Republican radio show host Martha Zoller to guest Sam Aguilar “thank you for what you do” – audio
“Stalker Boy” Sam Aguilar on the Martha Zoller Show
An anti-enforcement activist, Sam Aguilar is a former GALEO staffer, former staffer and a person who spins whole cloth lies about his political enemies. Aguilar lost his gig with – we hope due to our shining some light on his goofy antics in the Georgia state Capitol.
From my own experience with this nut in 2015:
“Late in the legislative session. At night, on the 4th floor of the GA Capitol:
This bizarre character, Sam Aguilar, walked up and introduced himself with an odd smirk. As I shook his hand he informed me he worked for GALEO, which is one of the many corporate-funded anti-enforcement immigration lobby groups in GA. Warning, if you shake hands with this nutball, have a towel handy, his hands are miserably sweaty. After I walked away, I noticed he was following me, so I reversed direction to be sure. Sure enough, he was right on my tail. He stayed about 4 feet behind me for about 10 minutes around the building, with people everywhere, including when I went into the men’s room.
I finally told a Capitol Police officer what was up and handed my phone to a friend to record Stalker Boy Sam Aguilar. What you see here is the last minute of me, then age 63, being stalked by a paid GALEO anti-borders, millenial activist – in public. The Capitol Police officer was just about to get involved and Stalker Boy decided to slow down his tail. But he still had the weird smirk. I suppose in lefty-land this is considered revenge for my pro-enforcement work to make GA. inhospitable to the crime of illegal immigration. To be clear. Stalker Boy Sam Aguilar is a very strange egg.”
You can click here to see the video and more info.
Related: “Immigration amnesty: Republican GA radio show host Martha Zoller interviews illegal alien lobbyist guest Jaime Rangel”
Readers can listen to Republican radio show host Martha Zoller thank ‘Stalker Boy’ Sam Aguilar for what he does at the end of the below audio of her interview with him from Nov. 29, 2021.
Martha Zoller, “DACA,” amnesty and “the likes of D.A. King” – transcript and audio link – (part two of two)
Explainer: My old friend and Republican radio show host Martha Zoller had illegal alien, DACA recipient and paid (FORWARD) lobbyist Jaime Rangel on her show Dec. 12 providing Rangel an opportunity to pitch the talking points on why congress should pass another amnesty – like in 1986. Rangel repeatedly told Zoller’s listeners the amnesty proposal (now happily as dead as Pancho Villa) would apply only to DACA recipients. Zoller did not correct him.
That radio interview produced my “part one” post: “Immigration amnesty: Republican GA radio show host Martha Zoller interviews illegal alien lobbyist guest — audio & transcript #JaimeRangel *Updated.”
- Related: Republican radio show host Martha Zoller to guest Sam Aguilar: “thank you for what you do”
The truth is that there are somewhere around 600,000 illegal aliens in the U.S.A. with Obama’s illegal 2021 DACA scam status. The authors of the “framework” for amnesty were happy to inform the media that their proposal would put about two million illegal aliens on the road to U.S. citizenship. Shorter: The amnesty proposal presented on the Zoller broadcast that day was not only for DACA recipients and the entire conversation was based on a lie.
I called in after Rangel’s hit and politely said as much. I did not record my call or Zoller’s other remarks after the Rangel interview was over. I planned on posting that audio and transcript after Zoller posted her podcast. My call was not included in that podcast. Neither were Zoller’s added remarks in support of the above amnesty for illegal aliens and the eventual addition of about two million voters to Democrat voter rolls. Anyone who tells you that illegal aliens and or “more Hispanics” will vote for pro-enforcement Republicans after they are transformed into U.S. citizens is not familiar with the results of the 1986 amnesty swindle.
Martha Zoller was one of our featured speakers at a 2007 rally against amnesty in front of the George W. Bush White House we organized and paid for. I am saddened that she has apparently changed her position on that concept.
It is worth your time to hear Martha refer to “the likes of D.A. King…” It’s too funny.
* Related From Discover the Networks on FORWARD/ “Launched on April 11, 2013, and drawing its name from President Barack Obama‘s 2012 re-election campaign slogan (“Forward”), is a pro-Democrat organization founded by thirteen tech-industry leaders to promote the passage of “comprehensive immigration reform” in the United States.”
The below transcript is from the Martha Zoller Show December 13, 2022 on WDUN- AM 550 .
You can hear the audio below.
Transcript by My cost, $14.00 and three hours.
I added educational links to the transcript copy.
Martha Zoller, Republican radio show host:
“… you know, on that, but I wanna address something that happened yesterday and kind of spilled over into last night that I wanted to, uh, uh, chat with you about. So we had, uh, Jamie Rangel on from Forward to talk about the DACA situation yesterday. And I’ve been on record for a long time, uh, to say that I do believe that in the case of these DACA kids, uh, that I don’t think… I think they should be kids that were brought here, not up to 16 years old, but kids maybe 10 years old, there are still negotiations that need to be done.
But even someone like Rush Limbaugh, if you recall, about 15 years ago, a woman called into his radio show. She was 35 years old. She was originally from Colombia. She had been brought here to the United States when she was two, and had lived here and now was in danger of being deported because she came in with her illegal immigrant parents, and her… she made a very strong case. And Rush Limbaugh even agreed with her that she had been educated here. She had gone to college here, she had married, had children, had worked here, remember, nothing about her life in Colombia, had lived in the United States for, uh, 33 years and now she was afraid she was gonna be deported. This was when the first rumblings and people talked about something that we now call DACA.
Okay. So reasonable people can look at the DACA situation and without being called pro-immigrant, anti-immigrant, uh, or being pasted by the likes of DA King, as someone that doesn’t understand the immigration issue. I like DA, I think the work he does is good, but he is so one-issue oriented, that he cannot have a reasonable conversation about the fact there are nuances to this issue. And so he’s branded me an amnesty person on Twitter, which I don’t care about Twitter, I made one response to it, I’m not gonna respond to any of the rest of it.
Okay, I’m not an amnesty person, although I do think a solution needs to be found for whatever we’re gonna define as DACA kids. And I also have asked the question, a bunch of times, related to the deal that former President Trump, who probably did the best job on stemming illegal immigration of any president in the last 50 years. And what Donald Trump proposed was, “You give us $5 billion for the wall, we’ll give you all the DACA kids,” which at that time, that number was about 700,000, and their parents, which made the number about 2.2 million.
“I’ll do that if you’ll give me that.” It’s called deal making. It’s called coming up with a solution that’s going to work. And I do agree, we need to go down a path like that, and if you’re gonna brand be an amnesty person because of that, fine, I’ll take that. Because I don’t hide from what I’m saying. I’m… I put the, uh, interview out there immediately after I did it, as I always do. And, and you know what? Uh, a, a few people… I mean, heck, I got five times the followers that DA King has, and most of the people that liked these, these messages don’t really have any kind of amplification.
But what I would say about that is, if we can’t come to the table and have a discussion about the nuances of this, I’ve also talked about fiance visas. my nephew is going through a situation. He’s now married his fiancee. But he has spent $10,000 in legal fees, trying to get his fiancee back into the United States. She’s now his wife, ’cause they have to marry within 90 days. That part of the situation is true. If you get your fiancee over here, you got to get married in 90 days, even if you haven’t seen each other for two years. And that’s the situation that my nephew found himself in. They met in graduate school. She was here on a visa. She had to go home and went home followed her visa after, you know, she could have overstayed her visa, like most of the people who were illegal immigrants, but she didn’t do that, she went home, and they decided they wanted to get married.
And so it took him two years to get her back to the United States, and COVID played into that a little bit too. But they had to get married within 90 days. And she still doesn’t have a green card. She can’t drive. She can’t work, and there’s something wrong with the system like that. That’s the legal immigration part of the system. So there’s many tiers to this immigration discussion and you can join us on the phones at 770-535-2911. Here’s the Martha Zoller view of what we need to do.
Okay, and if you wanna call me names because of it fine, fine. But I’m gonna tell you this is what in my many years of looking at this we need to do, first we need to secure the border, and I mean both borders. Okay, because you must have a secure border, we need to get back to, uh, not that long ago 2020 in, uh, America, where we were gi- we have less than 500 people a day coming across the border that were illegal, and now we have thousands a day, we need to secure the border.
And that may not be a wall in the sense of it’s a wall over 2200 miles, different terrains require different things. But I’m using wall in the general term, that a way to deter people and to funnel people into the actual checkpoints that we have that are official checkpoints of the United States of America, number one. Number two, we do need to look and define what a DACA kid is. I don’t think it’s up to 16 years old, because this culture that primarily uses this DACA, uh, carve out, uh, that, that by the time kids are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, they’re acting like adults, they’re dropping out of school and working to support the family. They are acting like adults. Okay, so I don’t think, I don’t think all the way up to 16 is the right age, maybe 10 is the right age, but I’m willing to have a debate about that.
And then we need to… And I do think that President Trump was correct in saying you’re probably gonna have to allow the parents legal status too, because you really can’t have a minor child if they’re still minor children staying in the United States without their parents. Now, you could send them all back. But I’m talking about young people that have only lived in America, that, uh, speak English, that have gone to school here and that, that there ought to be some clear things.
I, I kind of been like Newt Gingrich in a way that there are… there is a class of people that you’re gonna have to look at him family, by family, and you’re gonna have to make that decision, and that’s going to cost money and time, but it’s the right thing to do. Because they’ve lived here for 5, 10, 15, 25 years, they haven’t been breaking the law while they’re been, been here other than crossing the border illegally. They’ve been paying taxes.
I mean, heck, the people that go ahead and get a federal tax ID number, and, and they’re paying taxes, we got to figure out how to legalize those folks. And then we need to fix the legal immigration system, and that means lowering the overall number of green cards, taking that 500,000 green cards a year and clearing the backlog of green cards and getting our system caught up. I don’t think that’s unreasonable and I don’t think that is pro-illegal immigration or pro-amnesty. I think that is living in the real world, and understanding that every person cannot be categorized in a certain way.
But I understand DA’s commitment to this because he has… And there are many people across this country who have lost loved ones to the crimes of illegal immigrants that should have never been here in the first place, and that is a travesty.
(end of topic)
Radio announcer:
It’s local radio. And that’s why you’re listening is the Martha Zoller Show on AM 5:50 and FM 102.9, WDUN.
Martha Zoller Republican radio show host:
Philip Magnus is joining us right now. Uh, he wrote an article, uh…”
Edit, Dec. 27, 20222 – corrected date on rally photo.
Reply to response letter from District Attorney Herb Cranford, Coweta Judicial District – Carroll County complaint
- “I challenge the concept that somehow the law requires use of an affidavit, that the auditor’s office is legislatively charged with creating the affidavit for use – but that the issuing agency is not required to use that affidavit.”
15 Dec 2022
Mr. John H. Cranford
Coweta Judicial District
Mr. Cranford,
As promised, I write regarding your response to my complaint against Carroll County government in administering public benefits and the legislative intent and goals of multiple laws intended to ensure those benefits do not go to ineligible applicants. As I noted previously, I do not agree with most of your conclusions, and I respectfully urge you to take a second look at the matter.
I have tried to arrange my points to coincide with the numbered paragraphs in your letter.
1) OCGA 50-36-1 requires (most) agencies administering public benefits to verify the “lawful presence” of any applicant for public benefits. I believe it is clear that Carroll County did not fulfill that obligation over the course of a decade:
(“b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this Code section or where exempted by federal law, every agency or political subdivision shall verify the lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law of any applicant for public benefits.”
The law then mandates a detailed, plain language process for that verification which includes requiring the applicant to swear that he is eligible within the “lawful presence” definition on a standardized affidavit. The law says the source of that affidavit form is the state auditor’s office.
(2) The state auditor shall create affidavits for use under this subsection and shall keep a current version of such affidavits on the Department of Audits and Accounts’ official website.
I challenge the concept that the law somehow requires use of an affidavit, that the auditor’s office is legislatively charged with creating the affidavit for use – but that the issuing agency is not required to use that affidavit.
A reasonable consideration of the legislative intent and the language of the law seems clear enough. (*1) If the law intended to allow agencies to create their own forms, documents and affidavits bypassing the mandate that the auditor “shall create and keep a current version of such affidavits…” that option would be stated in the law. It seems a difficult stretch to conclude otherwise. There is no language or implication in the law that allows any issuing agency to create their own form or format. Again, to address otherwise this is to infer something that is not stated or even implied in the plain language text of OCGA 50-36-1.
Again, with respect, I regard a legal decision on the above as being within the realm and authority of a court – not an executive branch reading or opinion.
I urge you to reconsider your conclusion on this point.
2) From my Sept. 29, 2022 post “The SAVE affidavit used by Carroll County is not the SAVE affidavit designed by the Dept. of Audits and Accounts – the State Auditor. And in Carroll County there is no requirement for foreigners to complete the affidavit for renewals…”
OCGA 50-36-1 recognizes that it is not usual for an American to lose U.S. citizenship status but that it does happen (a naturalized citizen may be subject to denaturalization proceedings in court or as a result of a conviction for knowingly obtaining naturalization through fraud under 18 U.S.C. 1425 ) . The law was amended after original passage to allow for that fact and recognizes that foreign nationals (“foreigners) “lawful presence” status can literally change overnight for a variety of reasons.
The law provides that having proven eligibility through U.S. citizenship in the original application, issue, and verification process, that applicant is not required to prove eligibility again for renewals in the same agency/subdivision.
That provision and exception does not apply to foreigners, and by omission from the last sentence of the below pasted paragraph in the statute, they are required to prove eligibility with all steps of the process for all renewals. (4) The requirements of this subsection shall not apply to any applicant applying for or renewing an application for a public benefit within the same agency or political subdivision if the applicant has previously complied with the requirements of this subsection by submission of a secure and verifiable document, as defined in Code Section 50-36-2, and a signed and sworn affidavit affirming that such applicant is a United States citizen. (Emphasis mine)
The law does in fact clearly distinguish between citizens and non-citizens regarding whether they must complete a redundant affidavit and/or secure and verifiable ID in the renewal process. To ignore the last words of the above paragraph is not a complete consideration of the law or an accurate response to that part of my column or complaint.
3) As you noted, the affidavit that I received from Carroll county in my open records request (and have posted on in my Sept 29, 2022 column) “has a Revision Date of 2/25/2020.” You write that it “appears to be in compliance with the requirements of OCGA 50-36-1.” We agree that the “homemade” Carroll County affidavit does not include the sentence contained in the auditor’s version of the affidavit that reads “The undersigned applicant also hereby verifies that he or she is 18 years of age or older and has provided at least one secure and verifiable document, as required by 50-36-1 (f) (l), with this affidavit.
The secure and verifiable document provided with this affidavit can best be classified as:
Because of that absence, the 4000-ish applicants that I am informed have applied for and been issued public benefits in Carroll County in the last decade have not sworn to the full requirements of verification under the law because Carroll County decided to ignore the affidavit created for use by the state auditor. Whether or not the law required the above entry on the affidavit, it does require the secure and verifiable ID oath process.
This was the exact reason for amending the law to require the creation of a standardized, auditor’s provided affidavit form. I do not regard the Revision date of 2020 as anything other than another indication of Carroll County’s refusal/failure to comply years after the law went into effect.
Respectfully, I do not agree that the Carroll County version seems to be in compliance unless you insist on rejecting the premise that the auditor’s form is not actually created for use (*1 please see above) or that Carroll County somehow has legal authority to not use it. If that authority exists, I hope Carroll County government official can cite it?
Carroll County apparently skipped the entire secure and verifiable ID collection process
Carroll County not only decided not to include the above paragraph in their version of the affidavit, but apparently bypassed the entire process of collecting any secure and verifiable documents until late this year – after I made this atter public and filed my complaint.
I have a recorded acknowledgement of this on audio from a half-hour October 24, 2022 phone conversation initiated by Carroll County officials to me.
You can easily check on this yourself by asking Carroll County to produce the secure and verifiable ID examples collected in the prior to my public concerned citizen investigation.
Ignoring this important security step in administering public benefits is a violation of the law.
I will provide the audio I mention above upon request from your office.
4) You note that the E-Verify affidavit now posted on the Carroll County website now matches the version provided by the Attorney General’s office. That was not the case last month, as my post explains and illustrates. My original open records request to Carroll County asked for a copy of this affidavit in use. They were unable to provide anything close to the required document – even after a follow-up note from me. Then I was sent an affidavit form that was not in compliance with the law because it wasn’t the affidavit provided by the AG.
As I wrote, I notified one of the Carroll County attorneys of this fact. If they have now begun using the required AG provided affidavit it was after I explained that they were still in violation as you can see from my dated post.
The carelessness and defiance along with the cavalier attitude concerning the law has been evident at Carroll County on this matter since I began my effort to gain compliance early in 2022.
A shorter way to say it is that until I had pursued this to the public complaint level, none of the above was regarded as any sort of problem worthy of concern by elected and appointed officials at Carroll County. They took their time to comply with the rule of law only when it became a public problem for them politically. This is not a luxury enjoyed by taxpaying private citizens.
Allowing this to be ignored and without prosecution is reinforcing the already common attitude in other issuing agencies statewide that “unless we get caught, we can ignore the law designed to deter illegal access to public benefits.”
There are other agencies and political subdivisions within your jurisdiction that are in similar forms of violation of the laws we are discussing here. I mean no offense or disrespect when I note that your move to consider this matter closed will send a clear “we have nothing to worry about…” message to the officials in those agencies if your present consideration becomes more widely publicized.
As I have written to you previously, I do not agree with the conclusions in your investigation. I want to make it clear and repeat that I sent multiple, fact-filled and educated emails to the BOC starting early in 2022 on this matter. I was ignored and brushed off. They only began correcting their documented and admitted violations of multiple laws months later and after I made the issue public and filed my complaint with the sheriff.
It is difficult for reasonable people to regard those reluctant and delayed corrections as “good faith” actions that would allow dismissal of my complaint.
Additions to my complaint – Compliance reports:
OCGA 50-36-1 contains language that makes it illegal to do what Carroll County has clearly (and admittedly) done for about a decade and after they were repeatedly warned of violation. It also contains a reference to 50-36-4 which was created for the specific purpose of making it seemingly impossible to claim ignorance of the law or it’s violation through the required filing of annual compliance reports with the DCA.
“(k) It shall be unlawful for any agency or political subdivision to provide or administer any public benefit in violation of this Code section. Agencies and political subdivisions subject to the requirements of this subsection shall provide an annual report to the Department of Audits and Accounts pursuant to Code Section 50-36-4 as proof of compliance with this subsection. Any agency or political subdivision failing to provide a report as required by this subsection shall not be entitled to any financial assistance, funds, or grants from the Department of Community Affairs.”
OCGA 13-10-91 has a similar requirement for the issuing agencies to conduct “self-audits” on compliance:
(A) Public employers subject to the requirements of this subsection shall provide an annual report to the Department of Audits and Accounts pursuant to Code Section 50-36-4 as proof of compliance with this subsection. Subject to available funding, the state auditor shall conduct annual compliance audits on a minimum of at least one-half of the reporting agencies and publish the results of such audits annually on the Department of Audits and Accounts’ website on or before September 30.
I have not yet taken the time to gather any compliance reports Carroll County may have made or to validate the accuracy of their contents. I can inform you that my broaching this part of the law on the phone call I mention above was greeted with what seemed to me like honest ignorance and surprise. I would not be shocked to learn that no such reports were filed.
I hereby respectfully request that you reconsider regarding this matter as “closed” in your office and that you investigate the possibility of violations involving any filing of the required compliance reports and the possibility that if filed, such reports may contain false and fraudulent claims of compliance.
It is difficult to see how Carrol County can openly correct multiple, long-term violations and at the same time file accurate compliance reports.
I apologize for the length of this reply to your letter to me of December 8, 2022. I would be grateful for the promised phone call to me.
I appreciate your straight-forward and patient reply to my complaint. I am also grateful to you for sending my complaint to the Attorney General’s office and trust the same for this letter.
Please be advised that I have posted virtually all information and correspondence relevant to this matter on my website There is a “roundup” of my columns on the homepage and additional resources can be accessed using “Carroll County” in the search bar. I reserve the privilege of embedding educational links to this letter when it is posted online.
Respectfully submitted with my thanks,
D.A. King
Fast Fact: Germany: High migration intake – low availability of qualified workers
“Official data show that only about a third of the roughly 800,000 working-age Syrians and Afghans in Germany have a taxpaying job, compared with two thirds of Germans.”
Wall St. Journal
Germany Is Short of Workers, but Its Migrants Are Struggling to Find Jobs
A magnet for asylum seekers, the country isn’t attracting enough qualified newcomers and is struggling to train the new arrivals
KASSEL, Germany—In 2016, as Middle Eastern refugees fled to Germany in their hundreds of thousands, Ingo Neupert decided to help.
A professor of social work, he started a training program in western Germany for 25 young refugees to become nurses and medical assistants.
Only three of them graduated from the 4½ year program, Mr. Neupert said. In a second, shorter program, about one-third of the candidates reached the end. The project is now on hold, according to Essen University Hospital, western Germany, where it took place.
Germany faces a paradox: After years of record immigration that has seen the equivalent of the population of a large city arrive in the country every year, one in six people in Germany was now born overseas, compared with one in seven in the U.S.
But unlike the U.S., Germany is failing to find work for the newcomers despite a worsening labor shortage that is stifling economic growth. Europe’s largest economy will in addition need to fill about seven million jobs by 2035 as older workers retire, economists estimate.
Experts have long pointed to immigration as the solution, saying Germany needs some 400,000 skilled immigrants each year.
So far, the current mix of immigrants isn’t filling the gap. Official data show that only about a third of the roughly 800,000 working-age Syrians and Afghans in Germany have a taxpaying job, compared with two thirds of Germans, even though most arrived over five years ago. Unemployment among foreigners is about 12%, and under 5% for Germans. In the U.S., foreigners are more likely to have jobs than locals.
The main problem: Many refugees are poorly suited for jobs in Germany’s highly skilled labor market and Germany hasn’t been very good at training them… more here.
Carroll County complaint: Response from Coweta Judicial Circuit District Attorney, Herb Cranford
The link below will display the three page December 8, 2022 letter in response to my complaint against Carroll County sent here by Coweta Judicial Circuit District Attorney, Mr. Herb Cranford.
Immigration amnesty: Republican GA radio show host Martha Zoller interviews illegal alien lobbyist guest (part one of two) — #JaimeRangel *Updated
* Part two: “Martha Zoller, “DACA”, amnesty and “the likes of D.A. King” –here.
Audio of lobbyist and illegal alien Jaime Rangel hit today from The Martha Zoller Show ‘show clips.’
Related: “DREAM Act” amnesty is merely the hook for total amnesty…again
* LISTEN: Jaime Rangle talks DACA framework here and pasted below.
Audio of lobbyist and illegal alien Jaime Rangel hit today from The Martha Zoller Show clips.’ Transcription from pasted below. My cost $12.00.
It should be noted here that contrary to the labels presented on Martha Zoller’s radio show today, the amnesty legislation (there would be zero hearings) being discussed in the U.S. Senate will not be limited to DACA recipients. I called in and went on the air with Martha to say exactly that. I am grateful to Martha for taking the call. I am in hopes of posting that conversation here but need to access Martha’s podcast to do it.
*Updated: Martha did not include my on air call correcting the Rangel interview on the amnesty proposal being only for DACA recipients in her podcast. I did find a segment of here show the day after the Rangel interview in which she had more to say on her personal position on amnesty and “the likes of D.A. King.” You can hear that one and read as transcript here. Because of the results on the one-time amnesty of 1986, I am in the “amnesty-never” camp. Republican radio host Martha Zoller isn’t.
- Related: Here Are More Details About the Atrocious Backdoor Amnesty Deal
We had an exchange on Twitter this evening.
Martha had more to say about amnesty than what is included on her “show clips” that features the interview/sales pitch from lobbyist Jaime Rangel. I am waiting to find the podcast of today’s show and will post the entire segment of the show in which Martha opined on the need for amnesty as a trade for a promise of future border security from the Biden administration. There is more.
“Martha Zoller – GOP radio show host:
Jaime Rangel’s joining me right now from Forward, and we’re gonna talk about this framework related to DACA, and, um, you know, it’s one of probably, uh, the most sympathetic groups of people that there are related to illegal immigration in America. Uh, and it’s something we’ve been talking about for a long time. And Jaime, first of all, thank you for coming in today, um, or being on the program today. Uh, it is something that people need to- to understand because we’ve been talking about this for a long time. There have been several solutions put on the table. Where are we today?
Jaime Rangel, illegal alien, DACA recipient and lobbyist:
Well, first of all, thank you, Martha and all you for allowing me to be here this morning, and God bless you, to you and all your viewers out there. Where we are now, we’re in a, in a, in a position where there’s an opportunity to finally do something on DACA. Uh, recently, um, as you might have heard on the news, uh, Senator Sinema and Senator Tillis of North Carolina and Arizona have, uh, given a potential framework where a compromised legislation is possible. And at Forward, not only just at Forward, but as someone who is a DACA recipient myself, we’re encouraged by the reported talks and the bipartisan progress that’s being made right now.
And listen, Martha, like, you mentioned, you know, the American people want solutions. The issue o- of DACA is, you know, people support it and that will always support it. In fact, recent polling as of like 12 days ago I believe shows that overwhelmingly, including 70% of self identified conservatives support Republicans and Democrats working together now on immigration reform that’s strengthening the border. And allow people who were brought to this county, like myself, you know, to allow us to be a part of, continue being a part of the American dream. That’s what the American people want. And we need Congress to act now.
Martha Zoller – GOP radio show host:
And I don’t disagree with you. You and I have talked about this for a long time. There have been opportunities in the past. And I don’t wanna belabor the past because the past is the past. We got a new group of players right now and hopefully they’ll do things. But, you know, whether it’s DACA, whether it’s codifying Roe V Wade, whether it is, um, dealing with a number of other issues that we have. There are too many people in Congress that would rather have it an iss- as an issue to talk about, and to raise money off of, than to actually find a solution. And until we get past that place in, in our history, um, we’re not gonna get the work done that we need to get done.
I don’t disagree. I mean I was in favor of what former President Trump put forward. Where I felt like it was a great compromise, where it was money for border security in exchange for the DACA, um, uh, the legalization of DACA kids and their parents. And, and of course that didn’t go through and I don’t wanna belabor the point because it’s a different administration, a different Congress. So what does this particular, uh, situ- framework, as they’re calling it, look like?
Jaime Rangel:
Well we don’t have anything in text so far right now, Martha. You know, they’re still working out the details. So I can’t really go into detail about something that I have, we have not seen on paper. But what I can tell your viewers is right now more than any other situation that we’ve had in the past, as I mentioned last time I was on your show, DACA’s under real threat in the courts. We’ve already seen that Judge Hanen out of Texas is more than likely gonna rule that DACA, um, the program itself is un-constitution. And the pathway through the courts, it does not work well.
So what does that mean down the road? Well it means that dreamers won’t be able to go to their jobs, they won’t be able to go to the hospital, where they’re being employed right now and helping the state. They won’t be able to go to our classes right now to teach the next generation of Americans. We’re looking at about, you know, one billion dollars being lost in the month in the US economy and the 1,000 people being pulled out of the workforce. And that’s real, that’s a real problem. In Georgia, we have 20,000 DACA recipients in this state who have a spending power of 1.3 billion, contribute over $100,000,000 in taxes. And we want these, we want, uh, we wanna stay in this state. We wanna stay in this country.
You know, I was brought to this, uh, this country when I was only a toddler. I took my first steps in American soil. I grew up and to this day will stand up and pledge to the greatest flag on Earth, and we need Congress to do something because there is a, a real threat. Um, and the what do, do we, you know, do we want our economy to grow stronger and for th- us to continue [inaudible 00:04:27], um, building jobs in our nation, or do we wanna deport, you know, 600,000 individuals back to a country that they don’t even know.
I think we should do what Ronald Reagan is protect and pass on lovingly that shiny city on that front, shiny city on a hill, and I know we have an opportunity with this framework. I’m encouraging all US Senators in our, in our Congress, congressional delegation in the house to get together. Enough with the finger pointing. We need y’all to negotiate, and we need you negotiating now.
Martha Zoller – GOP radio show host:
So what would you like to see? If you, you don’t have anything in writing, but what would you like to see?
Jaime Rangel:
I wanna see something that’s bipartisan, that’s well negotiated in a good faith effort that will pass the US Senate. We need 10 Republicans to come on board. We’ve, we’ve had I believe Republicans that have spoken favorably of dreamers in the past. And I believe the votes are there. We just need our senators in our, in our congress and DC to work together.
And we the American people have spoken. Like I mentioned, polling has showed that over 70% vote conservative and [inaudible 00:05:26] have supported do- dreamers in the past, and they want bipartisan solutions. The American people have spoken, and we want Congress to act. So that’s what I want. I want people to do the job they were elected to do.
Martha Zoller – GOP radio show host:
Jaime Rangel from, uh, we appreciate you being with us today and talking about this very important subject. Thank you.
Jaime Rangel:
Thank you so much Martha. God bless.
end of Rangel interview.
Should the U.S. increase or decrease immigration numbers? The Islander #JoeGuzzardi
- A version of the below column is also in the Dec. 12, 2022 edition of The Islander newspaper in Brunswick – St. Simons Island, GA.
A letter sent to the editor of another publication by my old friend Joe Guzzardi and a public wish from a Biden administration official led me to devote this week’s space to presenting a question: Should the U.S. increase or decrease immigration numbers?
First, a graph from my friends at Washington’s Center for Immigration Studies and then Joe’s letter:
I was born in Los Angeles during the mid-1940s. You may know that at the time Los Angeles County was the nation’s leading ag producer. We have pictures in the family album of my parents, my siblings and me picnicking on Malibu Beach without another soul in sight. Back then, California’s population was about seven million people; today, Los Angeles County’s population alone approaches 10 million, and the state is hovering around 40 million.
My father took an overseas assignment in the mid-1950s, and I was away from California for three decades. When I returned in the mid-1980s, I didn’t recognize my home state. The population had exploded, and continues to grow today. The California Department of Finance projects that by mid-century, California’s population will grow to 50 million people, a 25 % increase. Imagine, if you can, 25 % more vehicles on California’s freeways. I did imagine California’s crowded future, and left for low-growth Pittsburgh in 2008.
Much of California’s population growth is, according to the Census Bureau, driven by immigration and births to immigrants. But to be perfectly clear, I have no objections to the arriving immigrants. I, however, oppose unchecked population growth—the exact problem that the federal government refuses to even mention out loud. Ask any of the 100 U.S. Senators what the country’s population policy is, and they would be mute. To its shame, Congress has no population policy, and therefore doesn’t consider unchecked growth’s long-term consequences… I miss California’s yesteryear and count myself fortunate to have lived during a period when California was truly the Golden State. If time machines could make it possible, I’d return to the 1950s Los Angeles in the blink of an eye. But I never even consider visiting today’s City of Angeles.” – Joe Guzzardi, Bradfordwoods, PA
Now let’s look at a recent quote on immigration goals from the U.S. Secretary of Labor, Martin Walsh:
We’ve seen a lack of immigration in our country over last five years, and it’s something that has to be addressed and hopefully the next Congress will have a good conversation and address that issue.”
The fact is that in the last five years we have taken in more than five million legal immigrants – foreigners who come lawfully with the intention of permanent residence. Then there are “guest workers” to count. The Council on Foreign Relations says “nearly 550,000 visas were granted in 2021, down from some 846,000 in 2019.”
Now illegal immigration from “Based on court documents from Texas v. Biden, Center for Immigration Studies Resident Fellow (and former immigration judge) Andrew Arthur reports 1.3 million individuals have been released into the country at the southern border since the beginning of the Biden administration. Media accounts also indicate that there may have been roughly 900,000 “got-aways” in FY 2021 and FY 2022 — illegal border-crossers observed by the Border Patrol but not apprehended.”
Last month (Nov, 2022) more than 73,000 illegal aliens evaded Border Patrol agents according to new federal data. That’s the highest number ever recorded at the southern border.
While we are endlessly assured that we are “a nation of immigrants,” has anyone else noticed that nobody in government ever asks Americans how many immigrants we want?
It’s OK to have that conversation.
US Border Patrol agent killed chasing illegal aliens in Texas
New York Post
Dec. 7, 2022
A US Border Patrol agent was killed in an accident while chasing a group of illegal immigrants, according to a Texas congresswoman.
The agent, Raul Gonzalez, was involved in a chase near Mission, Texas, Wednesday when he crashed his all-terrain vehicle, the chief of Border Patrol tweeted.
The 38-year-old agent was traveling at high speed when he crashed into a gate, according to Fox News. The father of two was taken by fellow agents to the hospital, where he later died.
“The death of an agent who dies while securing our nation’s border is a tremendous loss to our organization and our nation,” said US Border Patrol Chief Agent Raul Ortiz.
Gonzalez is the sixth Border Patrol agent to die on the job this year, according to agency statistics.
This year has been less deadly than previous years, as the agency saw 35 killed in the line of duty in 2021.
More here.
Erick Erickson: “…I am a proponent of, of more immigration in this country, qualified and skilled workers.”
Erick Erickson podcast
Below transcript by
“More and more layoffs are starting to happen.”
Erick Erickson Dec 2, 2022, hour 3:
Begin topic:
“… so there’s a weird problem happening in this country that no one can seem to figure out. Where are all the workers going? The data suggests a lot of early retirements. That people decided to retire and not come back in. And a lot of kids, younger people, are staying in school. We’re in population decline to a degree as well. And so we don’t have workers, qualified workers, in particular, to fill a lot of jobs, and that’s going to have economic problems in this country. And, of course, the usual suspects are already out there saying, “Well, if we just open the borders, if we open the borders, everything will be fine. We’ll, we’ll be able to take care of this.” And I don’t necessarily think that’s the answer.
Uh, I, look, I am a proponent of, of more immigration in this country, qualified and skilled workers. Uh, as long as they don’t come from China these days, unless they’re fleeing Chinese communist persecution. Too many of them I think are coming over here with the encouragement of the Chinese government and eventually go back, we shouldn’t do that, but we’re going to have to come up with some way to find more workers for this country.
It is one of the weird side effects of the inflation dynamic is that, uh, part of the reason we’re seeing inflation is companies are having to pay much higher wages to incentivize people either coming back to work from retirement or getting new people to come into the office who otherwise aren’t working. They’re in college, and they’re incentivizing people dropping out. Major companies in the country right now, including, I think I read, uh, Walmart, Delta, and, and several others, IBM are ditching college requirements for more jobs. Used to have to have a college degree to get into certain sectors of the economy and certain, uh, departments of major corporations. Not anymore.
These companies are saying they need all the workers they can get and they’re taking life experience over college degree just to be able to fill positions. If we can’t get a handle of the labor crisis, and we do have a labor force participation shortage in this country and it’s becoming a crisis, we’re gonna have more, and more problems and we’re not gonna be able to get rid of inflation. Uh, bargain a major economic meltdown. The Fed is still going to raise interest rates, uh, in the coming month, probably not as much as they were. On top of that, pending home sales are starting to crash. They’re down 37% year-over-year, the largest decline on record. The economy is starting to go wobbly and slow down.
More and more layoffs are starting to happen. Uh, we got problems out there in the country right now economically, and uh, we’ll see how successful the Democrats could be at blaming Republicans. Typically …the President gets the blame. And what’s happening is what was predicted. Even as Joe Biden tells people his economy is rebounding, which it isn’t.
When we come back, we gotta talk about Sam Bateman Fried and the media scam.”