The liberal AJC has apparently moved to be even more obvious in its agenda to blur the line between legal and illegal aliens. In the past, they would use terms like “undocumented” and “unauthorized” to describe illegal aliens if it became necessary to separate legal from illegal. Apparently there is a new policy from Andrew Morse et al.
In a recent story about the unsavory poultry bosses hiring black market labor to process chickens and a worker being injured on the job in that occupation the story contains no mention of the immigration status of object of main character/victim/hero of the story.
“Georgia man got hurt at his poultry job – then dismissed.” Sub headline “For immigrant poultry workers, gaining access to the workers’ compensation system can be littered with obstacles.”
To detect and demonstrate any stealth editing, I did a screenshot of the entire report.
- Bonus read: “The ultimate goal of any White House policy ought to be a North American economic and political alliance similar in scope and ambition to the European Union”