Illegal aliens welcomed as long as they present ID – “I see the logo of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly on the bottom of the flyer sent out.”
*UPDATED after taking time to further check out the Forsyth County Republican Party website, it looks like the staffer I spoke to was Alba – not “Alda” (with a “b” – not a “d” as I typed). I see Alba Henson is the Assistant Secretary on the ‘About’ page. Sorry for the spelling error. I asked her to spell it and apparently did not get it right.
The Forsyth County (GA) Republican Party is offering no-cost conversational English classes twice a week for the next eight weeks. What a great idea! Not many of us can argue that more people living and working in Georgia and the U.S.A, should have working grasp of the English language.
Considering the estimate from the anti-enforcement Georgia Budget and Policy Institute that Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than green card holders and that DHS says we host more illegal aliens than Arizona, I did have some curiosity about a county GOP group possibly spending money to educate illegal aliens. Here we note that I am not aware of any law against that concept, as they are presumably a private corporation.
I called the number on the flyer this morning, identified myself and had a very pleasant conversation – mostly questions and answers – with a nice lady named “*Alda.” Alda informed me that “this is the Forsyth Republican Party” and that yes, “undocumented immigrant” (my word choice) attendees are welcomed. “We only ask they bring ID” I was told. “We want to know who is in our classes…” I was also told that even if the potential students in the free classes did “not have U.S.-issued ID, they can bring foreign identification.” “Many people have Mexican ID…,” Alda offered. I see the logo of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly on the bottom of the flyer sent out.
I asked if it was OK to present the Mexican matricula consular as acceptable proof of identity. That idea was warmly welcomed with hearty approval and a “yes” answer.

Here is congressional old-America testimony from the FBI on the Mexican matricula consular. It’s worth a careful read.
It is a violation of Georgia law (OCGA 50-36-2) for official agencies that administer public benefits to accept it as “secure and verifiable” ID.
Here I post a link to photos of my own (now long expired) matricula consular IDs.
I liked Alda and have no doubt she is a sincere person trying to improve her community.
Why is a Republican group in Georgia offering to pay for classes for illegal aliens? What’s next?