Episode 1
“Georgia’s next decade of economic growth depends on implementing creative, bold and untraditional workforce solutions now.”
Rep Chuck Martin, Chairman
*Updated July 7, 2022 1:08 pm.
Media coverage here.
Workforce Development Meeting Notice-1
- House Higher Education Committee here.
Today was the first meeting and intended to establish goals. There will be at least three more meetings with two of them outside the Capitol. To get a notice of future meetings, please send an email to the legislative office of committee Chairman Chuck Martin.
- Georgia Chamber of Commerce statement on the subcommittee.
- Rep Kasey Carpenter is a committee member.
- Transcript link on the bottom.
Reminder: The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is pushing hard to pass legislation to dismantle existing state law so as to give illegal aliens living in Georgia the much lower instate tuition rate in taxpayer-funded colleges — while Americans and legal immigrants who live in other states are required to pay the higher out-of-state rate. Read about that here.
For the academic year 2019-2020, the average tuition & fees for Colleges in Georgia was $4,721 for in-state and $16,879 for out-of-state, according to collegetuitioncompare.com.
You will need to know and understand who and what David Raynor is and be aware of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce Global Talent Initiative.

And you need to know that as a Chamber lobbyist in 2011, *Raynor lobbied against the private employer E-Verify component contained in HB 87 (The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011) . I watched gleefully as he fell into a trap set by the House Judiciary (non civil) Committee Chairman Rich Golich when he answered a question from Golich about the reliability of E-Verify. I had provided official USCIS facts and data on E-Verify weeks before a Feb, 8, 2011 hearing on the bill and educated all of the Republican committee members on false opposition “facts” long before the hearing in which Raynor came up with a whopper about E-Verify having an error rate from “50% all the way up to in excess of 80.” I almost fell out of my chair from stifling my laugh.
I sadly lament the near total absence of pro-enforcement legislators in the Georgia Capitol today.
David Raynor testimony to House Judiciary non civil, Feb 8, 2011 Re; HB87 & E-Verify.
The liberal AJC “PolitiFact” hustlers gave Raynor a “half-true,” which was as false as Raynor’s ridiculous 2011 false testimony. See here for a view of the AJC today.
Related: Mark Krikorian at NRO noted the Chamber’s 2011 lies in an NRO post at the time. All concerned should expect similar coverage of Martin’s subcommittee this summer.
The Chamber of Commerce and the Farm Bureau were drawn out and forced to testify in open committee against enforcement, which is apparently something new. King reports that the Chamber lobbyist told the House Judiciary committee that the error rate of E-Verify was “50 percent all the way up to 80 percent” — which is hard to describe as anything other than a lie. Meanwhile, the lobbyist (it was Bryan Tolar) for the Georgia Agribusiness Council complained in committee that the (numerically unlimited) H-2A farmworker program was just too darn expensive: “The H2A is very good if you can afford it…the H2A visa is a Cadillac system — and not everyone can afford a Cadillac.” (At least they’ve admitted that it’s just about cheap labor.)
The entire 2011 NRO post is quite educational.
- Georgia’s E-Verify laws are not enforced. We challenge anyone to point to a single sanction for violation.
Why does this House subcommittee exist? Because this Chamber-instigated committee failed to produce the needed goop to pass these two bills and we discovered and exposed this Senate Resolution in time to stop it. So now in the “anything-for-a-buck” world of “Mo’ Money” politics in the Republican/Chamber-ruled state legislature the effort to dismantle existing laws designed to discourage illegal immigration must start over.
We note that Georgia is being over-populated while Gov Kemp endlessly screams he is “creating more jobs” while the cry in the legislature is “we need more workers and must eliminate “barriers to employment.'”
- Archived video of the (virtual only) June 6, 2022 meeting. Note: The video does not begin until about 18:35 on the counter located on the bottom of the screen.
- Transcript here from Rev.com)
- More info pasted here for my own notes
- Meanwhile, the Georgia Center for Opportunity has joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation and Louisiana’s Pelican Institute for Public Policy to create the *Alliance for Opportunity.
*Updated with clarification edit on David Raynor’s opposition to E-Verify component in HB 87 and addition of video of his 2011 testimony.