Image: CAPS
“It is long overdue that social media companies stop using the hypocritical SPLC as a reliable source to police their content and discriminate against pro-family and conservative nonviolent organizations,” said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The rest of the tech companies should follow Twitter’s lead and divorce from the SPLC.”
“Twitter distanced itself from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) following reports suggesting that the group scams liberal donors out of money. Facebook has not yet revealed whether it plans on ending its partnership with the group.
Twitter appears to be one of the only big tech companies in Silicon Valley to completely divorce itself from the SPLC, an Alabama-based group that got slammed in March following reports it takes donors’ money while ignoring racial harassment. Facebook has not responded to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s repeated requests for comment about its affiliation with the SPLC.
Read the rest here, at The Daily Caller
Blog Page
Watch Illegal Aliens Cross American Borders – Video from Border Patrol Tuesday Night
Before 5 a.m. MT this morning, #BorderPatrol agents apprehended more than 980 individuals that illegally crossed the border in 3 large groups. The groups, mostly comprised of family units from Central America, were apprehended in the El Paso and Tucson Sectors.
— CBP (@CBP) April 16, 2019
Adios, IERB – Georgia Legislature Passes Law to Abolish the Immigration Enforcement Review Board

Created in 2011 via HB87, and dubbed a “parody of a kangaroo court” by this writer, the controversial but obscure IERB has been abolished by the General Assembly.
Archived tracking of the IERB can be seen here on the Dustin Inman Society blog.
A more detailed story on the apparent demise of the IERB from the news outlet can be seen here.
PSA, Weekend Reading: A Reminder About Libertarians; “Forget the Wall Already, It’s Time for the U.S. to Have Open Borders”
Not for the last time, we re-post the below from the Libertarian Cato Institute as a continuing education, public service.
Author Jeffrey Miron is director of economic studies at the Libertarian Cato Institute and the director of undergraduate studies in the Department of Economics at Harvard University.
Image: Twitter
Forget the Wall Already, It’s Time for the U.S. to Have Open Borders
President Donald Trump’s recent tweets against open borders come as no surprise. Indeed, even fervent immigration advocates worry that open borders would lower the wages of low-skilled natives, erode national security, and overburden the social safety net. Trump doubled down, tweeting that he would be “willing to ‘shut down’ government” unless Congress approves funding for a border wall with Mexico.
Trump, however, has it exactly backwards: The solution to America’s immigration problems is open borders, under which the United States imposes no immigration restrictions at all. If the U.S. adopts this policy, the benefits will far outweigh the costs.
Legalize ALL immigration
Illegal immigration will disappear, by definition. Much commentary on immigration — Trump and fellow travelers aside — suggests that legal immigration is good and that illegal immigration is bad. So, legalize all immigration.
America has nothing to fear, and much to gain, from open borders.
Government will then have no need to define or interpret rules about asylum, economic hardship, family reunification, family separation, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and so on. When all immigration is legal, these issues are irrelevant.
The question of fairness about who enters first — those who waited in line or those who entered illegally — disappears. Amnesty for existing illegal immigrants also becomes a non-issue. Or an open borders policy could require anyone who entered illegally to exit the country — for exactly five minutes — and then re-enter legally.
Think about the money we could save and make
Expenditure on immigration enforcement would shrink to nothing, because open borders means no walls, fences, screening at airports, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), deportations, detention centers or immigration courts. A 2013 report estimated that immigration enforcement cost more than $18 billion annually, and standard indicators suggest costs have grown further since then…. read the rest here.
BONUS INFO: Bernie Saunders on open borders, here.
Fast Fact: U.S. immigration authorities apprehended or turned back more than 103,000 illegal aliens along the U.S.- Mexico border in March

From CBS News
U.S. immigration authorities apprehended or turned back more than 103,000 migrants — including approximately 53,000 families and nearly 9,000 unaccompanied children — along the U.S.-Mexico border last month, further overwhelming the Trump administration’s efforts to address the unprecedented surge in migrant families from Central America heading north.
Georgia Congressman Barry Loudermilk – (R) says he and many of his colleagues support amnesty and U.S. citizenship for some illegal aliens – does not reply to questions @RepLoudermilk
Maybe voters who live in the Georgia 11th District can get some answers from Congressman Barry Loudermilk. We get silence. Contact info here.

The below email was sent to Georgia Congressman Barry Loudermilk’s Washington D.C. office (Brandon Cockerham press staffer March 13, 2019. It was sent again the next day and I posted a Tweet to the congressman alerting his office to the email.
No response has been received.
My email is below. I have added some links to educate the reader.
March 13, 2019

“Issue: There are currently about 1.8 million on, or eligible for, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in the U.S. Those identified as DACA/DACA eligible were minors when they were brought to the U.S. by their parents. While some of the parents came across the border illegally, some of the parents came legally on visas, but remained after their visas expired. This is a unique problem that current law does not clearly address.
Solution: We must change the law to clearly address the DACA situation, otherwise the courts will ultimately make the decision. We need to consider a system to allow the DACA individuals to apply for renewable contingent nonimmigrant legal (CNS) status, which would allow them to stay in the country, but would not automatically grant them U.S. citizenship.
DACA Fines/Fees
Issue: Although DACA recipients are technically considered to be legally in the country – due to the vagueness of our laws, they should not be given blanket amnesty
Solution: Any program that addresses DACA must require all applicants to pay a fine/fee to apply. And, these fees should go to funding enhanced border security.”
Nearly 20 Percent of Inmates in Federal Prisons Are Criminal Aliens – (Republican-Ruled Georgia House Unwilling to Share Same Information on State Level)

“The illegal immigrant crime rate in this country should be zero.” He added, “Every crime committed by an illegal alien is, by definition, a crime that should have been prevented. It is outrageous that tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year because of the drugs and violence brought over our borders illegally and that taxpayers have been forced, year after year, to pay millions of dollars to incarcerate tens of thousands of illegal aliens.” Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
According to a new report, criminal aliens currently make up nearly 20 percent of the population in the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system — a total of 34,776.
David Olen Cross, a Salem, Ore., crime and immigration researcher, looked at the number of foreign nationals in the U.S. BOP system based on the most recent federal report. As of March 30, 2019, there were 179,761 inmates incarcerated in federal prisons across the U.S. Their countries of origin, according to the report, are:
Mexico 21,668 inmates, 12.1 percent;
Colombia 1,633 inmates, 0.9 percent;
Dominican Republic 1,425 inmates, 0.8 percent;
Cuba 1,169 inmates, 0.7 percent;
Other/unknown countries 8,881 inmates, 4.9 percent;
United States 144,985 inmates, 80.7 percent;
You can read the rest of the story from PJ Media here.
System Successfully Overwhelmed – “We are Witnessing the Real-Time Dissolution of the Immigration System” – DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

With a Republican president in the White House
While the Democrats are pushing another immigration amnesty, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told congress yesterday that the ability of the strongest nation on the planet to protect its own borders is collapsing and that the security system has been successfully overwhelmed.
With little mention of Americans who at one time trusted their government to protect the nation from invasion, in her letter to congress, Neilson expressed her concern for the migrants who are illegally moving from Central America and seeking out Border Patrol agents to happily “turn themselves in” with the knowledge that they will soon be on their way to the interior of the United States.
Americans will soon see these same ‘victims of borders’ being organized by corporate-funded anti-borders groups with angry marches in American cities demanding open borders, U.S. citizenship and the right to vote.

Breibart News has more on the story here . The Washington Examiner reports that Border Patrol is now releasing the illegal aliens directly into the U.S. Even NBC News has taken note that illegal border crossings have hit thirteen-year highs.
Including by the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, pro-borders Americans are being urged to contact the White House to demand and support any and all action necessary to end the incursion.
This writer is on his way to the southern border and will periodically post photos and short insights here on IPG, on Twitter ( @DAKDIS ) and on the Dustin Inman Society Facebook page.
Updated typo: 6:54PM
Fast Fact: Mexican News Daily: “U.S. bound “mother of all migrants’ caravans” is forming up in Honduras, Mexican Interior Secretary says “numbers could go higher than 20,000”

“The interior secretary told reporters that migration and specifically the formation of the huge caravan was a central issue in talks she held yesterday with United States Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen in Miami, Florida.”
Mexican News Daily, here.
The United States now has open borders for illegal aliens who bring a child – Border Patrol releasing illegal crossers directly into U.S.

Border Patrol releasing immigrant families into US instead of transferring to ICE
Washington Examiner
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Border Patrol agents have been quietly releasing immigrant families apprehended at the southern border rather than transferring them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to continue being held in federal custody, a senior Department of Homeland Security official told reporters Tuesday.
Acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border has become so dire that Border Patrol agents are letting families go free into the United States and telling them to show up for asylum hearings in the future instead of putting them in ICE custody for 20 days, the maximum amount of time they can be detained due to a 2015 court ruling.
“CBP [Customs and Border Protection] is doing some of their own release and as the flow continues, we may have to start doing that,” Vitiello said following a speech at the Border Security Expo.
“They are overwhelmed, and we are in a position where we’re not able to help them as fast as we want to,” he said.
Vitiello, who worked for CBP for three decades, said the release an unspecified number of undocumented immigrants into the U.S. is “not really different” than what CBP did in the mid-2000s. Back then, Border Patrol agents were arresting nearly 100,000 people per month and would release some out the back door of stations. Read the entire report here and see the video.