“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.” – Democrat Ted Kennedy on the promised effects of the 1965 change to U.S. immigration law.
When Americans are allowed to talk about legal immigration at all, straying outside the parameters of “legal immigration good, illegal immigration bad” is often deemed to be “anti-immigration.” The politically correct “solution” to illegal immigration is usually to increase legal immigration. Most other reactions are often deemed “anti-immigrant hate” by the arbiters of permitted speech. That includes any talk of enforcing immigration laws.
In the endless push for “immigration reform,” – meaning a repeat of the failed amnesty of 1986 and increased legal immigration levels – a long list of politicians of both parties assure us that even now, the U.S. somehow has a shortage of immigrants. We don’t.
The USA imports more legal immigrants than any nation in the world. We take in more than a million legal immigrants each year. My adopted sister is one of them. So are several of the members of the board of the Dustin Inman Society of which this writer is founder. It is not somehow “anti-immigrant” to believe that immigration should benefit Americans and America. And it is not “anti-immigration” to have a serious conversation about reducing legal immigration and enforcing our immigration laws.
We also import more than 750,000 guest workers each year, many of whom refuse to leave when their temporary visa expires.
- Recommended reading: Historical Overview of Immigration Policy
The assimilation process of the fabled “great wave” of immigration from the beginning of the last century came about due to a sharp reduction in immigration from 1924 to the mid-sixties. The numbers went from about 700,000 immigrants per year to about 200,000 due to the 1924 law passed by congress. Because of the laws of supply and demand, this reduction not only allowed American wages to rise — thereby creating the now vanishing middle class — but also created an atmosphere of common culture, language and patriotic unity in our Republic.
- Related reading: How the 1924 Immigration Act Helped Build the Black Middle Class

But in the name of “civil rights” the numbers steadily increased after the Hart Cellar Act was passed in 1965. Democrat Ted Kennedy assured the nation that these amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act would have minimal effect on our society. “The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society.” His brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, made the same prediction: “[The bill] would increase the amount of authorized immigration by only a fraction.”
- Recommended reading: “The 1965 Immigration Act: A Little Humility, Please!”

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson told us “This bill that we will sign today is not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives, or really add importantly to either our wealth or our power…”
The law changed the face of America forever.
A March 2024 report from the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington D.C. tells us the foreign-born share of the U.S. population has more than tripled since 1970, nearly doubled since 1990, and is up 40 percent just since 2000.
A majority of Americans want lower immigration numbers
A June 2024 national Gallup poll (“Sharply More Americans Want to Curb Immigration to U.S.”) that may have been left out of “the news.” Gallup reveals that 55% of Americans want immigration levels reduced. That’s the highest since 2001- after the horror of 9/11. Gallup says 55% of American adults would like to see immigration to the U.S. decreased.
“This is the first time since 2005 that a majority of Americans have wanted there to be less immigration, and today’s figure is the largest percentage holding that view since a 58% reading in 2001. The record high was 65%, recorded in 1993 and 1995” according to Gallup. “This represents a 10-percentage-point decline in those saying they want increased immigration, now at 16%.”
There has also been a decline in those wanting to see immigration kept at its present level, down six points to 25%.
The dangerous idiocy of “illegal immigration bad, legal immigration good” goop pushed by the people who hope we won’t talk about immigration at all is now on display in Europe. Many European leaders have been busy legally importing immigrants who openly espouse their intentions. It goes something like “we will rape your mothers and wives, conquer you and kill those of you who do not submit to our religion and Sharia law.”
How is England adapting? The police in the United Kingdom are now opening press conferences with Islamic greetings like “salam alaykum.”
For readers who are not certain the above is true, I recommend getting an account on X (formerly known as Twitter) to see what is left out of reports in the liberal press here in the U.S.
I urge haste. It is fully within the realm of possibility that if the Democrats win the White House columns like this one will be punishable under law. It is already happening in Europe. Last week I watched video after video of invited and taxpayer subsidized radical Islamist “migrants” chase down and beat native Englishmen and women in the streets of England.

This while Brit police arrest English citizens in their homes for posting their objections to the mass, legal immigration that has put their country on an all but certain path to extinction. The London Metropolitan police commissioner threatens to extradite and jail US citizens over social media posts: ‘We will come after you.’ Yes, London’s Police chief announced officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commenting on the riots in the UK, but on American citizens as well” (Fox News).
- See @LosingEurope on X
Here at home, Minnesota Governor and now candidate for Vice President Tim Walz tells MSNBC that “…there’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech especially around our Democracy.”
Guess who intends to define “misinformation” and “hate speech?”
Better immigration is possible. To make Washington hear your voice on reducing immigration, please see NumbersUSA.com .
Silence is consent.
D.A. King is @DAKDIS on X (formerly known as Twitter).