The ‘Ramos Plan’: The U.S. should limit immigration to 2 million a year
A topic worthy of discussion
Posted 12:00 PM.
Finally! Jorge Ramos has come out for immigration restriction in a recent New York Times opinion piece (The Perpetual Crisis at the Border — and What We Can Do About It ). The Univision star has gone public on an annual, numerical limit to “authorized immigrants.”
“…the United States should start accepting between one and a half and two million authorized immigrants every year” wrote Ramos in his April 2, 2021 Times OPED.
The high end of the ‘Ramos Plan’ essentially doubles the current annual flow.
“Today, all along the U.S.-Mexico border, the aspirations of new immigrants are colliding with a country reluctant to revamp its way of welcoming and absorbing newcomers. The struggle is real, but we know how it has to end, with more legal immigration. As they say in Mexico, “No hay de otra” — There is no other way.”
Let’s save Ramos’ past demands for total amnesty for “the 11 million” victims of borders for later.

And for now let’s set aside his 2014 idea presented to Time magazine that we open the borders in North America to the free flow of people to match the flow of goods and services. But let’s not forget it.
“The taboo issue of an open border should be tackled. Not now. Politically it is impossible even to discuss that,” he said. “But I don’t see why we can’t have in North America the same immigration system that they have within the European Union” Ramos told Time then.
All concerned in the immigration debate should recognize that the latest ‘Ramos Plan’ of numerically restricting immigration to two million souls a year must come with an enforcement mechanism. It will need procedure that would create full control of our borders and enforced visa departures. A system that would prevent “authorized immigrant” number two million from scratching his head wondering why unauthorized immigrant number one and his family are marching in the streets of America demanding amnesty ten years from implementation of the ‘Ramos Plan.’
We cannot honor the immigrants who obey the law unless we enforce that law – so, the ‘Ramos Plan’ should be considered.
I know and like Jorge Ramos. We have had on-air discussions on immigration and amnesty in the past. I enjoyed it very much. So did he. I am happy to see that Jorge has apparently come around to a more sensible outlook on the issue. I would enjoy the opportunity to discuss the ‘Ramos Plan’ further on his Univision show again.

What about it, Jorge? Besides, I still want a rematch on the Univision ping-pong table. And some guidance on voter integrity using the Mexican system would be a great help for me to pass on to Georgia state legislators. They don’t seem to listen to me on that one.