Cue the race-baiting and accusations of “anti-immigrant hate” from the corporate-funded leftists and breathless, inaccurate “news” from the usual suspects in the media. My apologies for the repetition. (Note: the AP news report linked above is the corrected version of the story that was done after our inquiry and complaint to AP writer Jeff Amy).
Call it a proposal for a law that essentially says we should enforce the law. In Rep Jesse Petrea’s HB 1105, for the first time in far too many years – thirteen, by my count – there is legislation pending under the Gold Dome that will serve to reduce the American casualties inflicted by the criminal aliens swarming over Georgia.
Petrea’s bill will create criminal penalties for jailers who have been allowed to defy state law on “sanctuary” policies. Pro-enforcement conservatives hope to see the bill significantly improved, sharpened, and expanded.
Note to Rep Petrea and Republican legislators: The newfound press attention to criminal aliens and the baseless Alinsky-inspired smears coming your way is all a normal, rehearsed, boiler plate drill by the illegal alien lobby. This writer has considerable experience with the non-profit orgs that can be counted on to oppose anyimmigration enforcement. The recommendation from here?: Press on to final passage.
Legislators and sane Georgia voters should consider the source of the unhinged effort to derail the ‘Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act.’
As one example, the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials Inc. was one of the many Marxist concerns that sent lobbyists to the Capitol in a failed attempt to stop the bill in the House committee process. In a recent media release, GALEO’s CEO, the notorious opponent of immigration enforcement, Jerry Gonzalez, used Laken Riley’s brutal murder to advance his solution for what Gov. Kemp referred to in 2018 as “criminal illegals.”

If you wade through the accusations of “anti-immigrant rhetoric,” “white nationalist agenda” and warnings of coming “hate crimes,” Gonzalez uses the tragedy in Athens to promote his group and as a vehicle to push for illegal alien amnesty. Apparently aware that the first two hundred thirty six names in the Hahira phone book likely have about as much knowledge on immigration as many Georgia legislators, Gonzalez tries to convince them that HB 1105 should be abandoned because “…a U.S Court of Appeals struck Georgia’s HB 87, also known as the “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act,” over a decade ago” – which is an intentional lie. The truth is that the court enjoined one of the law’s twenty-three sections. Because GALEO joined with the SPLC, the ACLU, and various other anti-enforcement corporations in a federal lawsuit in an attempt to overturn the law, Gonzalez knows the truth.
The hateful Gonzalez/GALEO media release titled “Rejecting divisive rhetoric…” is a must read for the uninitiated.
In addition to funding from Georgia Power and a list of other Georgia corporations, it should not go unnoted that GALEO Inc. has also been a recipient of a recent grant from the disgraced and discredited champions of smear – the SPLC.
Space does not allow more than a linked beginners guide to some of the other non-profit groups that are lobbying in the state Capitol against HB 1105, but here is a partial education: Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta (“Divest from the Deportation State!”). Georgia Familias Unidas led by Maria Del Rosario Palacios, the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, aka “GLAHR”, the (restricted) Latino Community Fund, the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, and the Georgia Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. – yes, that CAIR.
- Related reading: Abolish ICE! Marxist Georgia group (GLAHR) led by a Mexican citizen screams at passing traffic
GOP lawmakers who may have a difficult time maintaining an aggressive, pro-enforcement approach to HB 1105 in the current storm of abuse by these Biden supporters should take a look at our February poll of Republican Primary voters on illegal immigration in Georgia.
Republican lawmakers must end the “ya’ll come!” practice of creating reward magnets for illegal aliens
It should always be noted that only six states host more illegal aliens than we do here in Georgia. And that there would be far fewer if the Republican-controlled legislature would end the practice of creating a magnet for more to come by passing bills that offer benefits as rewards for moving in. Examples? The Registered Apprenticeship Program, the Dual Enrollment program, and endless Georgia Chamber of Commerce-ordered bills directed at ending the verification of lawful presence for issuing occupational licenses to name a few.
We will examine those anti-enforcement gems and the vote records here soon.
A closing question: Has anybody in the media asked Dalton Republican Rep Kasey Carpenter about his reasoning for voting with the Democrats against HB 1105 last week?
D.A. King is the president of the Dustin Inman Society and proprietor of .
The column above was originally posted on the subscription news and opinion outlet James Magazine Online, March 7, 2024.
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