Center for Immigration Studies podcasts
Evidence of how unserious we are about controlling immigration
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Washington, D.C. (June 24, 2021) – The nation’s two largest cash assistance programs for low income workers redistribute taxpayer funds from legal workers to illegal immigrants. This week, Dr. Steven Camarota, the Center’s director of research, and Mark Krikorian, the Center’s executive director and host of Parsing Immigration Policy, discuss the Billions of dollars spent to who have no income tax liability and the impact the policies allowing this has on immigration law. Sending cash payments to illegal immigrants through the tax system shows just how unserious the government is about controlling immigration.
In his Concluding Commentary, Mark Krikorian highlighted the anachronistic nature of our immigration system, as “an artifact of post-World War II, early Cold-War politics”, that was incorporated into U.S. law in 1980 in the Refugee Act. He concludes that, in the 21st century, “it’s long past time to reassess the way we do refugee resettlement”, beginning with a withdrawal from the United Nations refugee treaty to permit
Bonus information you will not see in “the news.”

Estimating Illegal Immigrant Receipt of Cash Payments from the EITC and ACTC
Are Illegal Aliens Receiving COVID-19 Relief Checks? Yes
World Refugee Day Should Inspire Us to Reflect on a More Effective Refugee System, One That Fits the Twenty-First Century