Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board – A parody of a Kangaroo Court
Third-world-style “justice” on the road to Georgiafornia

In a real court, both sides of a complaint are heard, evidence is allowed to be introduced, judges do not serve illegally beyond their term and the object is to enforce the law. None of this is true in the parody of a Kangaroo Court that is Georgia’s Immigration Enforcement Review Board.
The IERB was created by the establishment it was supposedly designed to oversee and serves its real purpose of insuring there isn’t an excessive amount of compliance with several Georgia state laws aimed at the crime of illegal immigration. Dear Georgia conservatives: You’ve been had by the Republicans. Again.
We have written several times about the IERB here and here are but two examples. This space will be be filled-in gradually as we get time on the most IERB recent scandals that Governor Deal has ignored and participated in and what the politically appointed IERB bosses have been allowed to get away with. Stay tuned, much more to come.