The below is from the Martha Zoller radio show, Nov. 15, 2023. Martha was commenting on the statements from candidate Nikki Haley. See below and here.
Apparently Haley was merely re-hashing the RAISE Act?
Transcript by Rev.com. My cost: $20.00 and about 2 hours of my time.
Audio below
Niki Haley, candidate for president:
When it comes to legal immigration, it’s a broken system. It shouldn’t take someone 10 years to become a citizen (note from D.A. : It doesn’t). So…
But what we need to do is reform it. So for too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on a quota. We’ll take X number this year, we’ll take X number next year, the debate is on the number. It’s the wrong way to look at it. We need to do it based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say, “What do you need that you don’t have?” So think agriculture, think tourism, think tech. We want the talent that’s going to make us better, then you bring people in that can fill those needs.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
Um, that was Niki Haley talking to some folks in a diner in Iowa about legal immigration. There’ve been some people that have um pushed back on what she said. But what she’s talking about is really the RAISE Act, that yes, we have a very, very serious illegal immigration problem that could be fixed with the border being secure, with doing some things related to stay in Mexico. I mean, honestly, we’d have a lot easier time securing the Mexican border than we do have our own border. We could get some help from Mexico doing it, but there’s a lot of things we could talk about related to illegal immigration and we do. Okay? Because we have way too many people that have come in over the last three and a half, thirty years and especially in the last three and a half years. And then we have uh, a lot of people that we don’t know how they got in.
But what Niki Haley is talking about in this clip is legal immigration, okay? We need to shift from what is just an overall number of visas, at 1.1 million, that you apply for to that are some visa programs that are more merit-based, meaning that you have to meet some criteria. So in the RAISE act, which I supported, um it was things like being able to speak English. That wasn’t the only thing, there was a whole list of things. Where the more items, more boxes you could check the more likely you were going to be, to be able to get a um, a visa, okay?
You ought to have an ability to make legal, H-1B visa holders, they’re tech people, H-1B visa holders that have been living here for a number of years. They have children that have been born here, they are legal immigrants. They are not illegal immigrants. They are legal immigrants. They are waiting for a green card. We’ve got to speed up that process. That is not anti-American. That is pro-American. These are people that are following the law, okay, and want to come into this country and have the proper documents to come into this country. These should be separate from the what, two and half million a year that have been coming in, two million a year that we know of that have been coming in at the border since Joe Biden has been President. And the 1.1 million that legally immigrant. It’s a separate situation.
Lets go to the phones now and talk to Alan in Dahlonega. Hey Allan, how you doing?
I’m good. You?
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
I’m fantastic. Thank you.
All right. Appreciate it. Um, I tuned just a little bit ago so you might have already talked about this, but um, uh I heard um, about uh what Niki Haley had to say uh, on the news about social media?
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
And uh, I was thinking um, hopefully um everybody’s not getting all their news from social media. Maybe she’s uh, maybe they’re getting too much from TikTok or maybe she is. I don’t, I don’t know what’s going on here but uh, you know, I liked her most of the time but uh just things like that I thinks like infringing on uh, uh first amendment um-
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
Yeah. I do think, I think that you know, I think what she said was to be clear, she said she wanted the, she was going to ask the social media companies to um turn over their algorithms and she was going to say that every person had to use their actual name on their handles. I do think that oversteps. I agree with you on that. I, I, I do think that the government needs to work with social media companies about um, about, you know, what their algorithms are and what they’re doing. I think there ought, they ought to work with it because they’re functioning off of like 1990s law. And you know technology’s come a long way since the 1990s.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
I mean it’s kind of like it took forever to change the telephone laws because they were like 1906 rate or something like that. So we’ve got to look at that. And I personally, I do not respond to anyone that does not use what looks like a real name or has their real name in their um a, a, uh, has their real name in their description because to me, it’s kind of like, remember the old days of letters and stamps, right? So I, we used to get mail-
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
… here at the station of people that liked you or didn’t like you,
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
… and basically the rule of thumb was if they didn’t have a return address on the envelope it went into the circular file. If they wanted, you know, if, if you’re not willing to put your name on your complaint that you’re going to mail to me, then I’m not going to take the time to read it. (laughs) So, that’s kind of what the way I am about social media. If you don’t use a real name, I don’t really read it.
Well and then like I said, the other thing is maybe people ought to consider uh, I don’t know how else we can do it, but electronically the newspapers or something or some other way besides just you know so many of these s-, especially millennials like that get their all they’re news from social media.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
It does. And yeah I have a daughter. My youngest child’s 31. My kids are 31 to 41. And so my youngest child’s like, “Mom. I’m getting all this stuff in my feed that I didn’t sign up for. I didn’t ask for it.” And it’s all news-related. And uh you’re right. You’ve got to go somewhere else. I think it’s no different than Wikipedia, okay? It’s not a bad place to start. You might find something you want to learn more about. But you need to go to other sources to learn about it.
All right. I appreciate it.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
Thanks Alan.
That’s it.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
Appreciate, appreciate your call very much. And you know I do think, I don’t know Logan, I want to chi-, I’m always making Logan chime in these days because I think it’s important to get a person his age point of view. I don’t know if you heard the clip that Niki Haley said but basically she said, first we’re going to get, I want to see their algorithms. Second, I want them to require that that people are verified to be real people, not bots, okay? I think the second one might be a little easier to do, that you can verify that it’s a real person. But the first thing, I mean, that’s kind of proprietary to a company. I don’t know if the government can ask for that. I do think there needs to be an update of laws related to social media because they are running on 1990s laws.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
But I don’t, you know and I don’t, I don’t know if a President can actually control that.
I’m not sure if they can and, and I’m not sure about the, you know, you have to have your real name on social media. And I can see why she might have said that, but also it kind of restricts your freedom that those apps give you. Uh because you know you can have various different Twitter handles and what not, and just kind of restricts it. But I get where she’s coming from but I think, like you mentioned, she kind of overstepped her boundaries there.
Martha Zoller GOP radio show host:
Absolutely. And you know what? People I know social media’s fun because you can say whatever you want and nobody knows who you are, but eventually you’re going to know who you are and you need to think about what you say. It’s the Martha Zoller show. We’ll be back….