RE: OCGA 50-36-1
Buzz Brockway lobbies for changes in occupational licensing, House version of SB 45, 2021/2022 session.
As passed the senate bill here. Note line 49. We pushed hard for that addition. The fifty-seven page House version (that did not pass and did not see a vote) was changed into an unrecognizable dumping ground, wish list for the dismantling of the verification system in place to keep illegal aliens out of the occupational licensing process. That complete rewrite was done in the House Regulated Industries committee chaired by Rep Alan Powell.
Brockway is not what a lot of kindly but naive people think he is. Alan Powell does not enjoy that confusion.
Our goal for the last nineteen years has been to make Georgia as difficult and inhospitable for illegal immigration as possible.
That is not Brockway’s mission. Or Powell’s.
Anything for a buck.
Start the video at 4:55