Update: SB 195 saw significant change (improvement) in the House and passed that body on March 27, 2023. See House vote 319 here.
SB 195 is yet another Republican bill under the Gold Dome apparently aimed at dismantling law we worked to put in place making life more difficult for illegal aliens. It passed the senate on March 6 without any member voting against it (vote record on the bottom).
The Georgia Chamber of Commerce goal is to allow a member of the U.S. military and their spouses to see a fast track to obtaining a professional or occupational license. According to the bill, generally, if a spouse of a member of the military moves to Georgia and already “holds a current and valid license to practice a profession, business, or trade issued by another state for an occupation with a similar scope of practice in this state” the Georgia licensing process will be “expedited.”
Professional and occupational licenses are “public benefits” under state law.
Bills we worked to see passed in 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 deal with a verification system in which applicants for occupational and professional licenses must swear on an affidavit they are eligible for the public benefit because of U.S. citizenship of are have “lawful presence.” That system is set up in OCGA 50-36-1. That existing verification system should not be waived for anyone, including a spouse of a member of the military who could be in the U.S. illegally.

The bill is easily fixed with the addition of this sentence: “Nothing contained in this Code section shall be construed to permit the issuance of a license without verification under Code Section 50-36-1.”
Please contact your own state Rep and point this out? We doubt this is the only such bill.
Also please contact the chairman of the House Regulated Industries committee, Rep Alan Powell at his Gold Dome office 404-463-3793 – alan.powell@house.ga.gov . just leave a polite message on voice mail or with the staffer who answers the phone: We are watching SB 195 and want to be sure you add ‘belt and suspenders’ language to keep illegal aliens out of our occupational and professional licensing process.”