Welcome to Straight Talk with Scott Ryfun listeners!
Please tell your state Rep “YES!” on HB 136.

- Thank you to Savannah Republican Rep Jesse Petrea for sponsoring this transparency bill.
- Thank you to Camden County Rep Steven Sainz and Glynn County Rep Rick Townsend for being cosponsors!
Phone calls to your Reps’ staffer and emails to their House address needed now and over the weekend – and Monday!
The legislature is not in session today. We hope they will vote on HB136 on Monday.
Please contact your sate Rep ASAP to ask that the House passes HB136 Monday!
- HB 136 will require the Dept. of Corrections to post a public, quarterly report telling taxpayers how many criminal illegals are in the state prison system, their crimes and where they come from.
“We want to know how much money we are paying to incarcerate “undocumented workers.” What comes have they committed? Where do they come from? Please vote YES on HB 136!”
* Click here to find contact info for your GA state Rep! Please call or email now or as soon as you can?
I’ll wash your car!
Scott Ryfun is a Great American!