Explainer: My old friend and Republican radio show host Martha Zoller had illegal alien, DACA recipient and paid FWD.us (FORWARD) lobbyist Jaime Rangel on her show Dec. 12 providing Rangel an opportunity to pitch the FWD.us talking points on why congress should pass another amnesty – like in 1986. Rangel repeatedly told Zoller’s listeners the amnesty proposal (now happily as dead as Pancho Villa) would apply only to DACA recipients. Zoller did not correct him.
That radio interview produced my “part one” post: “Immigration amnesty: Republican GA radio show host Martha Zoller interviews illegal alien FWD.us lobbyist guest — audio & transcript #JaimeRangel *Updated.”
- Related: Republican radio show host Martha Zoller to guest Sam Aguilar: “thank you for what you do”
The truth is that there are somewhere around 600,000 illegal aliens in the U.S.A. with Obama’s illegal 2021 DACA scam status. The authors of the “framework” for amnesty were happy to inform the media that their proposal would put about two million illegal aliens on the road to U.S. citizenship. Shorter: The amnesty proposal presented on the Zoller broadcast that day was not only for DACA recipients and the entire conversation was based on a lie.
I called in after Rangel’s hit and politely said as much. I did not record my call or Zoller’s other remarks after the Rangel interview was over. I planned on posting that audio and transcript after Zoller posted her podcast. My call was not included in that podcast. Neither were Zoller’s added remarks in support of the above amnesty for illegal aliens and the eventual addition of about two million voters to Democrat voter rolls. Anyone who tells you that illegal aliens and or “more Hispanics” will vote for pro-enforcement Republicans after they are transformed into U.S. citizens is not familiar with the results of the 1986 amnesty swindle.
Martha Zoller was one of our featured speakers at a 2007 rally against amnesty in front of the George W. Bush White House we organized and paid for. I am saddened that she has apparently changed her position on that concept.

It is worth your time to hear Martha refer to “the likes of D.A. King…” It’s too funny.
* Related From Discover the Networks on FORWARD/FWD.us: “Launched on April 11, 2013, and drawing its name from President Barack Obama‘s 2012 re-election campaign slogan (“Forward”), FWD.us is a pro-Democrat organization founded by thirteen tech-industry leaders to promote the passage of “comprehensive immigration reform” in the United States.”
The below transcript is from the Martha Zoller Show December 13, 2022 on WDUN- AM 550 .
You can hear the audio below.
Transcript by Rev.com. My cost, $14.00 and three hours.
I added educational links to the transcript copy.
Martha Zoller, Republican radio show host:
“… you know, on that, but I wanna address something that happened yesterday and kind of spilled over into last night that I wanted to, uh, uh, chat with you about. So we had, uh, Jamie Rangel on from Forward to talk about the DACA situation yesterday. And I’ve been on record for a long time, uh, to say that I do believe that in the case of these DACA kids, uh, that I don’t think… I think they should be kids that were brought here, not up to 16 years old, but kids maybe 10 years old, there are still negotiations that need to be done.
But even someone like Rush Limbaugh, if you recall, about 15 years ago, a woman called into his radio show. She was 35 years old. She was originally from Colombia. She had been brought here to the United States when she was two, and had lived here and now was in danger of being deported because she came in with her illegal immigrant parents, and her… she made a very strong case. And Rush Limbaugh even agreed with her that she had been educated here. She had gone to college here, she had married, had children, had worked here, remember, nothing about her life in Colombia, had lived in the United States for, uh, 33 years and now she was afraid she was gonna be deported. This was when the first rumblings and people talked about something that we now call DACA.
Okay. So reasonable people can look at the DACA situation and without being called pro-immigrant, anti-immigrant, uh, or being pasted by the likes of DA King, as someone that doesn’t understand the immigration issue. I like DA, I think the work he does is good, but he is so one-issue oriented, that he cannot have a reasonable conversation about the fact there are nuances to this issue. And so he’s branded me an amnesty person on Twitter, which I don’t care about Twitter, I made one response to it, I’m not gonna respond to any of the rest of it.
Okay, I’m not an amnesty person, although I do think a solution needs to be found for whatever we’re gonna define as DACA kids. And I also have asked the question, a bunch of times, related to the deal that former President Trump, who probably did the best job on stemming illegal immigration of any president in the last 50 years. And what Donald Trump proposed was, “You give us $5 billion for the wall, we’ll give you all the DACA kids,” which at that time, that number was about 700,000, and their parents, which made the number about 2.2 million.
“I’ll do that if you’ll give me that.” It’s called deal making. It’s called coming up with a solution that’s going to work. And I do agree, we need to go down a path like that, and if you’re gonna brand be an amnesty person because of that, fine, I’ll take that. Because I don’t hide from what I’m saying. I’m… I put the, uh, interview out there immediately after I did it, as I always do. And, and you know what? Uh, a, a few people… I mean, heck, I got five times the followers that DA King has, and most of the people that liked these, these messages don’t really have any kind of amplification.
But what I would say about that is, if we can’t come to the table and have a discussion about the nuances of this, I’ve also talked about fiance visas. my nephew is going through a situation. He’s now married his fiancee. But he has spent $10,000 in legal fees, trying to get his fiancee back into the United States. She’s now his wife, ’cause they have to marry within 90 days. That part of the situation is true. If you get your fiancee over here, you got to get married in 90 days, even if you haven’t seen each other for two years. And that’s the situation that my nephew found himself in. They met in graduate school. She was here on a visa. She had to go home and went home followed her visa after, you know, she could have overstayed her visa, like most of the people who were illegal immigrants, but she didn’t do that, she went home, and they decided they wanted to get married.
And so it took him two years to get her back to the United States, and COVID played into that a little bit too. But they had to get married within 90 days. And she still doesn’t have a green card. She can’t drive. She can’t work, and there’s something wrong with the system like that. That’s the legal immigration part of the system. So there’s many tiers to this immigration discussion and you can join us on the phones at 770-535-2911. Here’s the Martha Zoller view of what we need to do.
Okay, and if you wanna call me names because of it fine, fine. But I’m gonna tell you this is what in my many years of looking at this we need to do, first we need to secure the border, and I mean both borders. Okay, because you must have a secure border, we need to get back to, uh, not that long ago 2020 in, uh, America, where we were gi- we have less than 500 people a day coming across the border that were illegal, and now we have thousands a day, we need to secure the border.
And that may not be a wall in the sense of it’s a wall over 2200 miles, different terrains require different things. But I’m using wall in the general term, that a way to deter people and to funnel people into the actual checkpoints that we have that are official checkpoints of the United States of America, number one. Number two, we do need to look and define what a DACA kid is. I don’t think it’s up to 16 years old, because this culture that primarily uses this DACA, uh, carve out, uh, that, that by the time kids are 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, they’re acting like adults, they’re dropping out of school and working to support the family. They are acting like adults. Okay, so I don’t think, I don’t think all the way up to 16 is the right age, maybe 10 is the right age, but I’m willing to have a debate about that.
And then we need to… And I do think that President Trump was correct in saying you’re probably gonna have to allow the parents legal status too, because you really can’t have a minor child if they’re still minor children staying in the United States without their parents. Now, you could send them all back. But I’m talking about young people that have only lived in America, that, uh, speak English, that have gone to school here and that, that there ought to be some clear things.
I, I kind of been like Newt Gingrich in a way that there are… there is a class of people that you’re gonna have to look at him family, by family, and you’re gonna have to make that decision, and that’s going to cost money and time, but it’s the right thing to do. Because they’ve lived here for 5, 10, 15, 25 years, they haven’t been breaking the law while they’re been, been here other than crossing the border illegally. They’ve been paying taxes.
I mean, heck, the people that go ahead and get a federal tax ID number, and, and they’re paying taxes, we got to figure out how to legalize those folks. And then we need to fix the legal immigration system, and that means lowering the overall number of green cards, taking that 500,000 green cards a year and clearing the backlog of green cards and getting our system caught up. I don’t think that’s unreasonable and I don’t think that is pro-illegal immigration or pro-amnesty. I think that is living in the real world, and understanding that every person cannot be categorized in a certain way.
But I understand DA’s commitment to this because he has… And there are many people across this country who have lost loved ones to the crimes of illegal immigrants that should have never been here in the first place, and that is a travesty.
(end of topic)
Radio announcer:
It’s local radio. And that’s why you’re listening is the Martha Zoller Show on AM 5:50 and FM 102.9, WDUN.
Martha Zoller Republican radio show host:
Philip Magnus is joining us right now. Uh, he wrote an article, uh…”
Edit, Dec. 27, 20222 – corrected date on rally photo.