Update 9:10 AM: I adjusted the headline due to a text from Martha Zoller. Replaced “GOP” with “Republican.”
Ending sanctuary cities, “track and deport” and a criminal alien registry not necessary now?
Transcription and audio, Martha Zoller Show, April 4, 2020 (partial) #BrianKemp
I sometimes am able to listen to my friend Martha Zoller on her radio show (9-11 AM weekdays, WDUN -AM) and have been a guest on her show. Martha was a speaker at one of our White House rallies against amnesty when ‘W’ was president.
Today (Monday, April 4) in an interview with the Speaker of the Georgia House, Martha told her audience and Speaker David Ralston that Gov Kemp has done everything he promised he would do in the 2018 campaign. That is not true.
I tweeted as much with a tag to Martha and she replied on the air. My tweet and what Martha said in response is below. It sounds to me that the essence of Martha’s defense of Kemp is that because so many illegal aliens are coming over the border now as compared to 2018 when Kemp ran for governor the first time, that he doesn’t need to honor his 2018 promises on criminal aliens and the legislation he promised to see passed on those “criminal illegals.” Many obedient Republican voters will accept this as reality.
Georgia is home to more “undocumented workers” than Arizona.
Martha Zoller will be the first one to tell you that she has been a paid staffer for both Gov. Kemp and former Senator David Perdue, who is now one of Kemp’s primary opponents for 2022. For the record, as we have said before, Perdue also ignores illegal immigration in Georgia and does not mention Kemp’s defiant betrayal on his 2018 campaign promises. We call it the “#BigTruckTrick.” Led by the liberal AJC editors, most of the Georgia media ignores it. Likewise most Republican groups, but not in Cobb County.
Martha was also appointed to the state school board by Gov.Kemp.

The Martha Zoller Show – WDUN-AM, Gainesville GA.
Link to audio from the Martha Zoller Show, Monday, April 4, 2022
Transcript below from Rev.com
Part 1 (Ralston interview before bottom of the hour break) audio. Relevant text in bold.
Part 2 audio (after break)
Transcript below from Rev.com
My time: 3 hours. My cost $21.00
Martha Zoller (host): (00:04)
“Now you- when you go out at the end of the day today, whenever that is, um, you- there’s a big task then, uh, after that. There are people running in primaries, there are people that are gonna have, you know, a roughly a month until early voting starts, and then, uh, we’ve got about six or seven weeks until the- ’til the primary. What is the work that needs to be done in order to unite, in our case, you and I are both Republicans, the Republican party. But the Republican party is not the only party with- with some division issues, they’ve got ’em on the Democratic side too. Uh, so what are your thoughts about that going forward?
Speaker Ralston: (00:44)
Well, I- I tell Republicans that, uh, if we’re not united, um, then we might as well be prepared to turn over, uh, state government to the other party. Uh, that would include the Governor’s office as well as one or both of the, uh- uh, legislative chambers. Um- uh, you know, Republicans are, you know, and we are Republicans, you and I, have been for many, many years. Uh, I have been for over 65 years, uh, and, um- uh, but we just have a real, real knack of eating our own and turning on one another, and having these, uh, sort of circular firing squads and… Um, I- I don’t know much about the other party’s divisions, um- um, but- but my sense is, is that they’re not, uh, as deep or as, um, seemingly insurmountable as those we have.
Speaker Ralston: (01:50)
And then the last thing we needed this year was a contested race in a primary against the sitting, uh- uh, Governor, uh, and, um, but, you know, it’s a free country and, uh, we are where we are, so we’ll, uh, tee it up. Uh, we don’t have long to go after today before or, as you say, early voting starts of the primary. It’s not gonna be a, um, a marathon, it’s going to be a sprint, and it’s going to be a very fast sprint.
Martha Zoller (host): (02:24)
—>No, I’m with you on that, completely. We’re gonna- I’m in the process now of laying out these interviews, and I know… And it’s a good thing in many of these races to have opposition, but I’m- I’m with you, um, that we have a Governor that’s done a very good job, that’s done everything he promised he would do and, uh, that’s- the, you know, the primary in that particular race is not helping. But, you know, you and I, I know, will be working hard for our values between now and- and that primary. And the primary is gonna be a ver- May 24th is gonna be a very big day for what people like to call the Trump Republicans versus the establishment Republicans, because Tex- Texas will be having their run-offs, and we will be having our primaries, and it’s gonna tell us a lot about where we are, I think.
Speaker Ralston: (03:12)
Well, you’re exactly right. Um- um, you know, the, um, former President Trump has made the Georgia primary and the… He- he’s made it, this hasn’t been the media, but he has made it, um, the first big test of his, uh, continuing, um, influence over, uh, the Republican party. And if he loses there and he doesn’t do well in Texas, and then it looks like, uh, he’s not going to do well in, um, Alabama. Uh, he’s pulled off of his un- endorsed opponent, or the endorsed, uh, candidate there, a fair chance, uh, or better that he doesn’t do well in North Carolina, then I think people, uh, will start saying, um, you know, maybe, uh- um, maybe the dew’s worn off the rose now.
Martha Zoller (host): (04:06)
Well Speaker Ralston, I know you’ve got a very long day ahead of you, and we appreciate you giving us a few minutes of your time today.
Speaker Ralston: (04:13)
Thank you very much, Martha. It’s always good to be with you and, uh, I hope you get some rest after the session and, um, and- and- and- and I’d- I’d love to come back on, but not until after I get some rest.
Martha Zoller (host): (04:25)
That’s right, you got it.
Speaker Ralston: (04:26)
Martha Zoller (host): (04:26)
I will have you on again soon. Thank you very much, sir.
Martha Zoller (host): (04:29)
We’re gonna take a break right now, and when we come back we’re gonna talk with you, find out what you think. What are you looking for in this, what we call, sine die. We’ll be back.
End of interview with Speaker Ralston, show goes to commercial break.
Return from 9:30 AM break:
Announcer 1: (00:00)
5:50 and FM 102.9 WDUN. (singing)
Martha Zoller (host): (00:09)
That increase in groceries every single week, uh, almost $300 a month. That is absolutely crushing. That is essentially a tax on every American. In addition, energy costs.
Martha Zoller (host): (00:20)
It is the Martha Zoller show. And, uh, you know, what is it that you guys are looking for as you look at this last day of session, are there still bills that you’re looking for? (770) 535-2911, because what’s really interesting about any of this is that, uh, you know, what’s really interesting about any of this is that they could actually gavel out right now. They pass the budget, that’s all they have to do. Um, and you know, I, I think it’s one of those things that people need to be aware of. Um, I think it’s important. So I got this tweet in from D.A. King and I don’t don’t really us- I usually don’t, um, uh, you know, read tweets on the air, but I think because he called me out directly, I will, he says, “Martha Zoller just told listeners and speaker Ralston that governor Kemp has done a very good job of keeping all of his 2018 campaign promises.”
Martha Zoller (host): (01:18)
Um, and, and he put in here, um, uh, some comments from governor Kemp related to immigration policy as governor, conservative businessman, Brian Kemp create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update the Georgia law to streamline deportation from our jails and prisons. Uh, Donald Trump was right, we must in sanctuary cities and he goes on and talks about some other things.
Martha Zoller (host): (01:43)
Where I would disagree with D.A. about his, his, you know, belief. And he’s entitled to that belief, uh, that, uh, governor Kemp has not kept promises on immigration is that the immigration issue has changed as this session, as this governor’s term has gone on. So what is necessary is different than what he promised in 2018. He has been working with the Tex- with Texas, with putting National Guard on the border to try to help stem the tide of people coming across the border because in my view, the biggest problem is not the things that were mentioned here in this promise that was made in 2018.
Martha Zoller (host): (02:24)
And this is just my opinion. This is not governor Kemp’s opinion. Although I’ve asked governor Kemp this question when he’s been on the program and he will be on again tomorrow, and I will be talking to him about this, but there are these issues that, um, have changed. And you have seen that the governor has responded to immigration issues as they relate to sex trafficking and human trafficking and people that are coming across the border. No, it is not exactly what he promised in 2018. But if, if the situation changes and the people coming across the border have changed, then you’ve got to adapt to that.
Martha Zoller (host): (03:01)
Now, D.A.’s gonna disagree with me, and that’s perfectly fine. Okay. But I think sometimes you have to amend what you promised and it doesn’t mean that you didn’t keep your promise. It meant that you saw that you needed something different than what he had originally promised. And he did something different, but D.A. can disagree with me because, hey, we’ve been friends for 25 years talking about this issue and we don’t agree on every single thing. You can join us on the phones at (770) 535-2911. Let’s talk to Chad…”