A Kemp-Perdue primary? Why Georgia Republicans are sabotaging own 2022 election chance
Former President Donald Trump’s vendetta against Georgia’s governor could lead to 2022 primary challenge from former U.S. Sen. David Perdue, dooming GOP hopes of winning the governorship again

This is a column by Opinion Editor Adam Van Brimmer.
Georgia Republicans set a new standard for self-destructive political behavior in the 2020 election and runoffs.
The saboteurs seem intent on further undermining their party in 2022.
Word is that David Perdue is the rube meant to challenge election scapegoat Brian Kemp in the 2022 Republican gubernatorial primary. This is the same David Perdue who, just 10 months ago, lost to a little known political newcomer, Jon Ossoff, in a U.S. Senate runoff.
Somewhere, Stacey Abrams’ interior designer is finalizing redecorating plans for the Georgia governor’s mansion.
How Joe Biden turned Georgia purple:A closer look at the 2020 campaign in a battleground state
Georgia’s once-vaunted Republican political machine is seizing up like a turbo-charged engine without oil. Former President Donald Trump’s “rigged election” nonsense disenfranchised tens of thousands of GOP voters ahead of the January runoffs. The cost was two Senate seats and majority control of the chamber.
Read the rest here.
Read my first reply here.
The reply from Mr.Van Brimmer: “Thanks for the submission. Please cut to 250 words and resubmit for consideration as a letter. Please know that because you live outside our coverage area I cannot guarantee publication as local readers get preference.”
Me, in an email reply: “How many words for guest column?”
Mr. Van Brimmer, Nov 12: “Good morning. I do not solicit guest columns. We print community voices op-eds, but as you do not reside in our community, that’s not appropriate. Again. please trim your piece to 250 words or less and submit as a letter to the editor for consideration.”
My second (edited into an LTE reply (Nov 12 subject line “250 on the nose and I put my money line in as headline. Thanks for your consideration.”)
“Kemp seems to be taking a Joe Biden position on illegal immigration in Georgia.
Thousands of resentful pro-enforcement independent voters have memories that go all the way back to 2018. Kemp ran largely on illegal immigration.
We will not vote for Kemp again because of his defiant refusal to even mention his campaign promise on illegal immigration and what he termed “criminal illegals” – the politically protected “undocumented workers” who are murdering, raping, kidnapping and molesting innocent Georgians.
Candidate Kemp promised to create a registry of illegal aliens who have committed additional crimes and to see state legislation passed to address sanctuary cities. He told us he has a “big truck” in case he has to deport criminal illegals himself. But since then – and while he makes well-publicized trips to Texas – Kemp has remained as silent as thirty pieces of silver on the issue as applied to Georgia.
Georgians are being murdered, raped, kidnapped and molested by illegal aliens while the liberal media sits on these stories. Despite a 2006 state law in place (OCGA 42-4-14) requiring all jailers to check immigration status of incoming prisoners and to report illegal aliens to ICE, we watch here as at least two metro Atlanta-area sheriffs boast that they will not comply and other jailers are in silent violation.
We won’t vote for Kemp because of the betrayal factor and because we see Georgia inching ever closer to becoming the California of the East – “Georgiafornia.” We would welcome the introduction of a proven pro-enforcement, genuine conservative Republican candidate for Georgia governor – Trump or no Trump.
D.A. King
King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration.
Another email response from Mr. Van Brimmer “OK but … headlines need to fit in two decks in the narrow column. Usually 4-6 words depending on how long the words are.”
My reply:” Up to you. Thanks. How about “Kemp defiant on 2018 campaign pledge.”
Me again in separate email minutes later (in drive-thru at bank) “Maybe you’ll have room to insert money line into letter body….” I then sent him two memes we use to quote candidate Kemp on “criminal illegals”
Mr. Van Brimmer replies:
“Mr. King. You are testing my patience. Let me make one thing very clear – you submit a letter that fits the guidelines, and if you want a special headline, you submit that headline that fits the guidelines. If you are not comfortable with that, you can always publish your response yourself on social media. As you are out of market and according to our circ department are not a subscriber, the only reason I will publish your piece is because it is a direct response to something we published and we value alternative views on local (state in this case) issues.