The below transcript from is from the 10:00 hour of The Martha Zoller Show, WDUN in Gainesville, Nov. 29, 2023.
My cost: $22.00 and about an hour of my life.
Audio below
As in most of the state of Georgia, much of the Gainesville area economy depends on black market labor – or what the leftist media merely refers to as “immigrants.”
We note, again, that either Martha doesn’t know of what she speaks, or is intentionally misleading telling her listeners by telling them that illegal aliens who obtain an ITIN are “paying taxes.” We assume Martha means income taxes. She hasn’t yet told her audience that illegal aliens can and do use the ITIN to file claim the Child Tax credit and the Additional Child tax credit (“CTC & ACTC”). And despite our repeated heads up to Martha (maybe she doesn’t read our Martha Zoller file?) she is keeping to herself the fact that having an ITIN does not mean the illegal alien pays income taxes – not that paying taxes is a reason for another immigration amnesty.
And Martha is apparently silent on the fact that ITINs exist for people who cannot get a Social Security Number, which must be given to employers in the hiring process.
To illegally get a job in the U.S., illegal aliens use a fake or stolen SSN, which is a federal felony. Doing so is also a Georgia felony (we note tax the state law is seldom enforced for illegal aliens). So much for the “the only crime they commit is entering the U.S. illegally” and “criminal illegal immigrants” goop from Martha – which also leaves off the massive visa overstay crisis.
- Related: How can Undocumented Immigrants be Hired Without a Social Security Number?
“Since the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, all employers are required to verify the work eligibility of all new hires by completing Form I-9, which mandates the employee provide a Social Security number and show documents to their employer to prove work authorization and identity. U.S. citizens frequently show their driver’s license and Social Security card, but because there are a number of documents that can be used to complete the form, the worker does not necessarily need to show their actual Social Security card. “Undocumented workers” who are hired without valid work authorization may provide their employer a fake Social Security number, someone else’s number, or even a previously-valid number issued when they may have had work authorization that has since lapsed.”
We think Martha falls into the category of “not an honest broker.”
Martha Zoller is a “Kemp Republican.”

Richard (caller):
show in progress – “… th- that was my comment for the morning because it drives me crazy to hear people using the- the, uh, buzz words that Democrats put out there. Then the newscasters use it. And- and it becomes the common genre of everybody to use that- that verbiage to justify their point, not the truth.
Martha Zoller, Republican amnesty supporter:
No. I think you’re absolutely right. And look, it’s frustrating to me because enforcing the law, I mean tax law, uh, if I were … I’ve said this before. If I were going back to do my life over again, I would have been a staffer for a congressman and focused on tax policy. And then I would’ve gone out as a lobbyist, because the- the protection of the tax code is something like you’ve never seen before, Richard, because people don’t want us to simplify our tax code. They like it the way it is. But with that said, you’ve got to deal with it the way it is. And using the tax code to your benefit is not cheating.
That’s right.
Martha Zoller, Republican amnesty supporter:
Absolutely. Thanks for your call today very much. (770) 535-2911. Yeah. I- I like to always say that, following the law is not cheating. All right? And I- I go back to what my friend, Nathan Deal, said. You need to enforce the law or change it. He was talking about illegal immigration at that time, but illegal immigrants now, their whole, their whole situation has changed, to where they are now saying they’re coming here because Biden told them to come here. They say they’re coming here because, uh, because, uh, they want, a- not they want a better life. They want what we’re giving them. And we’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars that are being spent on these migrants that are coming across the border illegally, and we’re just letting them in, for untold amounts of time, until they get some kind of hearing. And we’re gonna lose these folks.
And look, I think that- that there are several different layers of immigration. There is legal immigration, which- which I’ve talked about before. We need to implement something like the RAISE Act, where we focus on catching up on green cards and on the skills that we need, and we’re less focused on just how many family members we can get in, and more focused, I’m not saying do away with the family part of it, but less focused on that. More focused on getting the skillsets that we need in the society. That’s the legal immigration part.
Then you have the illegal immigration part, where you’ve got the people that have been here for a long time. Some of them have tax ID numbers. I- I think, I forget the number. The IRS has a number on that of how many illegal immigrants have gone through the trouble to get their tax ID number. So we got, we know who they are, and we know that they’re paying taxes on the money that they’re earning. We have people that have been here for 25 years. But that group of people, and this is where I get in trouble with the, with a lot of the immigration groups, that group of people needs to be looked at differently than criminal illegal immigrants, uh, than people that are committing crimes once they’re here.
There was this story … And then there’s the group that came through in the last three years, which is the biggest group. And Joe Biden, you know, he keeps talking about in 50 years what people are gonna say about him. In 50 years, people are gonna say that he ruined this country and that it took us 30 years to get out of the mess that he made. That’s what they’re gonna be saying about him in 50 years. This is gonna be like some of the decisions He- Herbert Hoover made at the beginning of the Depression that cost us until we got through the second World War. That’s what this is gonna be like. That is, and it’s 100 year cycle. I mean, I hate to say it, but that’s where we are. We’re in this hundred year, hundred year cycle.
But the bottom line is that we have got a serious immigration problem. And it’s not if, but when we have a terrorist attack as a result of the people that we’ve let in this country that we have no idea who they are. And Joe Biden is wrong on this. Mayorkas is wrong on this. And we that are in the- the fix the immigration system camp need to work together instead of picking on each other because they might disagree about one thing or another thing. That’s why nothing’s gotten done here. That and the, both sides love raising money on this. Both sides love raising money on this.