Rep Stephen Sainz (R – St. Mary’s) has introduced HB 18 to reform Georgia’s Dual Enrollment program. It is now in the House Higher Education committee. The corporate-funded illegal alien lobby has already organized and started their campaign to kill the bill.
They have taken the position that ending the current arrangement in which Georgia taxpayers are paying 100% of the tuition, books and fees for illegal aliens still in high school to take collegial classes is somehow “anti-immigrant.” They hope you remain silent.
Pro-enforcement voices are needed now to see Rep Sainz’ bill be approved by the Higher Education committee and then go to the House Rules committee – then for a vote by the entire House. Pam: Small pic of Rep Martin here
Conservative, pro-enforcement voters can help with a simple “please pass out HB 18” phone call to the office of Rep. Chuck Martin, the chairman of the Higher Ed committee.
- Rep Martin’s Capitol office phone number is 404-656-5146.
A short, polite call telling the staffer who answers that you are watching HB 18 and expect the Republican-controlled committee to advance the bill will serve to start the process.
Feel free to mention some of the bullet points in the image above.
If you take two minutes to call, you will be helping to exclude the illegals which will make space for thousands of Americans and legally present students to reap the benefits of the Dual Enrollment program.
And I’ll come to your house and wash your car.