Washington Times
Stephen Dinan
June 9, 2022
“They even tote their luggage. Mr. Lankford said the Border Patrol has had to put a weight limit on how much migrants can carry with them as they’re picked up in buses and shipped to stations where they’ll go through the catch-and-release process.
Two years ago in February 2020, when the Trump administration was in control and the pandemic had yet to hit, the Border Patrol’s Yuma sector recorded just 1,002 illegal immigrant apprehensions. In 2021, just as Mr. Biden took over, it soared to 5,128. And by this year, agents nabbed 20,860 illegal immigrants in February.”
‘Glam migration:’ The illegal immigrant wore Versace
Lawmaker recalls fashion choice amid border disorder
A U.S. senator was stunned during his recent border trip when he saw an illegal immigrant who’d just jumped the boundary in a Versace dress.
Sen. James Lankford, fresh off a Memorial Day trip to the border in Yuma, Arizona, reported back to colleagues this week on the piles of wall-building materials he saw rusting in the elements, just a mile down the road from a gap in the border wall where migrants could pour through with ease.
The Oklahoma Republican said illegal crossers will step over the boundary and wait for Border Patrol agents to come pick them up, figuring — usually correctly — that they’ll be processed and quickly released into the U.S. to go on to their destinations.
“When I got to the processing area, one of the Border Patrol agents walked up to me and said, ‘You see the lady behind you?’ And I turned around and said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘She’s wearing a Versace dress,’” Mr. Lankford recounted on the Senate floor… read the rest here at the Washington Times