Proposal required a negative COVID test for any illegal alien before being released from custody was blocked by 217 Democrats in the House
On Wednesday, the proposal made by Red. Marianette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) that would require a negative COVID test for any illegal migrant before being released from custody was blocked by 217 Democrats in the House.
“Today, I offered my REACT Act on the House floor, which would require DHS to give a COVID test to everyone crossing our border illegally. The majority chose to block this common-sense bill that would ensure the health and safety of border patrol and border communities.”Here from
U.S. Still Top Desired Destination for Potential Migrants
The countries where potential migrants say they would like to move — if they could — have generally been the same for the past 10 years. In fact, roughly 18 countries attract two-thirds of all potential migrants worldwide.
Although the image of U.S. leadership took a beating between 2016 and 2017, the U.S. continues to be the most desired destination country for potential migrants, as it has since Gallup started tracking these patterns a decade ago.
One in five potential migrants (21%) — or about 158 million adults worldwide — name the U.S. as their desired future residence. Canada, Germany, France, Australia and the United Kingdom each appeal to more than 30 million adults.
With agriculture being Georgia’s biggest industry, it should be noted that many of the 1980’s illegal farm workers fled the fields after they obtained legal status in the “one time” Reagan amnesty. Taking a better paying job in construction or an air-conditioned warehouse instead of sweating in a 100-degree onion field seems a logical move.
Georgia’s Commissioner of Agriculture (and now announced candidate for U.S.senate) Gary Black, recommended a temporary solution for that scenario to a U.S. Senate subcommittee in 2011. Black told the senators:
“Regretfully, a large number of illegal immigrants are working in agriculture today. A penalty-based work authorization permit should be considered for offenders. Such a measure could require substantial monetary fines, an annually renewed biometric permit supported by fees that is restricted for agriculture and strict employer enforcement after implementation.” (italics mine).
Georgians can watch to see if any current Peach State legislator supports what is accurately being referred to as the “indentured servant” section of “immigration reform.” We’ll also see if anyone remembers that Black forgot to obey Georgia’s E-Verify laws when he took over the Ag Dept duties.
“The Georgia Agribusiness Council, where Gary Black served as President before becoming the state’s Agricultural Commissioner, estimated that (“The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011”), HB87 would result in losses of $300 million for Georgia farmers. Commissioner Black testified before the Senate in October 2011 that losses would be “somewhere in the neighborhood of $150 million.” The survey actually found reported losses in 2011 to be $10 million. That works out to be three percent of the original figure released by agribusiness in order to scare lawmakers away from supporting HB87. Put into a broader context, $10 million represents 0.015 percent of the state’s total agricultural output in 2009, and 0.0013 percent of the total state economy. No wonder when Commissioner Black was asked to respond to the survey findings he said, “We have to look at solutions,” instead of getting “lost in this million versus that million.” Talking about the actual results would expose his previous claims about HB87 as unfounded.” Here – which is linked in here.
Updated 28 June 2021 with addition of link to Black’s former career with Big Ag lobby.
Georgia House commends well-known race-baiting anti-enforcement activist, GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez
“California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave. They ought to go back to Europe.” — Mario Guerra Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF, on the Tom Likus radio show, 1998
The 2021 Republican-controlled Georgia House passed a privileged resolution “recognizing and commending” Jerry Gonzalez. It’s a real head-shaker. And it is lazy lack of attention to official business and another example of timid and misplaced GOP trust in the deceitful Democrats.
Gonzalez is a former lobbyist for the above-mentioned MALDEF mob. He has been leader of Atlanta’s far-left and innocuously named Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) Corporation since 2003.
Privileged resolutions are passed as a group after the House Clerk reads part of each out loud if no member objects. This reading includes the name of the recipient. If no member objects to any part of the bundle presented they all pass. If there is objection, members can have the opportunity to vote on singular resolutions. Put another way, when the clerk read the words “recognizing and commending Jerry Gonzalez…” any house member could have spoken up when the Speaker asked if there were any objections to the adoption of the privileged resolutions…” Nobody did.
A shorter explanation of the process is that lawmakers vote “yes” by remaining silent. Part of this House legislative process can be seen here in a two-minute video.
Jerry Gonzalez. Photo: DIS files.
Jerry Gonzalez (Gerardo Eleazar Gonzalez) is widely known for his contempt for all things conservative and for marching in the streets of Atlanta demanding an end to immigration enforcement. He has proudly lobbied under the Gold Dome against voter ID, use of E-Verify, official English for government, honoring immigration holds in Georgia jails, and for personally escorting self-described illegal aliens into the Georgia Capitol.
In a classic example of why he is tagged “Angry Jerry” the Rome News reported on a 2015 experience diminutive state Rep Katie Dempsey had with Gonzalez when he was removed from an event for screaming at her for supporting immigration enforcement.
From the House Resolution commending and congratulating GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez (HR 305):
“WHEREAS, Jerry’s significant organizational and leadership talents, remarkable patience and diplomacy, keen sense of vision, and sensitivity to the needs of the citizens of this state have earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues and associates; and WHEREAS, he is a person of magnanimous strengths with and unimpeachable reputation for integrity, intelligence, fairness, and kindness;…”
The House clerk’s office tells me the recipients of these resolution commendations receive a framed print of the entire document – “with a nice ribbon” for display on their walls. More here.
Since the passage of Immigration Act of 1990, U.S. has admitted an average of 1 million immigrants every year. This is *triple* average annual admissions that preceded the law. The 1 million annual immigrant admissions does NOT include guest workers (≈700k) or illegal aliens. ( on Twitter)
More than a million illegal aliens could arrive at the United States-Mexico border this year, according to projection analysis.
Princeton Policy Advisor Steven Kopits projects that federal immigration officials could encounter about 1.2 million illegal aliens by the end of 2021 if current illegal immigration levels continue as a result of President Joe Biden’s policies.
The analysis comes after federal immigration officials apprehended nearly 170,000 border crossers including more than 18,600 UACs, nearly 53,000 family units, and nearly 97,000 single adults.
“At the current pace, apprehensions for calendar year 2021 could be forecast at 1.2 million, following the precedents of 2005 and 2006,” Kopits writes:
As a result, barring a major modification of Biden administration policy, we might expect a level of illegal immigration this year not seen since the Great Recession. The situation is fairly described as a border crisis and a rolling policy disaster. [Emphasis added]
‘Dreamers’ protest for amnesty, 2020. Photo: Twitter.
Breitbart News
Neil Munro
14 April, 2021
President Joe Biden’s deputies have awarded contracts worth up to $1.6 billion dollars to help foreign children and teenagers settle in the United States.
The one-year contracts signed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) include a contract worth up to $530 million to Family Endeavors Inc. starting March 17, a contract worth up to $719 million with Deployed Resources Inc. starting March 19, and a contract worth up to $198 million to Rapid Deployment Inc.
The Department of Homeland Security is also spending heavily to record and process the younger migrants, as well as the wave of adults who bring young children.
Both agencies may spend less than the maximum per contract — but can also sign more contracts during Biden’s four years in office.
In contrast, President Donald Trump turned away most migrants, so forcing more U.S. government attention on the interests of Americans.
The HHS contracts are being used to operate shelters where migrant teenagers and children are identified, enrolled in asylum lawsuits, and then handed over to so-called “sponsors” who promise to take care of them until they eventually face asylum judges. In reality, most of the migrant teenagers and children are looking for U.S. jobs or joining illegal-migrant parents and relatives who are already living in the United States.
For example, the Family Endeavors contract includes $86 million in taxpayers’ funds to rent hotel rooms for six months for approximately 1,200 families who cross the southern border.
The child-migration process is being used by progressives, business groups, illegal migrants, coyotes, cartels, and pro-migration media to widen the small asylum side-door in the nation’s immigration laws.
The post-1990 immigration laws normally accept roughly 1 million legal immigrants per year. That huge inflow delivers roughly 1 new migrant for every four Americans who turn 18. But Biden’s deputies want to dramatically raise the overall migration levels by adding more people via side doors, including the side doors for asylum seekers and refugees.
Business groups want the extra immigration because the arrivals serve as wage-capping workers, profit-boosting consumers, and high-occupancy urban renters. For example, the meatpacking industry prefers hiring migrants to invest in labor-saving machinery.
The migrant children are delivered to the border by coyotes and cartels, mostly under contract with the children’s parents who are living illegally in the United States. Once the children arrive at the border, they are relayed by the taxpayer-funded agencies to their illegal migrant parents throughout the United States.
The relay process ensures the U.S. government is providing free subcontracting services to the coyotes and cartels. For example, without the $1.6 billion in spending, the illegal migrant parents would have to fund the extra expense and legal risk of transporting their migrant children to new homes throughout the United States. “We’re complicit as a nation in human trafficking,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said at a March 26 press conference in Texas with 17 other GOP Senators.
The $1.5 billion in shelter contracts are merely the up-front costs of sheltering the many young migrants coming from Central America. Once admitted, the children and teenagers are expected to spur additional spending via welfare and education agencies.
State and local governments spend almost $60 billion per year helping to settle and support immigrants, according to a 2016 report by the National Academies of Sciences. Much of the extra spending flows to companies via contracts and consumer purchases…. More here from Breitbart News.
Another day, another instance of the Biden political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security ignoring laws that they dislike.
Instead of going through notice and comment rulemaking, as required under the Administrative Procedure Act, to revise regulations, or getting Congress to pass legislative changes, the Biden administration seems to believe it can unilaterally create its preferred immigration system with impunity. The most recent example was yesterday’s announcement by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that it will allow applicants to submit incomplete applications.
To a casual observer this might not sound like a big deal, but it is.
The requirements for properly filing applications and petitions are clearly spelled out in Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Specifically, 8 CFR 103.2 says:
§ 103.2 Submission and adjudication of benefit requests.
(a) Filing –
(1) Preparation and submission. Every form, benefit request, or other document must be submitted to DHS and executed in accordance with the form instructions regardless of a provision of 8 CFR chapter I to the contrary. The form’sinstructions are hereby incorporated into the regulations requiring its submission. Each form, benefit request, or other document must be filed with the fee(s) required by regulation. All USCIS fees are generally non-refundable regardless of if the benefit request or other service is approved, denied, or selected, or how much time the adjudication or processing requires. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter I, fees must be paid when the request is filed or submitted.
Ideally, applicants and petitioners only submit “perfect” applicants and petitions, meaning a completed form with all evidence and fees included that efficiently allows an adjudicator to make an approve/deny decision. Reality is different and the adjudicative process drags on inefficiently.
As a threshold matter, USCIS does not even begin to adjudicate a benefit request until the agency accepts the request and processes the required fees (if any). According to the USCIS Policy Manual, “In order for USCIS to accept a benefit request, a submission must satisfy all applicable acceptance criteria.” The agency explains that this generally means (1) a complete, properly executed form, with a proper signature; (2) correct fees; and (3) the required initial evidence for intake purposes, as directed by the form instructions.
Accepting the form does not guarantee approval for the benefit request; it is merely the threshold requirement that initiates adjudicator review. If the officer is unable to make an adjudicative decision, he or she may issue a Request for Evidence (RFE) to give the requestor an opportunity to supplement the record. When adjudicators issue RFEs, it delays the final determination and contributes to backlogs.
On the other hand, USCIS is supposed to reject benefit requests that do not meet these minimum requirements. As outlined in the Policy Manual, reasons for rejection may include (1) incomplete benefit request; (2) improper signature or no signature; (3) use of an outdated version of a USCIS form at time of submission; (4) principal application error; and (5) incorrect fee, including missing fees or fees in the wrong amount.
In 2019, senior Trump administration political leadership at USCIS discovered that the agency was accepting woefully incomplete Forms I-589, I-612, and I-918 in violation of the form instructions and regulations. For those (understandably) unfamiliar with USCIS form numbers, the three forms at issue are:
The CEO of Gallup has publicly warned President Joe Biden that approximately 42 million people south of Texas want to migrate into the United States.
In a blog post published on Wednesday, Jim Clifton, the chairman and CEO of the Gallup polling company, warned Biden as he and his administration struggle to deal with the surge of migration at the border:
Here are questions every leader should be able to answer regardless of their politics: How many more people are coming to the southern border? And what is the plan?
There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them if they would like to move to another country permanently if they could.
A whopping 27% said “yes.” This means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.
Gallup then asked them where they would like to move. Of those who want to leave their country permanently, 35% — or 42 million — said they want to go to the United States.
In addition to finding a solution for the thousands of migrants currently at the border, let’s include the bigger, harder question — what about all of those who would like to come? What is the message to them?
What is the 10-year plan?
330 million U.S. citizens are wondering. So are 42 million Latin Americans.
According to the Breitbart report, the United States already has very high rates of legal and illegal migration.
With around “four million young Americans who turn 18 each year and begin looking for jobs, careers, spouses, homes, and families. Yet, the federal government imports roughly one million legal immigrants per year, each of whom compete for the jobs and housing sought by Americans,” according to the Breitbart report.
According to the Western Journal, “Clifton is no right-wing pundit”, his warning shows that the border crisis is not only a concern to conservative Americans as Gallup is not a right-leaning pollster.
Oh, my! The Feb 4, 2021 headline in the liberal AJC’s “Get Schooled” blog “OPINION: Open door to higher education for immigrants” tells us the door to higher education is closed to immigrants! Can you imagine how horrible the state of Georgia must be?
But wait, the sub-headline is “Bill introduced by Republican legislator would restore in-state tuition for young immigrants.”
Ah, so maybe it’s not that immigrants cannot get a college education in the Peach State after all. Maybe the AJC’s problem with Georgia is that young immigrants must pay out-of-state tuition – at public universities?
Nope, that isn’t true either.
Actually the state’s taxpayer funded University System of Georgia is ruled by the autonomous Board of Regents and that body has a policy offering instate tuition rates to immigrants. But – and here is the real problem the AJC and the people who wrote the opinion column have with Georgia – the benefit is for legal immigrants. And refugees. And asyleees. Pretty mean, eh?
Legal immigrants, also known as Lawful Permanent Residents have what are widely referred to as ‘green cards.” The Regents policy does not allow illegal aliens to access instate tuition.
It’s right there in the Board of Regents Policy Manual
4.3.1 Out-of-State Enrollment & 4.3.2 Classification of Students for Tuition Purposes Non-Citizens
“A non-citizen student shall not be classified as in-state for tuition purposes unless the student is legally in this state and there is evidence to warrant consideration of in-state classification as determined by the Board of Regents. Lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylees, or other eligible noncitizens as defined by federal Title IV regulations may be extended the same consideration as citizens of the United States in determining whether they qualify for in-state classification.
International students who reside in the United States under non-immigrant status conditioned at least in part upon intent not to abandon a foreign domicile shall not be eligible for in-state classification.”
The liberal AJC headline is over an opinion column from two advocates, Sofia Bork and Munir Meghjani. They seem very confused about the regents policy.
“Unfortunately, Georgia’s growing immigrant community has been locked out of the system that could propel them to reach their full potential, benefiting both their community and our state’s workforce. We have seen scores of family and friends struggle to make ends meet to afford the same education we received” they tell us.
If you have already guessed that the column is really about promoting state legislation to give illegal aliens instate tuition, you are on the right track.
The bill being sold is House Bill 120 from Republican Rep Kasey Carpenter of Dalton. Carpenter – and his mostly Democrat co-sponsors – want to provide illegal aliens with the much lower instate tuition rate than the regents allow U.S. citizens and legal immigrants from most other states to pay.
In liberal parlance, it’s fairness to “immigrants.”
Rep Carpenter says his bill is all about illegal aliens with DACA status. It’s not. DACA is not mentioned anywhere in the bill. But that isn’t part of the advocate’s column in the AJC. Rep Carpenter says illegal aliens with DACA are somehow ‘lawfully present’ in the United States. The 11th Circuit Appellate Court says DACA does not provide lawful presence. We wrote it up here.
None of that is in the opinion column in the liberal AJC. It’s worth a read if you aren’t already convinced the editors at the AJC are driven by an open borders agenda and they are quite willing to smear real immigrants to push that cause.
AJC Get Schooled editor Maureen Downey. Photo: Twitter.
The AJC “Get Schooled” blog is run by AJC editor Maureen Downey who we suspect wrote the headline.