Georgia Media
Gallup: 58 percent of all Americans are dissatisfied with current immigration levels.

”Level is the highest ever recorded by Gallup, and a significant jump from 2021, when only 19 percent of Republicans said they were dissatisfied with current immigration levels.”
The Hill
Feb 14, 2022
Enforcement on the southern border is a total farce

New York Post Editorial board
“The southern border of the United States has become a suggestion, a line that vanishes a little more each day.
“I spent three days on the front lines of the Biden administration’s illegal-immigration crisis and found a Border Patrol that has changed from an enforcement agency to a concierge service,” Angie Wong reports in The Post.
Worse: “The southern border of the United States has become a suggestion, a line that vanishes a little more each day.”
Migrants are streaming into the country in droves, assisted by cartel coyotes and left-leaning nonprofits; US Custom and Border Protection officers do next to no enforcing. There’s not enough of them.
So they’ve resorted to working with the cartels and coyotes, coordinating on “when and where drop-offs will happen.” That’s right: Uncle Sam has effectively handed control of the border to the criminals profiting off of moving people across it.
It’s the direct result of President Joe Biden’s hot mess of a border policy.
From Feb. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021, officers apprehended 1,956,596 illegal immigrants on the southern border, vs. 511,192 under President Donald Trump a year earlier. That figure went up a record 283%. And countless more migrants, even in large groups, manage to cross into America without getting spotted, let alone caught, to add to those stats.
“Border Patrol pretends to patrol the border. Immigration and Customs Enforcement pretends to keep tabs on people coming in,” Wong notes. “President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris pretend to say, ‘Don’t come here,’ but every signal — from the wide open borders to the NGO welcome mat — says, ‘Come on in!’ … More here.
Who lobbies for Rep Wes Cantrell’s “Americans last” HB 999 & HB 932 (and HB 120 from Rep Kasey Carpenter)? Connecting the dots *Updated

If you don’t hit the links, you will not learn much.
Correction made on bill numbers in the copy below and the headline: 7:40 PM, Feb 10. My fault. I apologize for the typos.
Note to all concerned: The model language for HB 60 & HB 999 came from the Federation for Children. The flyers attacking Republicans who didn’t immediately swoon and support the bills came from…the Federation for Children.
More info on HB 932 here & HB 999 here , here and here.
Info on HB 120 here.
Related: A Breitbart news report on the entire train wreck: Georgia Republicans draft legal giveaways to illegals.
Mark Zuckerburg’s is lobbying for Rep Wes Cantrell’s “Americans Last” (HB 932 here.)
It may help people to “get it” if they realize that the corporate-funded lobbyist under the Gold Dome lobbying against immigration enforcement is an illegal alien.
Former Gwinnett Republican state Rep Buzz Brockway at the Georgia Center for Opportunity is pushing hard for HB 999. So is state Rep Chuck Eftrastion (R). See also Erick Erickson.
The Coalition of Refugee Services (CRSA) put on a large lobbying event in the Georgia Capitol today for HB 932 & HB 120. It was also available online. CRSA is part of the “BIG” partnership and works closely with the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.*
Info on the CRSA (part of the refugee resettlement industry) Capitol lobbying event for Rep Wes Cantrell’s HB 932 & Kasey Carpenter’s HB 120. (click on “view details” on top)
HB 932 is a product of a special House committee chaired by Rep Wes Cantrell
A “Progressive” woman named Darlene C. Lynch works for both CRSA and the “BIG Partnership” and organized and ran the Georgia House Special Committee “Innovative ways to Maximize Global Talent” that saw three 2021 Summer and Fall meetings – with two in Georgia’s public colleges. HB 932 is a product of those committee hearings. The special committee was created by a resolution that passed unanimously in the House at the end of the 2021 session. Rep Wes Cantrell was the sponsor of the resolution (be sure to see all cosponsors) and served as the chairman of the agenda-driven committee that took zero pubic comment and arranged the witnesses.
*Updated, 5:25: PM Some of the agenda items from the hand-picked, pre-screened witnesses at the special committee mentioned above:
- Changing state law so as to allow foreigners to be law enforcement officers in Georgia
- Reciprocal agreements on occupational licensing rules with other states and foreign nations.
- “Relaxing” state law that requires immigration verification of applicants for occupational and professional licensing.
- Lower tuition rates in public colleges for illegal aliens living in Georgia with DACA status than the rate Americans and legal immigrants fro other states pay.
- Removing the existing 12 month residency waiting period before new Georgia residents can access instate tuition in public colleges for refugees – but not for Americans moving here from other states.
- Reducing the educational period to become a medical doctor by two years, student loan forgiveness for foreign medical students and “relaxing the immigration issues for foreign medical graduates.”
- Creating a new state bureaucracy to accommodate “an office or a division of cultural and linguistic responsiveness.”
I lost track of the number of times “…the number one state for business” was tossed out.
I covered the meetings extensively here.

Related: Where do refugees resettle in the U.S.?
Related: The Libertarian Cato Institute is pushing the “school choice” concept in Cantrell’s HB 99 & HB 60 (see Corey DeAngelis). What is the Cato Institute and what else do they push? Open borders, that’s what. Bonus info: The liberal AJC on open borders.
No public comment allowed on HB 60 committee substitute in the House Education Committee – at Rep Cantrell’s request.
Rep Wes Cantrell on the radio Re: HB 999/HB 60 Feb 4, 2022 Martha Zoller show WDUN

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden the most dangerously radical President in U.S. history VIDEO “It’s hard to find anybody who’s done a worse job…”
More on Rep Wes Cantrell’s HB 60 & HB 999 – his secret verification system will not work *School choice

K-12 “school choice” for illegal aliens is a bad idea
“School choice” is a good idea. But illegal aliens should be excluded from taxpayer-funded private school tuition benefits.
You can become familiar with the issue here.
Below are a few nuggets from Rep Wes Cantrell and a bit of simple legal reality. We will now sit back and watch the Gold Dome Dog and Pony Show on”school choice” in a state with more illegal aliens than Arizona.
We are told that Rep Cantrell’s bill (s) “specifically prohibits those who are here illegally from participating in the (scholarship) program.” Where? What line number?
We assume Rep Cantrell means the “Promise Scholarship” proposed in HB 60 and HB 999. We see no language like that in either bill. There should be. All Cantrell has done is refer to a verification system in a state law, OCGA 50-36-1, which is unworkable for this purpose.
FACT: OCGA 50-36-1 does not require anyone to produce documents that prove lawful presence.
Rep Wes Cantrell is telling constituents and presumably other Republican legislators (it’s apparently still a secret to the Democrats, as he hid it in his committee presentation on HB 60 that saw zero public comments) that OCGA 50-36-1 (“the verification law”) “requires a person to provide proof they are lawfully present in our state in order to receive public benefits.”

It doesn’t.
The term “lawfully present” which, as noted by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, is not defined anywhere in the INA, refers to presence in the United States, not Georgia.
Presumably, Cantrell is referring to the section of the verification law that requires the applicant for public benefits to provide at least one “secure and verifiable document” as defined in OCGA 50-36-2. That affidavit can be seen here from the Georgia AG office website. It is clear that the secure and verifiable documents “may not be indicative of residency or immigration status.” Cantrell is wrong.
It should be noted that the intent of the legislation that created this part of the law was to require applicants to produce documents that provide proof of immigration status or U.S. citizenship.
FACT: OCGA 50-36-1 will not serve to verify eligibility of K-12 students for a state private school scholarship
The verification law was written to verify eligibility of adults or individuals near the age of eighteen. “…if the applicant is younger than 18 years of age at the time of the application, he or she shall execute the affidavit required by this subparagraph within 30 days after his or her eighteenth birthday.”
Neither the application nor the affidavit would have any effect in holding a 4th grader (for example) responsible for the accuracy of the information entered or the documents submitted. Unless the state somehow decides to prosecute a kid for false swearing.
There is no provision for anyone except the applicant for (and recipient of) the public benefit to complete the application or the affidavit. Repeat: There is no provision for parents to complete or sign anything. While I cannot find it now, I have seen Cantrell tell at least one person on a Facebook exchange that “the parents would sign the application for the student…” or words to that effect.
- Related: Rep Wes Cantrell’s latest “fix” for HB 999 & HB 60… isn’t
Cantrell’s unworkable verification solution could pave the way for massive fraud
The law says that mere completion of the application will serve as “presumed proof of lawful presence” until the information submitted attesting to eligibility is verified by the SAVE program. USCIS would not likely consider a query based on a second party signature on an application or an affidavit. Which means the SAVE program would not be completed. It is very probable that if Cantrell’s legislation were to become law as it is as I write on Feb 8, 2022 that the “verification system” Cantrell has set up would go no further than a K-12 student (or parent/guardian/custodian) signing off on an application completed by a parent/guardian/custodian and be filed away as a finished product because the SAVE program was never run.
State officials should carefully consider the obvious shortcuts, falsehoods and omissions involved in Cantrell’s plan
Is the “Promise Scholarship” a clear “public benefit” for USCIS?
Curious readers (not many of those in the House Education committee) will need to know the people at USCIS who run the SAVE program must have clear authorization and citation of a statute to verify the eligibility of the applicant for a specific public benefit. OCGA 50-36-1 lays out a list of public benefits that includes “grants” and “state grant or loan.” While the proposed “Promise Scholarship” in HB 60 and HB 999 may in fact fit into one of those two categories for the state purposes, it is not at all clear that it is specific enough for the USCIS staff to operate the SAVE reporting. In early February 2022 I spoke at length with a senior USCIS staffer in the Trump administraton several times on this topic.
As is stated above, under state law, if there is no SAVE check, the affidavit is regarded proof enough for the “verification.”
All of the above is predicated on the presumption that the Plyler v Doe SCOTUS decision and the far left would allow the state of Georgia to ask K-12 students and/or their parents about immigration status. Alabama tried that and was rebuffed. There is a much simpler way to do this.
We don’t see anyone taking the time to create a workable bill. What will happen if this train wreck were to make it to Gov Kemp’s desk and he had to veto it as unworkable (as if) after the Republican base was all “school choice!” juiced?
GA Attorney General Secure and Verifiable affidavit as per OCGA 50-36-1 (page 1 of 3)
Rep Wes Cantrell on Twitter HB 999
K-12 private school scholarship should be limited to U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents SB 601 HB 999 HB 60 #SchoolChoice
Update: August 31, 2022: The below draft language is evolving and incomplete.
The reference (crossed out below) we had posted here previously to most of the text of OCGA 20-3-519.1 will not work – posting the entire text was an editing error. – dak -Aug 30, 2022.
DRAFT (partial)
A student is ineligible for any “NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP” scholarship or grant described in this section if the student is not a United States citizen or lawfully admitted for permanent residence and a Lawful Permanent Resident under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
For purposes of this section, “lawfully admitted for permanent residence” means the status of having been lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States as an immigrant in accordance with U.S. immigration laws, such status not having changed. Such status terminates upon entry of a final administrative order of exclusion, deportation, or removal as defined by the permanent resident alien.
Application for NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP:
The Department shall create a dedicated application for NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP.
The NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP application shall state that it shall only be accepted for processing if accompanied by a certified copy of the U.S. issued birth certificate or valid, unexpired U.S. passport or a current copy of the USCIS Form I-551 (green card). or
Form N-550, Certificate of Naturalization; or Form N-560, Certificate of Citizenship;or
Form FS-240, or Report of Birth Abroad of United States Citizen.
Applicants or parents/ guardians for NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP shall complete the NAME OF SCHOLARSHIP application
A required, universal and dedicated application can and should be drawn up that requires parents/guardians/custodians of applicants for the state scholarship to enter a valid Social Security Number for both the student scholarship recipient and the parent/guardian/custodian who will be authorized to deal with any disbursement of the state money.
It is important that the state does not ask any questions regarding immigration status of students or parents/guardians. Excluding anyone not a U.S. citizen or LPR eliminates the need to ask status. There must be a state penalty for adults filing an application with false information and
Update, June 5, 2022: Exclusion language already partially exists:
“Eligible student’ has the same meaning as provided in Code Section 20-3-519.1.” But bill language must carefully list what ID shall be presented to prove status and all foreigners must present ID every year. See here.
Update: HB 999 & HB 60 died in committee. March 16, 2022: SB 601 failed to see final passage on the senate floor yesterday by a vote of 20-29. More here.
“School choice!” HB 60 and HB 999 (updated 8 March: and now SB 601) should be amended to contain clear language that defines and limits eligibility and requires submission of the below forms with the application for scholarship consideration.
We urge the adults in the Capitol to limit the Wes Cantrell rushed-up, K-12 “Promise Scholarship” funding to U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders). We aren’t sure there is any There is no other way to insure the public funding doesn’t end up financing private schools for illegal aliens sooner or later.
Update, Feb 26, 2022: Note: I was asked by a senior Rep to send in draft language more than two weeks ago on this. I did. Then the House Republicans went silent on the illegal immigration topic. I did not receive a reply.
A required, universal and dedicated application can and should be drawn up that requires parents/guardians/custodians of applicants for the state scholarship to enter a valid Social Security Number for both the student scholarship recipient and the parent/guardian/custodian who will be authorized to deal with any disbursement of the state money.
Related: More on Rep Cantrell’s HB 60 & HB 999 – his verification system will not work
The application should state that it shall only be accepted for processing if accompanied by a certified copy of the U.S. issued birth certificate or valid, unexpired U.S. passport or a current copy of the USCIS Form I-551 (green card).
- Form N-550, Certificate of Naturalization;
- Form N-560, Certificate of Citizenship;
- Form FS-240, Report of Birth Abroad of United States Citizen.
We also urge all concerned to take their time, watch Cantrell & Co. carefully and to become acquainted with basic immigration facts. His current “fix” ..isn’t.
We say again: Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona and more arrive every week.
- Related: It took awhile to follow our noses on on this one but to nobody’s surprise it is coming in large part from the open borders Cato folks.