From: D.A. King
Subject: The problem with SB 354 …(illegal immigration)
Date: March 19, 2024 at 10:08:33 AM EDT
To: “Brown, Jan” <>
Cc: “Rep. Alan Powell” <Alanpowel***>
Jan/Rep Powell,
Be advised: SB 354 eliminates the requirement for the occupational licensing process for the covered jobs in barbering/hair styling. The verification of lawful (immigration) presence process we put in place in 2006, 2009, 2011 and 2013 is baked into the occupational/professional licensing system.

If you eliminate the licensing process you eliminate the verification of lawful presence. Shorter: A vote for SB 354 is a vote saying we will knowingly provide jobs to illegal aliens who beat the E-Verify system IF it is even used by the employer. Trust me – the corporate-funded illegal alien lobby here in GA tracks things like this and passes on the information to the illegals.
There is no way to fix this. SB 354 cannot be amended as a fix because of the way the verification system is set up.
—> I have a long thread of emails from Sen. Walker on this. He is fully aware of what I am telling you. He seems reticent to mention it in committee.
FYI – I helped draft the 50-36-1 code in 2006 and have partially rewritten it twice since then (see HB 2, 2009). I can recite much of it from memory.
D.A. King