Transcript by Rev.com from Senate video.
Begin bill presentation in Senate Higher Education committee, March 16, 2023:
Sen. Kim Jackson (D- bill sponsor)
Uh, and we were working off of Senate bill 264, which is LC500510.
Senate Higher Ed committee Chairman, Sen. Billy Hickman
You’re totally good.
Sen Jackson:
All right, thank you. And I- I want to begin by thanking the chairman for allowing us to have this hearing. This is, um, such an important conversation for us to begin. And so, um, as you can see from the sign that was there, uh, many people who are very much interested and invested in this issue. Um, so very briefly, what this bill does is that it allows people who are resettled here in Georgia via a special immigration status, so what we’re talking about specifically are people who served, um, and helped our military in Afghanistan. Um, people who have been, um, clearly on our side when it’s come to those wars.
They’ve come here with special immigrant status and this bill would allow them to receive in-state tuition, uh, upon being resettled here. I think it’s important to note that none of those folks that have come here have come from another state. They don’t have another state where they could get in-state tuition, right? Oftentimes, this is what we’re thinking about. We’re like, “Oh, we don’t want somebody who lives in South Carolina, say, um, where they could get in-state South Carolina tuition, we don’t want them coming to Georgia and getting our in-state tuition.”
For people who come here who are resettled by our federal government, folks who have been our friends, who have gone through extreme amounts of trauma and yet still been dedicated to, uh, this country, people who are resettled here, this is their home state. This is in-state for them. And so, this bill would allow those who have a Humanitarian Parole status, a special immigrant status, to be able to continue their education and to do that in a way that’s affordable by receiving in-state tuition. If, with that, there are a lot of people who signed up. And so I- I’m happy to yield as much time, um, to them, if that would be helpful, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Hickman:
Can I ask a, ask a quick question?
Sen. Jackson
Oh, please.
Chairman Hickman:
Um, uh, s- I think, um, maybe Senator Payne and I had a conversation about Dalton, Georgia, and, you know, the Hispanic population, adult and- and- and so forth, and the parents of refugees, but children… I guess the children are also refugees in the school system out there. And [inaudible 00:02:27] when they graduate from the school system, they don’t qualify for in-state tuition. Is- is that a part of all this?
Sen Jackson:
So actually, that’s a separate bill, um, so, and- and one certainly that I hope many of us will support in the future. Um, so, ch- the children that you’re referring to, um, often have DACA status. So, um, they are children who- who came with parents of their own- no- no accord of their own, right? These children are… these young adults, these are, these are young adults or- or children, they’re coming here, um, with legal status from day one.
Um, they, on day one, uh, not only did they come here with legal status on day one, they were picked out, right, from Afghanistan, from the countries that they were, um, and recognized and acknowledged as having either assisted the US military a- as interpreters or, um, being people who are extreme in danger of being harmed because of their, um, support to the US military. So these folks arrived on day one with legal status in our state as a special immigrant, um, whereas the folks that you’re talking about don’t have legal status.
Chairman Hickman
Ok..[inaudible 00:03:35].
Sen. Jackson:
So this bill would be very clear, very specific, um, to folks with legal status to be here in the state, and this is their home.
Chairman Hickman:
Senator Payne?
Senator Chuck Payne:
Yes. Uh, this, would this apply to, um, my question is, ’cause I- I’m in the military, I- I remember we had a gentleman that was actually, uh, from Nicaragua, and he was serving in, next to us in the first 504th Second Airborne Division. And you know, was s- and I come to realize since then that we have a lot of noncitizens that are serving in our military. And so, would this… For those who are living here, this would allow them, if they were living in Georgia and states [inaudible 00:04:21] and for, that- that would bene- that would help those to access-
Sen. Jackson
I- I’m gonna bring my specialist here. I- I don’t think that’s accurate. I have a different bill, um, f- to allow those folks to become peace officers in our state. But, um, this is Darlene Lynch. She really is my expert who can answer that question definitively.
Senator Payne:
Okay, thank you.
Chairman Hickman,
So again, tell us who you are and-
Darlene Lynch – (Coalition of refugee Services (CRSA):
Chairman Hickman:
… then who you represent.
Darlene Lynch:
I’m Darlene Lynch, and I’m a lawyer here in Georgia, and I represent the Business and Immigration for Georgia Partnership. It’s a partnership of, um, refugee and immigrant serving agencies in the business community, um, and so to answer your question, uh, as- as Senator Jackson said, it’s not possible to become eligible after you’re here. You have to be admitted to the United States as a special immigrant visa holder. So a- an interpreter from, um-
Senator Payne:
Oh…[inaudible 00:05:15].
Darlene Lynch:
… Nicaragua would not have that, w- would- would not have that ability. They’d have to be from Afghanistan or Iraq. However, if they were a Humanitarian Parolee, um, approved before coming to Georgia, yes. They- they’d be-
Senator Payne:
Okay. So this is specifically for those in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Darlene Lynch:
And for others who have Humanitarian Parolee, other special immigrant status.
Senator Payne:
Okay. Okay.
Darlene Lynch:
But it’s not something you can-
Senator Payne:
The reason I identified that, because this was [inaudible 00:05:42] Nicaragua was our [inaudible 00:05:44] (laughs).
Darlene Lynch:
[inaudible 00:05:46].
Senator Payne:
And that is always one of those questions that… He- he fled Nicaragua in a very t- tough time and- and joined the military to serve our country.
Darlene Lynch:
Chairman Hickman:
Senator Moore.
Senator Colton Moore:
Uh, thank you, Mr. Chairman. So I’m just trying to understand what a special immigration status is.
Sen. Jackson:
Senator Moore:
And, um, if I, if I read it off the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Homeland Security website, it says, “Special immigrant is a noncitizen who qualifies for a green card after meeting certain criteria. So, it doesn’t say anything about assisting the US or the state of Georgia, for that matter.
Sen Moore:
Do you want to [inaudible 00:06:27]?
Darlene Lynch:
So the… We’re… this bill addresses three categories of people: refugees, I think most folks are familiar with the US refugee program that dates back from the Vietnam War, and the Un- and Georgia’s program dates back four decades. Special immigrant visa holders are… There’s three programs that the US government have set up. The oldest program, they’re all referenced in the bill, would apply to interpreters from Iraq and from, um, Afghanistan who served as interpreters and translators for certain periods of time and applied for an SIV and then came here.
The more recent programs, there’s another one for Iraqis, and the most recent one for Afghans, who had supported or acted in a trusted role with the US government. They have to get approved by the- the head of mission, um, and then they apply for an SIV, uh, uh, permit. They wait many, many years, up to three years now, to get that. And then they come. So, all three of those SIV programs are for people who supported the US military or the US mission in those countries. And then the last program is for Humanitarian Parolees.
Sen Jackson:
And just to hopefully alleviate some of your concerns, we do spell out the exact code section in the federal law. If you look in lines, uh, 19, starting line 18 through 22. So we’re not, um, we’re not talking about just special immigrants, but we do specify the exact, um, types of special immigrants that, um, Ms. Lynch just a- Attorney Council Lynch just referred to.
Senator Moore:
Okay. Yeah, I’ll certainly have to go read those. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Hickman:
Okay. Senator Burns?
Senator Burns:
Um, thank you, Mr. Chairman. And- and, uh, thank you to the author and to those who support the legislation. I certainly support the concept. Uh, I think, um, it’s a, it’s worthy for us to acknowledge the service of those who’ve helped our country. A few quick questions. Are other states offering similar benefits? Could you, could you, uh, could you share that and kind of give me an idea of what other states might have chosen to do?
Sen Jackson:
Yes. So, uh, there are other states. Tennessee, um, specifically, uh, Council Lynch might be able to add some more. Um, so, some of this is about clarifying the law. If you, if you look there, um, there is a sentence, um, I’ll see if I can refer to the line, where the Board of Regents is given some opportunity to determine. So if you look at, um, I think line, uh, it started on line 12. 12 through 14, um, the Board of Regents has some leeway already written into the law, and so in other states like Tennessee, um, they’ve actually chosen to interpret, um, that those who come as Humanitarian Parolees, who come with these SIVs, that they’re, that they qualify.
They didn’t necessarily… They then interpreted that and decided to have that kind of generous read already. So I know that’s one example, if, uh, Councilor Lynch can offer more.
Darlene Lynch:
Right. And so, different states are doing it different ways, but right now, there are 10 states who passed similar legislations. And some of them include Colorado, V- Virginia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Vermont, both Democrat, Republican states, and now there are five pending, including in Utah as the most recent one. Um, similar legislation to this bill.
Senator Burns:
And thank you. Uh, another followup, Mr.- Mr. Chairman? Uh, how many students do you feel would be a part of this qualifying group?
Sen Jackson:
Yeah, thank you so much for that question, and- and that’s something we’re trying to kind of get a han- handle on. And we’re not, we’re not 100% sure. But we believe it’ll be somewhere in the hundreds. So two, three-
Senator Burns:
You said we’re talking hundreds, not thousands, probably?
Sen Jackson:
We’re not talking, we’re not talking thousands at all. We’re talking somewhere in the hundreds.
Senator Burns:
All right. And then one more. I apologize, Mr. Chairman. But, uh, have you had these discussions with USG and TCSG?
Sen Jackson:
Absolutely. And those s-
Senator Burns:
And are- are they… I- I would… Their response, how do they feel about it?
Sen Jackson:
We- we’re continuing in those conversations.
Senator Burns:
[inaudible 00:10:26].
Sen jackson:
So those discussions have been ongoing. Um, this legislation, I think the fact that we’re having this conversation, this is a bipartisan piece of legislation that many of you, um, on the majority side have signed on. Um, I think will help us in that conversation.
Senator Burns:
Yeah, yeah, it w- it would impact their tuition, but, uh, I recognize that, uh, um, the- they just need to be a part of the conversation. That’s all I ask.
Sen Jackson:
And- and they are. They absolutely are. Would you like to answer that?
Darlene Lynch:
No, [inaudible 00:10:51].
Sen Jackson:
Senator Burns:
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Hickman:
Okay. Why- why don’t we bring the company speakers so that they would… Let them have about a minute and a half each.
Sen Jackson:
Chairman Hickman:
And so I’ll- I’ll let you choose.
Sen Jackson:
Um, do you have the list?
Chairman Hickman:
I do.
Sen Jackson:
Actually, I’ve got another list. Do you wanna pick?
Darlene Lynch:
Um, sure.
Sen Jackson:
Which, who’s gonna speak? I think if we have Yonas come first?
Darlene Lynch:
Yes. [inaudible 00:11:13].
Sen Jackson:
Yeah, did you want to testify? (laughs).
Darlene Lynch:
[inaudible 00:11:14].
Sen Jackson:
Well, we’ll begin with Darlene, and then we’ll have Yonas speak.
Darlene Lynch:
[inaudible 00:11:18].
Sen Jackson:
Where do you want them to testify from, Mr. Chairman?
Chairman Hickman:
Sen Jackson:
Where- where would you like… Do you want them to do it from here?
Chairman Hickman:
Oh, sure, right there. Yeah. Go ahead.
Sen Jackson:
Yeah? Yeah. Okay. I’ll switch with you (laughs).
Darlene Lynch:
Um, thank you all, and, uh, for the opportunity to share our support for this bill. Um, and thank you for the sponsors of this bill on this committee. Again, my name’s Darlene Lynch, chair of the Business and Immigration for Georgia Partnership. I want to, um, start by saying this bill arose out of months of work on the House side of a bipartisan study committee on how to maximize Georgia’s global talent. And what we recognized is that one in 10 Georgians is foreign born today. One-tenth of our population. Um, one-seventh of our workforce is foreign born. And yet we have so much talent that we have yet to tape.
And so the Global Talent Study Committee, um, looked at what are the barriers? How can remove the, we remove those barriers? And the number one recommendation was to address the barriers to admission to Georgia public colleges. That was the number one recommendation for really strengthening our workforce. Um, and every member of that committee, both Republicans and Democrats, sponsored the- the bill, the version of the, of the bill you have before you today in the House last year. And that was HB932.
So today, we continue the work, and we have a companion bipartisan bill in the House as well. And that bill is sponsored by Sen- uh, Representative Holcomb and Hitchens, both US veterans. Um, so there’s a lot of support for this bill, um, we’ve been doing a lot of education around this bill. And as I said, it’s part of a national effort to recognize the support that people from other countries have given to our country overseas. I just wanna, uh, clarify a little bit about Georgia’s history, uh, in this, uh, regard. Georgia has a-
Chairman Hickman:
30 seconds.
Darlene Lynch:
Okay. Proud history dating back four decades of welcoming refugees. Um, they’re vetted, screened, and approved by the US, and then resettled with the state of Georgia’s help. We have a state refugee program. And so we resettle a few thousand people every year, including many children and youth who had their education, um, disrupted. The bill makes a very small change, um, as we said, um, to ensure that they are treated as in-state students as soon as they are resettled here, because they have no other state, uh, to go. I’ll end by saying this bill addresses several challenges at once.
Chairman Hickman:
Yes, ma’am. Thank you. That- that’s it. I’m sorry.
Darlene Lynch:
[inaudible 00:13:58]. Okay (laughs). Thank you.
Chairman Hickman:
Sorry. Um, we are short on time…[inaudible 00:14:05]…
Sen Jackson:
Yeah. Um, Yonas, if you could [inaudible 00:14:05].
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate that. Give us your name and what you do.
Yonas Abraha:
Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Senator Kim-
Chairman Hickman:
Yonas Abraha – Coalition of Refugee Services (CRSA):
… and Senators, thank you. My name is Yonas Abraha. I am the co-chair for CRSA, which is the Coalition of Refugee, uh, Resettlement, uh, Service Agencies. So CRSA helps the refugee when they arrive here, and the coalition has about 23, uh, different organizations. And before that, if you allow me, I was just sitting here thinking if this would be an opportunity where I come from, I would not have been refugee. So thank you for that. Because most of us end up refugees, leaving our school, our family, everything behind, because of this opportunity democracy offers. So for that, thank you.
So, um, our organization, our coalition supports this bill. The reason we support this bill is as soon as, um, some of the a- agencies receive, they welcome the refugees when they arrive here at the Atlanta Airport. That’s the first airport that they come. Once they come to the airport, the first thing they ask is if they left their school, uh, “I wanna continue my education. I wanna continue my education,” because by doing that is the way for them to give back to the country that has given them opportunity.
And for us to tell them, “Hey, you c- you can’t, you can’t afford it because y- you are considered out of state,” it’s very difficult to explain that, because this is the only state that they have. And a lot of them, they have, s- especially like the Afghanis and now the U- the Ukrainians, they have left s- like, they have certification that they need in order to continue with their career. So for all that reasons, we say this is a fair bill. This is a necessary bill that we needed, because Georgia is one of the best state. I came as a refugee. I’m a [inaudible 00:16:04] refugee.
I came here, went to Cross Hill High School. I went to West Georgia. I went under my undergrad. I like it so much there, I got my master’s from West Georgia. I was even thinking about becoming a professional student, which was not possible, but I like [inaudible 00:16:18]. So, for that, most of Georgians, you know, they help us. For me, for those from my school, for my teachers, all those things I would not have gotten. So we, as the coalition, we are asking for this bill as soon as possible, if it’s possible. Thank you.
Chairman Hickman:
Yes, sir. Thank you. Senator Jackson, one- one more person.
Sen Jackson:
[inaudible 00:16:38]. Just one?
Chairman Hickman:
Yeah. We- we’re running out of time.
Sen Jackson:
[inaudible 00:16:45].
Chairman Hickman:
It’s a great- great presentation. We appreciate them.
Sen Jackson:
[inaudible 00:16:48] fixed here.
Chairman Hickman:
You need to listen up then.
Hassene Alacuzi:
So, thank you.
Chairman Hickman:
Yes, ma’am.
Hassene Alacuzi:
It’s honor to be here and talk about the positive [inaudible 00:17:03]-
Chairman Hickman:
You need to a little louder [inaudible 00:17:03].
Hassene Alacuzi:
… on this bill. I’m Hassene Alacuzi one of the new [inaudible 00:17:08] Afghan refugee in Georgia. I’ve been here for one year and my family relocated here after the Taliban take over the country. Most of my family members are here and we are all excited and motivated to track our career back here. And also we are excited that what the youth provide for us, especially for me as a woman from Afghanistan. Before the Taliban seized in Afghanistan, the number of children out of the school were 3.7. When the Taliban seized in Afghanistan, the Taliban banned women from education.
So the number moved to 6.2 million peoples or children. Today, Afghanistan is the only country that forbidden half of its population from education, which are girls and women. So, the new [inaudible 00:17:59] Afghan and the USA are the only hope of my country. I’m optimistic that one day they leave the country, they break the chain of human right violation, and this inequality of mine, in my country. However, beginning a new life in USA is not easy. We face many challenges.
Since coming to USA or to Georgia, I have been looking for opportunities to obtain my master’s degree in public health in Georgia, and also to support my family financially at the same time. But I couldn’t make this in Georgia. So I didn’t give up. And I lo- I have been, I began looking for opportunities in other state. Uh, happily I made it, and now I’m awarded the prestigious, uh, scholarship of Peter Salama with the School of Johns Hopkins, uh, School of Public Health. And, uh, so, I’m leaving Georgia, but I’m optimistic one day I can be productive to the economy of this country.
Chairman Hickman:
[inaudible 00:19:05].
Hassene Alacuzi:
My second homeland [inaudible 00:19:07].
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you, ma’am. Great. Thank you. Thank you so very much for being here. Um, [inaudible 00:19:12]-
Senator Burns:
Just a, just a quick- quick question, please. First, uh, thank you, thank you for coming and thank you for sharing. Um, where did you, uh, what is your undergraduate work in?
Hassene Alacuzi:
So I did my under-… Ah, yes. I did my undergrad in [inaudible 00:19:23] B- Bachelor of Public Health.
Senator Burns:
Very good.
Hassene Alacuzi:
And then I start working with Minister of Public Health of Afghanistan and then I continue my career with UNICEF or United National Children Emergency Fund as a nutrition officer. And I work with the, uh, Nutrition Emergency and Development program for around five years.
Senator Burns:
Thank you. And- and- and currently, are you employed? Do you have the opportunity to work?
Hassene Alacuzi:
Yes. I’m working as an interpreter with the Department of Public Health of Georgia.
Senator Burns:
Hassene Alacuzi:
With the d-… Yes, thank you so much.
Senator Burns:
Thank you.
Hassene Alacuzi:
Yeah. With the DeKalb County Board of Health Refugee Program.
Senator Burns:
Thank you very much. I appreciate you.
Speaker 2:
Senator Burns:
Thanks for being here.
Hassene Alacuzi:
Thank you. Thank you for the [inaudible 00:20:03].
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you, Senator Burns, for the question. Let’s do one more.
Sen Jackson:
May I have one moment?
Chairman Hickman:
One more please.
Sen Jackson:
Uh, one more speaker or may I close?
Chairman Hickman:
One more, no, one more speaker.
Sen Jackson:
Yeah, oh, well, great. Um-
Chairman Hickman:
I wish we had more time. This is very interesting. But we don’t.
Sen Jackson:
No, that’s- that’s okay. Um, [inaudible 00:20:18].
Speaker 9 (*?):
[inaudible 00:20:18].
Sen Jackson:
David? Um, if David Garcia from GALEO?
Chairman Jackson:
Tell us your name and tell us your, where you come from and tell us what you’re doing now.
David Garcia:
Uh, uh, sure. Thank you for having me. I’m David Garcia. I work for an organization named GALEO Impact Fund. And we advocate for the Latino/Hispanic community throughout Georgia. I’m also a first generation US citizen, uh, Georgia resident, college graduate, and military veteran. Um, I graduated from Marietta High School and joined the Marine Corps shortly after. I served as a US embassy guard in Peru, China, and Serbia, and I also worked as a contractor for the US Department of State in Mexico, Bosnia, and Iraq.
And throughout my time in service, I had the privilege of working closely alongside many host country nationals who- who were vital to- to advancing US entrance worldwide. Uh, during my time in Iraq, I routinely worked with many young Iraqis who had committed most of their lives to supporting our efforts there, and their support, warmth, and commitment to our mission was vital to- to our success. And the same can be said for the thousands of Afghan citizens who’ve supported our efforts out there as well. Um, I currently live in Decatur, Georgia, which is very close to Clarkston, where I volunteer with many refugee serving agencies, including Clarkston Community Center, Refugee Coffee, Friends of, Friends of Refugees, and Clarkston United Methodist Church.
I’ve met many refugees and special immigrant visa holders in Clarkston who served alongside US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. And according to the US t- according to the Atlanta History Center, uh, more than 1,500 Afghans have resettled in Georgia over the past two years. Uh, to me this bill is about supporting a group of- of people undergoing major life transitions and- and I can relate to many of the challenges that they face. Um, adjusting, uh, to life after living abroad was very difficult. Um, my first year back in the US after- after serving abroad was- was very challenging, and- and having structure is key in- in transitioning successfully.
Higher education and the opportunities that come with being a student on a college campus can- can help immensely in easing one’s transition, and I think that making higher education more accessible for a group of people who have supported our country and our foreign policies is the least that we can do. And I ask for your support in this bill.
Chairman Hickman:
Timing was just right. Thank you.
David Garcia:
Thank you.
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you for your service, sir. Appreciate it.
David Garcia:
Thank you.
Chairman Hickman:
Yes, sir. Um, we have, um, oh. Senator Hufstetler?
Senator Hufstetler:
Uh, I can do this later, but I guess I wanna make one point. Obviously it’s finance, y’all working incentives and trying to get people, trying to make the state better. The biggest problem we have in the state right now is workers. The limiting factor on our economy in Georgia is workers. And, um, these people are here legally. So I’ll stop there.
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you. Senator Oorock?
Sen Oorock:
Thank you. Uh, uh, I certainly was gonna lo- start with, um, Mr. Chairman, with the- the- the point of our workforce shortage. But number two, we’ve heard from the chancellor of our great university system about the decline in enrollment, and- and the need he states urgently in our budget hearing. So the need to step up, uh, uh, enrollment figures in our university system. And so we certainly have the slots there, uh, uh, and I think the case has been strongly made, uh, [inaudible 00:23:40] for, uh, moving ahead with this initiative. And let’s catch up with Tennessee.
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you. Uh, I think… I think Senator Williams has a statement.
Speaker 13:
No, I’m just [inaudible 00:23:57].
Chairman Hickman:
Y- you had a previous, uh, what? What number are you? Uh, what number is it?
Speaker 13:
[inaudible 00:24:02].
Chairman Hickman:
S- Senator Jackson. Thank you so much. I wish I- I could listen to this for a long time. I appreciate- appreciate your passion and I know the committee appreciates your passion on this. And thank y’all for being here. You know, we, um, let- let- let’s- let’s move it forward. And not next week, but next session, okay?
Sen Jackson:
May I make one closing statement?
Chairman Hickman:
Yes, ma’am.
Sen Jackson:
Uh, so I do wanna thank you so much for having this hearing. I wanna acknowledge that there’s a family that’s come, um, here that’s from Ukraine, um, they came to witness our democracy-
Chairman Hickman:
Oh, wow, cool.
Sen Jackson:
… to be a part of this conversation. Uh, and so, um, I- I understand we’re on a time limit. But I- I wanted to at least acknowledge their presence and, um, and I do hope that we can continue this conversation.
Chairman Hickman:
We will.
Sen Jackson:
Thank you so much.
Chairman Hickman:
Thank you. Thank y’all very much…….
End of bill intro