“It looks like Biden’s illegal parolees (formerly known as illegal aliens) numbered nearly 380,000 in the official statistics from October 2021 to September 2022. Many of them are here in GA.”
- Updates below each bill explanation. Crossover Day was March 6.
Dear Georgians, here is a sample of what Republican legislators are doing at the State Capitol.

HB 131 (Kasey Carpenter, R- Dalton) Would change GA law to lower tuition rates in taxpayer-funded colleges for illegal aliens who are recipients of the illegal 2012 Obama ‘DACA’ program. The bill would create a new tier of tuition much lower than out-of-state tuition and would not be available to Americans and legal immigrants who attend public colleges in Georgia from other states. Example: An American from Michigan would pay about $7000.00 more in tuition for full time classes than an illegal alien from Mexico at KSU per semester. The sponsors are calling it “Opportunity Tuition” the illegal alien students are to be known as “Opportunity Students.” Committee Chairman Rep Chuck Martin is pushing hard to pass this one out. Update: March 2, 2023 – 5:45 PM: HB 131 did not make it out of House Higher education committee and is dead for the year.
- Related: Retired INS & Border Patrol agent sent a letter to House Higher Education Committee Chairman,, Rep. Chuck Martin Re: HB 131.

SB 112 (Sen Jason Anavitarte, R – Dallas) “Workforce EXCELeration” creates a new “Adult Education” taxpayer-funded benefit being called the “High School Diplomas for Adult Learners” pilot program that would send applicants aged twenty-one and over to the Technical College System of Georgia for classes that result in a high school diploma. As are most bills ordered up by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, it is aimed at increasing the number of workers in the state. The bill does not exclude illegal aliens. It is a violation of federal law to knowingly hire illegal aliens. It is a violation of longstanding state law to allow illegal aliens access to Adult Education. Note: This bill has passed the GOP-controlled Senate. One GOP senator voted “NO”
- Related: The Georgia Chamber of Commerce “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” page.

HB 313 (Rep Ron Stephens, R- Savannah) “Workforce EXCELeration” again this is a House companion bill to SB 112 above. As I write, the author has not changed the language to exclude illegal aliens. We say again: It is illegal to hire illegal aliens, high school diploma or not. Both bills contain language that refers to waiving existing law (both state and federal) that is counter to the goal of the measures. Update: This bill did not make it out of committee and is dead for the year.

SB 233 (Sen. Greg Dolezal R- Alpharetta) would allow illegal alien “parents” to begin the application process for eligible students to access the proposed “school choice” state benefit.” More in this post: School choice – SB 233: GOP lawmakers ignore warnings on attention to immigration status of ‘parents’ at their political peril, here.
Note: The above is a corrected version of my original and erroneous description of the bill. I regret the error.
Update and related: Sen. Greg Dolezal omits requirement that students in SB 233 be U.S. citizens or green card holders in bill presentation to House Education committee – Video & transcript
A good bill below

HB 136 (Rep Jesse Petrea, R- Savannah) would require the Georgia Dept. of Corrections to post a quarterly, public report informing Georgia taxpayers of the number of “criminal illegals” in the state prison system – along with the crimes they committed and home countries. Through the department’s legislative liaison, the Kemp administration is striving to dilute or stop the bill in committee. Similar legislation died in the Republican controlled House in 2019. Update: March 7, 2023 – this bill did not come out of the House Rules committee and is dead for the year.
Bonus facts on Georgia, Republican Gov Brian Kemp, presiding, Republican Chris Carr, Attorney General:

- Twenty GOP states are challenging Biden’s illegal border parole hustle in a Texas federal court. Georgia is not one of them.
- Nine Republican states have filed in federal court to shut down the illegal DACA program. Georgia is not one of them.
- Twenty-five GOP-led states ask SCOTUS to restore prohibition on encouraging illegal immigration. Georgia is not one of them.
Governor Kemp’s Capitol office phone number is 404-656-1776. We hope you already know how to contact your state legislators.
Silence is consent.
Note: A version of this column ran on the subscription news outlet Insider Advantage GA on Feb. 24, 2023 and is published in the Feb. 27, edition of The Islander newspaper in Glynn County, GA.
D.A. King is proprietor of ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com and president of the Dustin Inman Society @DAKDIS – Twitter