The below letter to the editor was sent more than two weeks ago. Seems a shame to not post it.
Dear editor,
For those who believed his 2018 promises on illegal immigration, a recent AJC story on Gov. Kemp and his reelection campaign strategy contains an amusing quote. “One of the things that happened in ’18 was I got defined as someone I wasn’t, and the way I was defined turned out to be false.” “That’s not going to happen this time because people know where I stand.”
So far it appears the Georgia media has chosen not to mention Kemp’s defiant betrayal of his detailed and clear 2018 pledge “as governor, conservative businessman Brian Kemp will create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons.” And the now infamous “I’ve got a big truck in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.”
Kemp has not mentioned any of this since he won the election. Pro-enforcement independent voters now know exactly where he stands. We call it the ‘Big Truck Trick.’
D.A. King
King is president of the Dustin Inman Society