Joins a growing group of sheriffs nationwide expressing support for action on illegal border crossings

Longtime Cobb County, Georgia Sheriff Neil Warren has made public a letter to President Trump expressing his support for a border wall.
“As one of more than 3,000 sheriffs across this nation, I am painfully aware of the continuing loss of the innocent American lives and the escalating numbers of overdoses and drug-related deaths caused by members of Congress refusing to fund border security initiatives,” Warren wrote in his Monday letter. “The intentional indifference of those who are more interested in their personal political agenda than our public safety needs undermines law enforcement’s ability to fulfill our promise to keep our citizens, communities and nation safe” goes Warren’s letter, in part.
Sheriff Warren has served in his position since 2004 and was the first sheriff in Georgia to take advantage of the federal 287(g) program that expands the local law enforcement’s authority to help enforce immigration law.
Regarded as a hero to pro-enforcement Americans, Warren has been attacked by the corporate-funded anti-borders groups in the state for more than a decade. Estimates are that Georgia taxpayers spend approximately $2.5 billion annually on illegal immigration.
According to the left-leaning Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders and more than the border state of Arizona. Cobb County is ranked number three in county populations of illegal aliens in the state.
Warren’s complete letter can be read here.
Warren joins more than thirty other sheriffs nationwide who have penned similar letters of support for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.