a national security issue. Until we shut that down with federal government working in coordination with the states, not in opposition to, we can’t really discuss immigration reform. Once it… border is shut down, then we do need to take a long, hard look at immigration reform ’cause we need new people coming into the country. We need skill sets that we had… don’t have readily available up in the numbers that we need here in- in the U.S. So that there… It’s a two-part deal, and you can’t do both of ’em at the same time.”
A heads-up from here for trusting Republican voters voters who only read the daily headlines and get their “facts” from “the news”: On immigration, “reform” is the establishment code for amnesty. Legalization – like 1986. Make ’em legal – like 1986. Give them a work permit. It’s the mo’ money answer to illegal immigration that has been tossed out by politicians for the twenty years I have been active on immigration. Dugan’s answer is that we will “shut down” the border then we will “reform” immigration so as to create more (legal) workers and then we will import more immigrants because we need “skill sets.”
It’s amnesty and increased immigration – and “we’ll tell you when the border is ‘shut down’. Trust us.”
- Related reading: “Immigration Reform” Equals Amnesty for Illegal Aliens and Their Employers
If voting Republicans were allowed even a shred of useful education and knowledge on the immigration reality and what happened in 1986, Dugan would likely only get votes from the business community.
This pro-enforcement advocate watched Dugan in the state Senate for the entire eleven years he was there. While not very illegal immigration vote he made was bad, many were horrible in that he went along with the “anything for a buck” agenda of the real bosses of much of Georgia state government – The Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Big Ag and the lobbyists for business interests.
Perhaps the most memorable is Dugan’s support for the 2023 Democrat bill, SB 264 as second signer. That beauty was pushed by a lobbyist for the refugee industry, Darlene Lynch (she/her). Lynch boasts of her partnership with the Georgia Chamber in something they call “Business and Immigration for Georgia (“BIG”)and uses that connect to sell bills to wayward Republicans who are directed to create a larger work force quicker at any cost. (Lynch once promoted the idea of reciprocity in occupational licenses not only with other states, but other nations.)
SB 264 with lead sponsor Democrat Kim Jackson was dropped in the state Senate in February of 2023. When it was presented in the GOP-run Senate Higher Education Committee, it was Lynch who did most of the talking. The entire purpose of the bill was to change long standing state law on the requirement that newly arrived Georgia residents live in the state for twelve months before they can be regarded as “residents” for purposes of instate tuition at our taxpayer funded colleges and tech schools. With Dugan as the number two sponsor, the language of the bill would have allowed foreign nationals who came to the U.S. as refugees, “Special Visa Immigrants” (mostly from Iraq and Afghanistan) and recipients of the biden administration’s seemingly endless “humanitarian parole” to skip the waiting twelve month period – they would have been eligible for the huge reduction in tuition of instate tuition the day they arrived here. Americans moving here from Michigan and the rest of the nation would still be required to wait for a year before qualifying for the lower tuition rate.
I referred to SB 264, Sen. Mike Dugan cosponsor, as (yet another) “Americans last” measure.
It gets worse. When I wrote about the legislation in my regular column in Dugan’s home town newspaper, The (Carroll County) Star News, the editor gave my copy to Dugan who was able to write a rebuttal in the same edition. Point by point Dugan misrepresents the bill and even told readers it had never even seen a hearing – and that it didn’t;t matter anyway because the bill was dead because the 2023 session had ended. The fact is that I watched the hearing, and that Georgia runs on a biennial system for the legislature- the bill was quite alive for the 2024 session. I think he had Lynch write his response to me and never even checked it.
- You can read about that bizarre response and my fact check here.
There is a lot more, but if voters liked Paul Ryan and John McCain on immigration, they should look forward to Mike Dugan going to Washington.
I know very little about Dugan’s primary runoff opponent.
D.A. King on Scott Ryfun’s “Straight Talk” radio show in Coastal Georgia – Audio – Dual Enrollment 5 June 2024
GA Republican Senate PAC Spent $23K to defeat a Primary Challenger — Dual Enrollment Now “An Issue” In a Runoff #ShawnStill
“Republicans under the Gold Dome don’t like to talk about Dual Enrollment because it illustrates the ongoing effort to reward and encourage illegal immigration in Georgia. It is not clear if Laken Riley’s family knows about this gem.”
A previous topic in this space concerned a Republican Primary election contest in Middle Georgia’s 20th Senate District between incumbent Larry Walker and challenger Tori Branum. Readers may remember that the story involved another state Senator, Shawn Still (R- Norcross) trying to convince U.S. Marine Corps veteran Branum to drop out of the race while claiming to be a veteran himself. After this writer asked Sen. Still about his time in the service he admitted that he was never really in the military.
We also explained that Still told Branum she should abandon her challenge to Walker because Walker ran the Republican Senate caucus PAC – incorporated as ‘Peach State Values Inc.” I reported that control of the PAC changed from Walker to another senator (Matt Brass, R- Newnan) a few days before scathing campaign ads from the PAC went out to voters attacking Branum’s character.
Peach State Values alleged that Branum has a “criminal record.” She says that’s not true. The Walker camp has yet to offer any record of any conviction – or an apology. The slogan at Peach State Values Inc. is “promoting the values that make Georgia great.“
Tori Branum says state officials should address illegal immigration in Georgia. Walker says it’s up to President Joe Biden.
Walker won the Primary.
Branum, a first-time candidate, campaigned for a mere ten weeks and received an impressive 23% of the votes. She says she is anxious to try again in 2026. We hope she does. Better government comes about from many methods, none more impactful than incumbents having viable Primary challengers – it should happen in every election.
The word around the Capitol is that Sen. Larry Walker may run for Secretary of State in 2026.
How badly did the Republican Senate Caucus PAC want to keep Ms. Branum out of the state Senate? Peach State Values Inc. spent $23,611 in opposition to Tori Branum in the May Primary according to state records. As I wrote last time, the state salary for a Senator is $23,341.00 according to
I am still digesting official records on this caper, but for those who are wondering from where the Republican Senator’s Peach State Values PAC gets the funding to oppose Republican challengers, I point to something called the ‘Georgia Republican Senatorial Committee Inc.’ – yes, it’s another GOP Senate PAC. State records show that the latter sent $50,000 to the former in 2020 and $100,000 in 2022.
I am still learning about the system and waiting for more recent numbers, but even for this two-decade denizen of the Gold Dome, this new-to-me knowledge creates an irresistible desire to take a long shower.
A Primary race and Dual Enrollment in Coastal Georgia
Speaking of Republican Primary races, the House District 180 runoff contest in Coastal Georgia (Camden and south Glynn counties) between Incumbent Rep. Steven Sainz and challenger Glenn Cook has created some statewide interest for pro-enforcement conservatives, including this writer.
I have minimal experience with Sainz but can offer that after I had written about the fact that illegal aliens are not excluded from Georgia’s Dual Enrollment program, he informed me in January that he had a bill “ready to go” to reform the system.
What is Dual Enrollment? Run on the premise that giving high school students a jump on a college education helps with “expanding the workforce”, the Dual Enrollment program puts the students – illegal aliens included – in zero cost (not even books and fees) college classes courtesy of Georgia taxpayers. From the Georgia Dept of Education website:
“Dual Enrollment is designed to prepare students for college and career opportunities leading students to postsecondary institutions for an industry recognized certification or licensure, an associate and/or higher college degree, and successful employment.”
Here, it should be noted that federal law creates criminal penalties for employment of illegal aliens.
Republicans under the Gold Dome don’t like to talk about Dual Enrollment because it illustrates the ongoing effort to reward and encourage illegal immigration in Georgia. It is not clear if Laken Riley’s family knows about this gem.
Rep Sainz eventually dropped a bill aimed at Dual Enrollment in late March, just before the end of the 2024 session and long after it had any chance of passage.
My long-time friend and Camden County Republican Bob Trent has endorsed Glenn Cook in this race and says that Cook has committed to reforming the Dual Enrollment mess.
Bob is a retired Senior Special Agent of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (US INS). He spent ten years as a uniformed Border Patrol agent. His final assignment was as the Assistant Director, Enforcement Training, U.S. Immigration Officer Academy, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, GA.
Trent has cut a video in support of Cook.
It appears that at least for now, Dual Enrollment is “an issue” in a Georgia election.
A version of the above column was also published in The Islander newspaper in Glynn County, GA. on June 3, 2024.
#LarryWalker #ShawnStill #PeachStateValues #GASenateRepublicans
Arena LLC
Brian Kemp on HB 1105
Brian Kemp as quoted by 11 Alive news and delivered here today by Georgia pundit.
[Discussing HB 1105, “The Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act of 2024”:]
“This is a state of almost 11 million people,” he said. “And I think people were outraged, and I was too about the whole Laken Riley tragic murder that we saw and somebody that had broken into this country illegally and had been apprehended two different times and was still here, you know, and we didn’t even know he was here.”
Kemp said they talked to municipalities, sheriff’s offices, and others about the bill.
“I think at the end of the day; we got a good piece of legislation that will help with the issue here, to make sure when somebody gets arrested that we’re, you know, checking to make sure that they’re here legally.”