The below open records request was sent Oct. 4, 2020 to Janet Hyde at Carroll County government.
Ms. Hyde,
Please send me a copy of the Contractor’s Affidavit currently used (as of today’s date) by Carroll County as required by OCGA 13-10-91.
Please send me the same for the Subcontractor Affidavit and the Sub-subcontractor affidavit.
Thank you,
D.A. King
Reminder sent Oct. 21, 2022:
Ms. Hyde,
I have not received any response to the open records request I sent on Oct. 4, 2022. I assume this is an oversight at your office.
Please send me the copies requested using the documents in place as of the Oct. 4? I there are/were no documents that fit my description and date, please reply with that message?
Thank you,
D.A. King
Response received October 21, 2022, along with an attachment that contained the two documents pasted below.
On Oct 21, 2022, at 12:24 PM, Janet Hyde <jhyde@carrollcount> wrote:This was indeed an oversight. I was out of the office the remainder of that week and overlooked it when I returned to the office. The documents you requested are attached to this email. You may also copy Taffeny Johnson, our office manager, at tjohnson@carrollcountyga. com for future open records requests.Sincerely,Janet Hyde, County PlannerCarroll County Community Development423 College Street
Carrollton, GA 30117(770)830-5861 Ext 2051<image001.jpg>NOTE: Zoning and variance cases are not guaranteed. A development discussion is not an assurance of issuance of a building permit, business license (OTC), or assurance of possible zoning change. The plan review process requires review and acceptance by multiple reviewers before approval._________Follow up email from my office (I pasted in relevant text from OCGA 13-10-91 for clarity, not pasted here) – the response and copies of documents I received was not related to OCGA 13-10-91:Ms. Hyde,
Please forgive me for a follow up email, but I want to be clear about my request. I am asking for the affidavit in use on Oct 4, 2022 by Carroll County as required by OCGA 13-10-91. I have emphasized the relevant language in the law below. Please let me know if your response is intended to fit my request – I want to exclude any possibility of misunderstanding or error on my part.Thank you,D.A. King________Documents sent in response to my request: