“Thank you, uh, Chairman. Uh, just as real quick question, just trying to understand the software industry and the coding industry. Uh, do you feel like companies have, have set this bar of only looking for senior level, making sure that junior level have all this work experience, but yet they outsource the lower level stuff maybe out of the country, and there’s no pipeline to back fill all that, and there’s gonna be a huge issue moving forward? And obviously, there already is, ’cause you read online all the time that we don’t have enough software folks, we’re having to import folks in. And, and to me that appears to be what the issue is, right? Is that we’ve not done a, a good job filling that pipeline, uh, ’cause we, we’ve decided as a country to look outside the country first and then we dry the pipeline up. Is that a fair assessment?”
Video here.
Contact Rep Carpenter (R- Dalton) here.