Here are some examples of Democrat’s stance on the crime of illegal immigration from the recent past.
- President Bill Clinton on illegal immigration – 1995 State of the Union Address. Video and text. Here
- President Barack Hussien Obama on border security, illegal employment and illegal immigration. Video. Here.
- President Barack Obama on the absence of presidential power to create administrative amnesty – DACA: “I’m president, I’m not king.”
“There’s a limit to the discretion that I can show because I’m obliged to execute the law,” he added. “I can’t just make the laws up myself.” “Six months later, he explicitly tied his point to his inability to stop deportations. “With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case,” he said on March 28, 2011. “There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.” From the SCOTUS Blog, February, 2016, here.

- Barak Obama said 22 times he lacked the power as President to change immigration law, but that was before the 2012 re-election campaign. Here.
- Then Nevada Democrat Senator Harry Reid on birthright citizenship for illegal aliens in 1993 – video, here.
- Diane Feinstein: In 1994, Democrat California Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Ran A campaign ad showing illegal aliens crossing the border, promising to get tough on illegal immigration: ‘While Congressman Huffington voted against new border guards, Dianne Feinstein led the fight to stop illegal immigration.’ A picture of presumably illegal immigrants streaming over the border appears on the screen while Feinstein’s voice is heard explaining that 3,000 illegal immigrants try to cross the border many nights. Feinstein adds that she has only been in the Senate a short time, but has worked hard to secure the border with more agents, fencing, lighting and other equipment. It closes with the senator saying to the camera: ‘I’m Dianne Feinstein and I’ve just begun to fight for California.’” (“Feinstein’s TV Attack On Immigration,” Los Angeles Times, 7/10/94)
- In 2013, then House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Urged The House To Support A Bill That Upheld The “Basic Principle” Of “SecuringOur Borders.” “The bipartisan taskforce of seven has been hard at work on legislation that echoes the spirit of the Senate bill and upholds our basic principles: to secure our borders, protect our workers, unite families, and offer an earned pathway to citizenship.” (Press Release, “Pelosi: Senate Action Moves Us One Step Closer To Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi , 6/27/13)
- Democrats in 2006: “Build that fence!” Boston Globe, here.
- Barack Obama, 2005: “When I see Mexican flags waved at proimmigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration.” Here.
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