looking for a better life • news and pro-enforcement opinion
“Why do so many reporters cite the SPLC blacklist as if it were some kind of neutral Consumer Reports guide to what’s intolerable in cultural advocacy?”
“No organization with a 30-year track record of unsavory public and private behavior, and facing current charges of racism and sexism from dozens of former and current employees, could still be considered a reputable news source, much less fit to evaluate the moral character of others, right? Apparently not.”
Worth your time: Ira Melhman at FAIR writes on the hucksters at the hate mongering SPLC at the Daily Caller.
It is virtually impossible for any journalist not to be aware of allegations made about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Charges of institutional racism, sexual harassment of employees, malicious labeling of political opponents as “hate groups,” and unscrupulous fundraising practices date back more than 30 years.
Reports of the SPLC’s scurrilous private and public behavior have been reported by dozens of reputable journalists and published by news and opinion outlets as diverse as The Washington Post, The Nation, Harper’s, Politico, and many others. Just over the last few weeks, Twitter announced it was dropping the noxious SPLC as one if its “safety partners,” as it seeks to combat “hateful conduct and harassment” on its platform.